This collection welcomes previously-published articles authored by Kennesaw State University affiliates, whether they are faculty or staff.
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Browse submitted scholarly and creative works from Kennesaw State University faculty and staff below.
Submissions from 2004
The Problem of Common Method Variance in IS Research, Amy B. Woszczynski and Michael E. Whitman
Submissions from 2003
A Simultaneous Equations Analysis of Analysts’ Forecast Bias, Analyst Following, and Institutional Ownership, Lucy F. Ackert and George Athanassakos
Emotion and Financial Markets, Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church, and Richard Deaves
Occupational Licensing of a Credence Good: The Regulation of Midwifery, A. Frank Adams III, Robert B. Ekelund Jr., and John D. Jackson
The Domains of Undergraduate International Business and International Management Courses in Accredited Schools of Business, Janet S. Adams and Rajaram Veliyath
The Literacy Action Plan: A Blueprint for Literacy Success, Linda B. Akanbi
Why Classification for HIV/AIDS Prevention Interventions?, Timothy A. Akers and William G. Hervey
Commentary on the Special Issue: The Emergence of a Field, Joseph H. Astrachan
Commentary on: The Transacting Cognitions of Non-Family Employees in the Family Businesses Setting, Joseph H. Astrachan and Andrew D. Keyt
Family Businesses' Contribution to the U.S. Economy: A Closer Look, Joseph H. Astrachan and Melissa Carey Shanker
Factors in the Appeal of News, Charles F. Aust
"Homelessness Is Not a Choice!" The Plight of Homeless Women With Preschool Children Living in Temporary Shelters, Sandra S. Averitt
Commentaries, Daniel J. Bauer, Peter Borkenau, Mary Garner, Scott L. Hershberger, D. S. Moskowitz, Marc A. Fournier, and John Tisak
An Examination of Age, Race, and Sex as Predictors of Success in the First Programming Course, Catherine Beise, Lewis VanBrackle, Martha Myers, and Neela Chevli-Saroq
A 500-Year Epistemological Approach to Teaching About Race and Racism, Jesse Benjamin
Developing an Accelerated BSN Program: The KSU Partnership Model, David N. Bennett, Marie N. Bremner, and Richard K. Sowell
A Partnership Model to Address the Nursing Shortage: The KSU Accelerated BSN Program, David N. Bennett, Marie N. Bremner, and Richard L. Sowell
Silences, Contradictions, and the Urge to Fiction: Reflections on Writing about Mary Davys, Martha F. Bowden
The ISP Forum: Dialogue and Debate, Mark A. Boyer, Susan Summers Raines, and J. Martin Rochester
Demonstrations To Save the World, Tom Brown and Michael J. Dias
Internet Pharmaceutical Sales: Attributes, Concerns, and Future Forecast, Katy Bruckel and Ernest Capozzoli
Multicriterion Clusterwise Regression for Joint Segmentation Settings: An Application to Customer Value, Michael J. Brusco, J. Dennis Cradit, and Armen Tashchian
The Role of the Bar Context and Social Behaviors on Women’s Risk for Aggression, Amy M. Buddie and Kathleen A. Parks
An Empirical Investigation of the Value Index: Linking Perceived Importance to Satisfaction, Russell Calk and Sutham Cheurprakobkit
Auditor Reporting Behavior When GAAS Lack Specificity: The Case of SAS No. 59, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Terry L. Neal
Computer Crime Enforcement in Texas: Funding Training, and Investigating Problems, Sutham Cheurprakobkit and Gloria T. Peña
Ethics Code Familiarity and Usefulness: Views on Idealist and Relativist Managers Under Varying Conditions of Turbulence, Lawrence B. Chonko, Thomas R. Wotruba, and Terry W. Loe
Factors to be Considered in Determining a Corporation's Commercial Domicile, A. Bruce Clements
Software Development Productivity and Cycle Time Reduction, Victor A. Clincy
Beyond Pay for Performance: A Panel Study of the Determinants of CEO Compensation, James J. Cordeiro and Rajaram Veliyath
A Collaborative Research Effort in Self-Directed Learning, Barry F. Cox, James B. Canipe, Susan Stockdale, Robert C. Donaghy, Dewey L. Forguson, and Ralph G. Brockett
Analysis of Forest Community Structure at the Margaret & Luke Pettit Environmental Preserve, Bartow County, Georgia, Shannon B. Cutler, Eric M. Johnson, Heather D. Sutton, and Paula C. Jackson
The Fall of The House of the Seven Gables and Other Ambiguities of the American Gothic, Laura Dabundo
Debtor-in-Possession Financing and Bankruptcy Resolution: Empirical Evidence, Sandeep Dahiya, Kose John, Manju Puri, and Gabriel G. Ramı́rez
Audit Committee Support for Auditors: The Effects of Materiality Justification and Accounting Precision, F. Todd DeZoort, Dana Hermanson, and Richard W. Houston
Audit Committee Member Support for Proposed Audit Adjustments: A Source Credibility Perspective, F. Todd DeZoort, Dana R. Hermanson, and Richard W. Houston
Using Peplau's Theory to Examine the Psychosocial Factors Associated with HIV-infected Women's Difficulty in Taking Their Medications, Janet Lynn Douglass, Richard Sowell, and Kenneth D. Phillips
A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Delayed Growth Response in the Continuous Culture of Bacteria, Sean F. Ellermeyer, Jerald Hendrix, and Nariman Ghoochan
Gender: Crossing Boundaries, Grace Galliano
Connecting Eid and Langeheine's Latent State-Trait Models With Hidden Markov Models and Rasch, Mary Garner
Object-Oriented Programming: From Problem Solving to JAVA, José M. Garrido
A TPQ Interview: Tim Miller on Autobiographical Storytelling, John S. Gentile
Choking Under Pressure in Competition and Psychological Intervention Approaches, Bernie Goldfine, Jin Wang, and Douglas Callahan
A Three Point Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Fourth Order Differential Equations, John R. Graef, Chuanxi Qian, and Bo Yang
Positive Solutions of a Higher Order Neutral Differential Equation, John R. Graef, Chuanxi Qian, and Bo Yang
Barriers and Bridges for Successful Environmental Technology Transfer, Michael A. Greiner and Richard M. Franza
Christmas, Alabama, 1962., Anthony Grooms
Is Your Audit Committee Watching IT Risks?, Linda M. Hadden and Dana Hermanson
A Rubric for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing Scientific Inquiry in Psychology, Jane S. Halonen, Ted Bosack, Shirley Clay, Maureen McCarthy, Dana S. Dunn, G. William Hill IV, Rob McEntarffer, Chandra Mehrotra, Robbye Nesmith, Kenneth A. Weaver, and Kristin Whitlock
Factors of Parricide: Allowance of the Use of Battered Child Syndrome as a Defense, Jessica L. Hart and Jeffrey L. Helms
The Reverse Jigsaw: A Process of Cooperative Learning and Discussion, Tim Hedeen
Barriers to Help Seeking Among 12th Graders, Jeffrey L. Helms
Basic Concepts of the Microbiology Laboratory, 3rd ed., Jerald Hendrix
COSO: More Relevant Now than Ever, Heather M. Hermanson
The Role of Bargaining Style in Public Company Audits, Heather M. Hermanson, Kurt S. Schulzke, and G. Richard Shell
Homeless Children: Needs and Services, Anne Hicks-Coolick, Patricia Burnside-Eaton, and Ardith Peters
Reviving the Naturalist's Journal, Tom Howick and Joseph M. Dirnberger
3-Indolyl-1-naphthylmethanes: New Cannabimimetic Indoles. Provide Evidence for Aromatic Stacking Interactions with the. CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor, John W. Huffman, Ross Mabon, Ming-Jung Wu, Jianzhong Lu, Richard E. Hart, Dow P. Hurst, Patricia H. Reggio, Jenny L. Wiley, and Billy R. Martin
The Preparation, Characterization, and X-Ray Structural Analysis of Dichlorobis[1-methyl-3-(2-propyl)-2(3H)-imidazolethione]mercury(II), Anna M. Hutchings, Natalia E. McConnell, Roland A. Faucher, Donald VanDerveer, and Daniel J. Williams
A Note on the Sensitivity of the Solution of the Weighted Linear Least Squares Problem, Jun Ji and Yimin Mei
Test Security in the Twenty-First Century, Jeanne J. Johnson and Jeffrey L. Helms
Prospects for LOFAR Observations of the Galactic Center, Namir E. Kassim, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Michael E. Nord, Scott D. Hyman, Crystal L. Brogan, Ted N. LaRosa, and Nebojsa Duric
'Accustomed to the Light': A Philosophy of Teaching, David A. King
Merton's New Novices: The Seven Storey Mountain and Monasticism in a Freshman Seminar, David A. King
How Corporate America Grieves: Responses to September 11 in Public Relations Advertising, Katherine N. Kinnick
Trauma Related Critical Incident Debriefing for Adolescents, Alan B. Kirk and Liddell L. Madden
Market Efficiency and the Women's NBA, Ladd Kochman and Randy Goodwin
Revisiting the Streaking Teams Phenomenom: A Note, Ladd Kochman and Randy Goodwin
The Name Game: Learning the Connectivity between the Concepts, Marina C. Koether
Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Following Exercise-Induced Muscle Injury, Angela B. Lanier
The Galactic Center Nonthermal Filaments: Recent Observations and Theory, Ted La Rosa, Michael E. Nord, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Steven N. Shore, and Namir E. Kassim
An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis, Joseph W. Lewin
Black Hole Attractor Varieties and Complex Multiplication, Monika Lynker, Vipul Periwal, and Rolf Schimmrigk
Complex Multiplication Symmetry of Black Hole Attractors, Monika Lynker, Vipul Periwal, and Rolf Schimmrigk
Liability and Volunteer Organizations: A Survey of the Law, J. Michael Martinez
An Aromatic Microdomain at the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Constitutes an Agonist/Inverse Agonist Binding Region, Denise McAllister, Gulrukh Rizvi, Sharon Anavi-Goffer, Dow P. Hurst, Judy Barnett-Norris, Diane L. Lynch, Patricia H. Reggio, and Mary E. Abood
Transparent Reporting?, John P. McAllister
Feeling Prepared: Preservice and Inservice Teachers' Perceptions of Competency to Teach Language Arts, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, George Hess, Binyao Zheng, and Robin Morrow
Diversity and the Information Technology Workforce: Barriers and Opportunities, Janette W. Moody, Catherine M. Beise, Amy B. Woszczynski, and Martha Myers
Some Free - Some Fee: The Emerging Business Model for e-Content Web Sites, Meg C. Murray and Ravi Narayanaswamy
An IS Capstone Project: The Mywick Property Management System, Martha Myers
Determinants of Physical Activity in Adolescents and Young Adults: The Basis for High School and College Physical Education to Promote Active Lifestyles, Markus V. Nahas, Bernard Goldfine, and Mitchell A. Collins
Determinants of Physical Activity in Adolescents and Young Adults: The Basis for High School and College Physical Education to Promote Active Lifestyles, Markus V. Nahas, Bernie Goldfine, and Mitchell A. Collins
Why Social Workers Should Devise a Seamless Service Delivery System for Clients and Tax-Payers?, Monica Nandan
Is it Tax Competition or Tax Exporting, Luc Noiset
High Resolution, High Sensitivity Imaging of the Galactic Center at 330 MHz, Michael E. Nord, Crystal L. Brogan, Scott D. Hyman, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Namir E. Kassim, Ted N. LaRosa, K. Anantharamaiah, and Nebojsa Duric
Virtual Reality Therapy in Aid of Senior Citizens' Psychological Disorders, Max M. North and Jason Rives
Diversity Research in "Teaching of Psychology": Summary and Recommendations, Carlota Ocampo, Loreto R. Prieto, Valerie Whittlesey, Jane Connor, Julie Janco-Gidley, Sally Mannix, and Karen Sare
Analogies Aren't Perfect: But Darn Useful!, Nita A. Paris
Diversity and NBPTS Certification: Higher Education and State Initiatives, Nita A. Paris, Gail Sherer, and Yiping Wan
Shaw Industries: A History, Randall Patton
Perceptions of Legitimacy and Efficacy in International Environmental Management Standards: The Impact of the Participation Gap, Susan Summers Raines
Pharmacophores for Ligand Recognition and Activation/Inactivation of the Cannabinoid Receptors, Patricia H. Reggio
Distributed Authorship: A Feminist Case-Study Framework for Studying Intellectual Property, Sarah Robbins
Creating a Shared Space for English Education: The History of a Personal and Professional Collaboration, Sarah Robbins and Maribeth Cooper
Intertwining Material and Virtual Work, Daniel Robey, Kathy Stewart Schwaig, and Leigh Jin
Investigating Effects of Tolerance-Intolerance of Ambiguity and the Teaching of Public Relations Writing: A Quasi-Experiment, Lynne M. Sallot and Lisa J. Lyon
From Aardvark to Zebra: A New Millennium Analysis of Theory Development in Public Relations Academic Journals, Lynne M. Sallot, Lisa J. Lyon, Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, and Karyn Ogata Jones
Community-Based Physical Activities for Elementary Students, L. Kristi Sayers, Deborah R. Shapiro, and Gail Webster
Earth Algebra: College Algebra With Applications to Environmental Issues, Christopher Schaufele, Nancy Zumoff, Marlene Sims, and Stan Sims
Aspects of Conformal Field Theory from Calabi-Yau Arithmetic, Rolf Schimmrigk
The Shimura-Taniyama Conjecture and Conformal Field Theory, Rolf Schimmrigk and Sean Underwood
What Teachers Are Saying About Teaching, Scott Schomer and Michael J. Dias
Hospital Marketing and the Internet: The Adoption of an Innovation, C. David Shepherd and Daniel Fell
Mechanisms for the Origin of Turbulence in Non-Star-forming Clouds: The Translucent Cloud MBM 40, Steven N. Shore, Loris Magnani, Ted La Rosa, and Meredith N. McCarthy
Effects of Sex on Raters' Accountability, Ted H. Shore and Armen Tashchian
Selection Criteria For Design Build Projects For Private Owners, Khalid Siddiqi
Guide to New Resources, G. Pritchy Smith, Celina V. Echols, Edwidge Bryant, Loretta Howell, and Ming Fang He
Disclosure of HIV Infection: How Do Women Decide to Tell?, Richard L. Sowell, Brenda F. Seals, Kenneth D. Phillips, and C. H. Julious
Bridging the Gap: A School Based Staff Development Model that Bridges the Gap from Research to Practice, Sue S. Spencer and Kent R. Logan
Re-creating Graduate Teacher Education Classrooms: Multiple Technology Formats and Collaborating Instructors, Lynn Stallings and Karen Koellner-Clark
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up: A Qualitative Study of American and Japanese Children's Occupational Aspirations, Satomi Izumi Taylor, L. Weiping Wang, Anita VanBrackle, and Toshiko Kaneda
Effects of Service Learning on Young, Gifted Adolescents and Their Community, Alice W. Terry
Service Learning: Fostering a Cycle of Caring in Our Gifted Youth, Alice W. Terry and Jann E. Bohnenberger
The Lost Frontier in Entrepreneurship: Aggregation, Saturation and Decimationof the Franchising Channel, Sheb L. true, Lou E. Pelton, and David Strutton
Cultivating Interest and Teaching Soccer Fundamentals to Elementary Students, Jin Wang and Douglas Callahan
Returning Nurses to the Workforce: Developing an Online Refresher Course, Anne White, Vanice W. Roberts, and Jane Brannan
Enemy at the Gate: Threats to Information Security, Michael E. Whitman
The Handbook of Information Systems Research, Michael E. Whitman and Amy B. Woszczynski
The Preparation and Structural Characterization of 1-methylimidazolium and 1,3-dimethylimidazolium Tetrachlorobismuthate(III), Daniel J. Williams, William T. Pennington, Donald VanDerveer, Jeffrey T. Anderton, and Kathleen M. White
Teaching Environmental Chemistry with Wetland Microcosms, Daniel J. Williams, Martha C. Williams, Barbara E. Foster, Jane C. Malone, Erin E. Milner, Andrew L. Tartaglia, Angel Turner-Reed, and Marina Koether
High-Performing Students with Low Critical Thinking Skills, Robert L. Williams and Susan Stockdale
This Movement Won’t Be Buried, Leonard Witt
Developing Instructional Technology Centers for Basic Education in Ghana: A Qualitative Study, Jim M. Wright
Submissions from 2002
Alternative and Conventional Agricultural Paradigms: Evidence From Farming in Southwest Saskatchewan, Sam Abaidoo and Harley Dickinson
The Asset Allocation Decision and Investor Heterogeneity: A Puzzle?, Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan Church, and Basil Englis
Asset Prices and Information Traders’ Abilities: Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets, Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church, and Ping Zhang
Market Behavior in the Presence of Divergent and Imperfect Information: Experimental Evidence from Canada, China, and the United States, Lucy F. Ackert, Bryan K. Church, and Ping Zhang
Occupational Licensing in a 'Competitive' Labor Market: The Case of Cosmetology, A. Frank Adams III, John D. Jackson, and Robert B. Ekelund Jr.
Corporate America's Search for the "Right" Direction: Outlook and Opportunities for Family Firms, A. Frank Adams III, Sheb L. true, and Robert D. Winsor
Money, Credit, and Banking in Colonial and Postcolonial West Africa, Akanmu G. Adebayo
Quality Standards in Children's Programming: An Independent Observation of Industry Claims, Alison Alexander, Keisha Hoerrner, Louise Benjamin, and Seok Kang
A-Hot-Bed of Musicians: Traditional Music in the Upper New River Valley-Whitetop Region, Paula Anderson-Green
A Study of the Utilization of Capacity Constrained Resources in Drum-Buffer-Rope Systems, J. Brian Atwater and Satya S. Chakravorty
Testosterone, Alcohol, and Civil and Rough Conflict Resolution Strategies in Lesbian Couples, Lauren A. Baker, Sharon M. Pearcey, and James M. Dabbs Jr.
Agonist Alkyl Tail Interaction with Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor V6.43/I6.46 Groove Induces a Helix 6 Active Conformatio, Judy Barnett-Norris, Dow P. Hurst, Kurt Buehner, Juan A. Ballesteros, Frank Guarnieri, and Patricia H. Reggio
Conformational Memories and the Endocannabinoid Binding Site at the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor, Judy Barnett-Norris, Dow P. Hurst, Diane L. Lynch, Frank Guarnieri, Alex Makriyannis, and Patricia H. Reggio
School Problems and Learning About Crime and Justice Systems: Principals' Views, Robert A. Bartsch and Sutham Cheurprakobkit
Collaboration between Chemistry and Biology to Introduce Spectroscopy, Electrophoresis, and Molecular Biology as Tools for Biochemistry, Vicky L. H. Bevilacqua, Jennifer L. Powers, Dale L. Vogelien, Ralph J. Rascati, Michelle Hall, Kathleen Diehl, Connie Tran, Swapan S. Jain, and Reem Chabayta
A Survey of Industrial Experiences with CMM and the Teaching of CMM Practices, Erol Biberoglu and Hisham Haddad
Exploring the Role of Representation in Employment Mediation at the USPS, Lisa B. Bingham, Kiwhan Kim, and Susan Summers Raines
Family Business Research: The Evolution of an Academic Field, Barbara Bird, Harold Welsch, Joseph H. Astrachan, and David Pistrui
Community Problem Solving Works for Middle Level Students, Jann E. Bohnenberger and Alice W. Terry
Mrs. Yorick and the Midwife: Roles for Women in the Eighteenth-Century Church of England, Martha F. Bowden
Susanna Wesley's Educational Method, Martha F. Bowden
Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching 2000-2001, William Buskist, Vincent H. Hevern, and G. William Hill IV
Obstacles to International Accounting Standards Convergence, Jane E. Campbell, Heather M. Hermanson, and John P. McAllister
The High Road, Jane E. Campbell, Heather M. Hermanson, and John P. McAllister
Crises and Revolutions in Information Technology: Lessons Learned from Y2K, Alan R. Cannon and Amy B. Woszczynski
Disclosures in Audit Committee Charters and Reports, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Terry L. Neal
Board Characteristics and Audit Fees, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, Terry L. Neal, and Richard A. Riley Jr.
Cost Efficiency: The Second Wave of Accountability, Tak C. Chan and Michael D. Richardson
Community Policing: Training, Definitions, and Implications, Sutham Cheurprakobkit
Technicians' Perceptions About Web-Based Courses: The University of Texas System Experience, Sutham Cheurprakobkit, Douglas F. Hale, and James N. Olson
Modeling the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filaments as Magnetized Wakes, Russell B. Dahlburg, Giorgio Einaudi, Ted N. La Rosa, and Steven N. Shore
Behavioral Evidence for Chemosensory and Thermosensory Pathway Convergence in the Caenorhabditis Elegans Nervous System, Bowman O. Davis Jr., Lewis VanBrackle, and Darren Pittard
Discrete Modeling I, Joseph DeMaio and Virginia Watson
Audit Committee Effectiveness: A Synthesis of the Empirical Audit Committee Literature, F. Todd DeZoort, Dana R. Hermanson, Deborah S. Archambeault, and Scott A. Reed
Audit Committees: How Good Are They?, F. Todd DeZoort, Dana R. Hermanson, and Richard W. Houston
Comparing Abiotic and Biotic Parameters Within a Geologically Diverse Area (Bartow County, GA), Joseph M. Dirnberger, William E. Ensign, Heather Sutton, and Donald McGarey
Effects of Fright Bias on Sampling Efficiency of Stream Fish Assemblages, William E. Ensign, Andrew J. Temple, and Richard J. Neves
Identifying Variables of Entrepreneurship, Privatization, and Competitive Skills in Central Europe: A Survey Design, Elizabeth M. Fitzgerald
An Eigenvector Method for Estimating Item Parameters of the Dichotomous and Polytomous Rasch Models, Mary Garner and George Engelhard Jr.
An iterative method for viscoelastic modeling of prosthetic feet, Mark Geil
Variability among Practitioners in Dynamic Observational Alignment of a Transfemoral Prosthesis, Mark Geil
What Role Does Gender Play in Mediation of Domestic Relations Cases?, Elizabeth Ellen Gordon
At Tarangine, The Flies, Anthony Grooms
Our African Sons, Anthony Grooms
Percival, Anthony Grooms
Talek Town, Anthony Grooms
The Problems of the Unimaginably Rich, Anthony Grooms
Post-Graduate Assessment of CS Students: Experience and Position Paper, Hisham Haddad
Drugs and Substances: Views from a Latino Community, Joanna Hadjicostandi and Sutham Cheurprakobkit
Psychological Aggression in Dating Relationships: Predictive Models for Males and Females, Georgina S. Hammock and Robin O'Hearn
The Muse Drank Hazelnut, Jon Hansen
Winners and Losers as Financial Service Providers Converge: Evidence from the Financial Modernization Act of 1999, Robert Hendershott, Darrell Lee, and James G. Tompkins IV
Who Are We Hiring? Characteristics of Entrants to the Profession, Heather M. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Susan H. Ivancevich
Readings in Diagnosis and Instruction in Literacy, George Hess
Incorporating Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Challenges and Strategies, G. William Hill IV
High-Performance Computer Architecture and Algorithm Simulator, Kenneth E. Hoganson
N-(Piperidin-1-yl)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide (SR141716A) Interaction with LYS 3.28(192) Is Crucial for Its Inverse Agonism at the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor, Dow P. Hurst, Diane L. Lynch, Judy Barnett-Norris, Steven M. Hyatt, Herbert H. Seltzman, Miao Zhong, Zhao-Hui Song, Jingjiang Nie, Deborah Lewis, and Patricia H. Reggio
Medical conditions and nearly lethal suicide attempts., Robin Ikeda, Marcie Kresnow, James Mercy, Kenneth Powell, Thomas Simon, Lloyd Potter, Tonji Durant, and Monica Swahn
Teaching Evaluations and Comments by Preservice Music Educators from Italy and the U.S.A., Christopher M. Johnson, Harry E. Price, and Johannella Tafuri
First Surmise, Greg Johnson
Sticky Kisses, Greg Johnson
Revised Innocent Spouse Rules Offer Greater Tax Relief, Linda M. Johnson and A. Bruce Clements
Educating Our Police: Perceptions of Police Administrators Regarding the Utility of a College Education, Police Academy Training and Preferences in Courses for Officers, C. Wayne Johnston and Sutham Cheurprakobkit
Rural Senior Service Centers: A Study of the Impact on Quality of Life Issues, Alan Kirk and Hunter Downing Alessi
Prevalence of Traumatic Events and PTSD Symptomatology Among a Selected Sample of Undergraduate Students, Alan Kirk and Susan C. Dollar
Football Spreads, Runs and Market Efficiency, Ladd Kochman and Randy Goodwin
Time Diversification: Tool, Fallacy or Both?, Ladd Kochman and Randy Goodwin
Socratic Seminars for Mathematics, Karen Koellner-Clark, Lynn Stallings, and Sue A. Hoover
The Role of Size Exclusion Chromatography-Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in the Treatment Chemistry of Potable Water, Marina C. Koether
Acid–Base Titration: Analysis of Phosphoric Acid Anodizing Solutions. A Problem-Based Learning Approach, Marina C. Koether and Charles R. Munafo
Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Education: Environmental Studies, Marina Koether, Donald McGarey, Mark Patterson, and Daniel J. Williams
''Speculators Attention!'' : Workers and Rental Housing Development in Atlanta, 1880 to 1910, LeeAnn Lands
Current Events and Technology: Video and Audio on the Internet, Matthew Laposata, Tom Howick, and Michael J. Dias
Achieving Collaborative Advantage--An Evolving Paradigm, Harry J. Lasher, Elke M. Leeds, Gary B. Roberts, and Steve Smalt
An Empowerment Model for Social Welfare Consumers: Its Effectiveness and Implications for Welfare Reform, Liddell L. Madden, Anne Hicks-Coolick, and Alan B. Kirk
Measuring ROI: Is It Worth It? Interview by Richard K Thomas, David Marlowe, Daniel Fell, Sheb L. true, and Chuck McLeester
The Carter Administration and the Evolution of American Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy, 1977-1981, J. Michael Martinez
The Leviathan's Choice: Capital Punishment in the Twenty-First Century, J. Michael Martinez, William D. Richardson, and D Brandon Hornsby
A Critical Role for a Tyrosine Residue in the Cannabinoid Receptors for Ligand Recognition, Sean D. McAllister, Qing Tao, Judy Barnett-Norris, Kurt Buehner, Dow P. Hurst, Frank Guarnieri, Patricia H. Reggio, Katharine W. Nowell Harmon, Guy A. Cabral, and Mary E. Abood
Changes in the Heart: The Role of Service, Vicki McLain, Anita VanBrackle, and Anna Marie Fenton
New Labor History: Worker Identity and Experience in Russia, 1840-1918, Michael Melancon and Alice Pate
From Garrison State to Nation-State: Political Power and the Russian Military under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, John P. Moran
A New Mind for Policy Analysis: Toward a Post-Newtonian and Postpositivist Epistemology and Methodology, Göktuğ Morçöl
Municipal Emergency Preparedness: The Local Face of Homeland Security, Barbara L. Neuby
Virtual Reality Therapy: Case Study of Fear of Public Speaking, Max M. North, Curt M. Shoeneman, and James N. Mathis
Remembrance of Things Past: Service Learning Opportunities in U.S. History, Elsa A. Nystrom
Globalization of Financial Markets and the Asian Crisis: Some Lessons for Third World Developing Countries, Jong H. Park
The East Asian Model of Economic Development and Developing Countries, Jong H. Park
The Two Giants of Asia: Trade and Development in China and India, Jong H. Park
Employment Interview Outcomes and Speech Style Effects, Sabrena R. Parton, Susan A. Siltanen, Lawrence A. Hosman, and Jeff Langenderfer
Food Intake and Meal Patterns of Weight-Stable and Weight-Gaining Persons, Sharon M. Pearcey and John M. de Castro
Adolescent Dietary Practices: A Consumer Health Perspective, Jane A. Petrillo and Pamela F. Meyers
Databases to the Web: From Static to Dynamic on the Express, Mary Platt
The Effect of Tax-Based Savings Incentives on the Self-Employed, Laura Power and Mark Rider
China Joins the WTO: How, Why; and What Now?, Penelope B. Prime
Implementing ISO 14001—An International Survey Assessing the Benefits of Certification, Susan Summers Raines
ISO 14001 in the United States: Good News on the Question of Hype versus Hope, Susan Summers Raines and Christian Haumesser
Variations in Ownership Behavior and Propensity to Diversify: A Study of the Indian Corporate Context, Kannan Ramaswamy, Li Mingfang, and Rajaram Veliyath
A Paternity Testing Laboratory Simulation Exercise, Ralph J. Rascati
Canine Paternity Testing: Using Personal Experiences to Teach Science, Ralph J. Rascati
Endocannabinoid Structure–Activity Relationships for Interaction at the Cannabinoid Receptors, Patricia H. Reggio
A Measure of Selling Skill: Scale Development and Validation, Joseph O. Rentz, David C. Shepherd, Armen Tashchian, Pratibha A. Dabholkar, and Robert T. Ladd
Factors Affecting Reproductive Decisions of African American Women Living with HIV, Donna L. Richter, Richard L. Sowell, and Delores M. Pluto
Attitudes Toward Antiretroviral Therapy Among African American Women, Donna L. Richter, Richard Sowell, and Delores M. Pluto
A History of Revenue Forecasts, Mark Rider
"The Future Good and Great of Our Land": Republican Mothers, Female Authors, and Domesticated Literacy in Antebellum New England, Sarah Robbins
Virtual Teaming has Come to Stay--Guidelines and Strategies for Success, Deborah Britt Roebuck and Aubrey Clarence Britt
Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices. Final Report., Christine Salisbury; Virginia Roach; Toni Strieker; Gail McGregor; and Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA
An Empirical Examination of the Concern for Information Privacy Instrument, Kathy Schwaig and A. Segars
The Differential Effect of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty, Size and Structure on Budget System Characteristics in Hotels, Divesh Sharma
The Impact of Acquisitions on Operating Performance: Some Australian Evidence, Divesh Sharma
Accountability Forces in Performance Appraisal: Effects of Self-Appraisal Information, Normative Information, and Task Performance, Ted H. Shore and Armen Tashchian
Activation of the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor May Involve a W6.48/F3.36 Rotamer Toggle Switch, Rajnish Singh, Dow P. Hurst, Judy Barnett-Norris, Frank Guarnieri, and Patricia H. Reggio
Part IV: Guide to New Resources, G. Pritchy Smith, Celina V. Echols, Fran Davis Perkins, Edwidge Bryant, and Loretta Howell
Part V: Guide to New Resources, G. Pritchy Smith, Celina V. Echols, Fran Davis Perkins, Edwidge Bryant, and Loretta Howell
Incidence and Correlates of Physical Violence Among HIV-Infected Women at Risk For Pregnancy in the Southeastern United States, Richard L. Sowell, Kenneth D. Phillips, Brenda Seals, Carolyn Murdaugh, and Charles Rush
Forgive the Moon, Maryanne Stahl
The Electronic Revolution and the Teaching of Literature, Barbara Stevenson
Suffer the Children: An Examination of Psychosocial Issues in Children and Adolescents with Terminal Illness, Judith M. Stillion and Danai Papadatou
HR & OE, Randy Stuart
Factors associated with the medical severity of suicide attempts in youths and young adults., Monica Swahn and Lloyd Potter
Effects of a Culturally Sensitive Breast Self-Examination Intervention, Gloria A. Jones Taylor
Extra-Axial Primary CNS Neoplasms Mimicking Meningiomas, Ay-Ming Wang, Syed Akbar, Helen Wang, William Sanders, Deborah Shuster, Chris Kazmierczak, Samir Noujaim, Adeel Khalid, and Richard Silbergleit
The Information Security Lab Manual, Michael E. Whitman and David M. Shackleford
First-Year Undergraduate Laboratory Experiments with Zeolites, Daniel J. Williams, Benjamin E. Huck, and Angus P. Wilkinson
1-Methyl-3-alkyl-2(3H)imidazolethione Complexes of Metal Halides: A Thematic-Ligand Approach to Involve Undergraduates in Research Projects, Daniel J. Williams, Segmia K. Tata, Marina Koether, Vicky L. H. Bevilacqua, Benjamin E. Huck, and Richard E. Hart
Dichlorobis[1,3-dimethyl-2(3H)-imidazoleselone]zinc(II): A Potential Zinc Selenide Synthon, Daniel J. Williams, Kathleen M. White, Donald VanDerveer, and Angus P. Wilkinson
"Where All Things Sacred and Profane Are Turned into Copy": Flesh, Fact, and Fiction in Joseph Conrad's" The Secret Agent", M. Kellen Williams
Systematics and Biogeography of the Notropis rubellus Species Group (Teleostei: Cyprinidae), Robert M. Wood, Richard L. Mayden, Ron H. Matson, Bernard R. Kuhajda, and Steven R. Layman
Exploring the Theoretical Foundations of Playfulness in Computer Interactions, Amy B. Woszczynski, Philip L. Roth, and Albert H. Segars
Instructional Use of the Internet in China, Robert Zheng, John R. Ouyang, and Feng Rui
Submissions from 2001
The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets, Lucy Ackert and Bryan K. Church
An Experimental Study of Circuit Breakers: The Effects of Mandated Market Closures and Temporary Halts on Market Behavior, Lucy Ackert, Bryan K. Church, and Narayanan Jayaraman
Experimental Market Behavior and Accounting Students’ Knowledge of Permanent Earnings, Lucy Ackert, Bryan K. Church, and Deborah Turner
Visibility, Institutional Preferences, and Agency Considerations, Lucy F. Ackert and George Athanassakos
An Empirical Examination of the Price-Dividend Relation with Dividend Management, Lucy F. Ackert and William C. Hunter
Efficiency in Index Options Markets and Trading in Stock Baskets, Lucy F. Ackert and Yisong S. Tian
Capital Market Theory and Real Estate Valuation: A Case Study in Choosing an 'Appropriate' Discount Rate, A. Frank Adams III, John D. Jackson, and Philip J. Cook
Codes of Ethics as Signals for Ethical Behavior, Janet S. Adams, Armen Tashchian, and Ted H. Shore
West African Regionalism Revisited: Cooperative Management of the Senegal and Gambia Water Resources, Nurudeen Akinyemi
A Simple Cosmology: General Relativity Not Required, Russell Akridge
Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense, Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson
Venture Capitalists and Closely Held IPOs: Lessons for Family-Controlled Firms, Joseph H. Astrachan and Daniel L. McConaughy
Financial Reporting Fraud: Could It Happen to You?, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Top 10 Audit Deficiencies, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
The Research to Practice Projects: Lessons Learned About Changing Teacher Practice, Daniel J. Boudah, Kent R. Logan, and Charles R. Greenwood
Generation Lapse: The Problematic Parenting of Joyce Summers and Rupert Giles, Cynthia Bowers
"True" History and Political Theory: The Problematic Orthodoxy of The Troublesome Raigne of King John, Cynthia Bowers
Mass Spectrometry Forum - High-Vacuum Pumps in Mass Spectrometers, Kenneth L. Busch
Units in Mass Spectrometry, Kenneth L. Busch
Outcomes of Care: The Use of Conceptual Models to "See the Forest and the Trees" in Planning Outcomes Studies, Mary Ann Camann
To Your Health: Implementation of a Wellness Program for Treatment Staff and Persons with Mental Illness, Mary Ann Camann
Older Adults: The Case for Comprehensive Assessment., Mary Ann Camann and Lana Chase
An e-Commerce Systems Integration Framework, Ernest A. Capozzoli and Sheb L. true
An Evaluation of the DBR Control Mechanism in a Job Shop Environment, Satya S. Chakravorty
Police Performance: A Model for Assessing Citizens' Satisfaction and the Importance of Police Attributes, Sutham Cheurprakobit and Robert A. Bartsch
Status of Water Quality and Biological Integrity in Major Watersheds in Bartow County, Georgia, Joseph M. Dirnberger, William E. Ensign, Donald McGarey, and Heather Sutton
Special Abstract Section: National Conference in Sales Management, Sean Dwyer, James A. Eckert, Charles M. Futrell, Jon M. Hawes, Eli Jones, Karen Norman Kennedy, Donald A. McBane, and C. David Shepherd
Persistence Criteria for a Chemostat with Variable Nutrient Input, Sean F. Ellermeyer, Sergei S. Pilyugin, and Ray Redheffer
Integrals of Periodic Functions, Sean F. Ellermeyer and David G. Robinson
Race and Morality: How Good Intentions Undermine Social Justice and Perpetuate Inequality, Melvyn L. Fein
Social Engineering in Context: Some Observations on Turner, Melvyn L. Fein
Hospitals and the Web: A Maturing Relationship, Daniel Fell and C. David Shepherd
The Impact of Relationship Satisfaction on Attributions, Emotions, and Behaviors Following Service Failure, William R. Forrester Jr. and Manfred F. Maute
Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation with Java: A Practical Introduction, José M. Garrido
Energy Loss and Stiffness Properties of Dynamic Elastic Response Prosthetic Feet, Mark Geil
After the Quake, Anthony Grooms
IT Opportunities for Internal Auditors, Linda M. Hadden, Dana R. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Daniel M. Ivancevich
A Recipe for Family Mediation: Workers in the Research Kitchen, Sherrill Hayes
Reporting on Internal Controls, Heather M. Hermanson
The prevention of youth violence. The rationale for and characteristics of four evaluation projects., Robin Ikeda, Thomas Simon, and Monica Swahn
New Federal Innocent Spouse Rules: State Tax Implications, Linda M. Johnson and A. Bruce Clements
Mutual Fund Performance in a Nonsymmetrical World: A Case for the Upside Deviation, Ladd Kochman and Ravija Badarinathi
Do Mutual Funds Understate their Volatility?, Ladd Kochman, Ravija Badarinathi, and Randy Goodwin
They Took the Time... They Started To Care: Stories of African-American Nursing Students in Intercultural Caring Groups, Margaret M. Kosowski, Kathryn M. Grams, Gloria J. Taylor, and Carol B. Wilson
A New System of Parallel Isolated Nonthermal Filaments near the Galactic Center: Evidence for a Local Magnetic Field Gradient, Ted N. La Rosa, Joseph W. Lazio, and Nasir E. Kassim
Family Functioning and Motivation for Childbearing among HIV-Infected Women at Increased Risk for Pregnancy, Barbara C. Latham, Richard L. Sowell, Kenneth D. Phillips, and Carolyn Murdaugh
Conducting Preference Assessments and Reinforcer Testing for Individuals With Profound Multiple Disabilities: Issues and Procedures, Kent R. Logan and David L. Gast
Student Support Teams: Helping Students Succeed in General Education Classrooms or Working to Place Students in Special Education?, Kent R. Logan, Carol D. Hansen, Paul K. Nieminen, and E. Heath Wright
Preferences and Reinforcers for Students With Profound Multiple Disabilities: Can We Identify Them?, Kent R. Logan, Heidi A. Jacobs, David L. Gast, Pamela D. Smith, Jackie Daniel, and JoAnn Rawls
The Research Lead Teacher Model: Helping General Education Teachers Deal with Classroom Behavior Problems, Kent R. Logan and Sue S. Stein
Confederate Symbols in the Contemporary South, J. Michael Martinez, William D. Richardson, and Ron McNinch-Su
An Examination of Music and Nonmusic Majors' Response to Selected Excerpts from Stravinsky's Le Sacre du printemps, Dale Misenhelter and Harry E. Price
Positivist Beliefs among Policy Professionals: An Empirical Investigation, Göktuğ Morçöl
Assessing Coral Stress Responses using Molecular Biomarkers of Gene Transcription, Michael B. Morgan, Dale L. Vogelien, and Terry W. Snell
Asian Indian Immigrants: Segmentation Typology and Brand Concept, S. Nandan and Monica Nandan
Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs and Processes at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Rosemary O'Leary and Susan Summers Raines
SASB Goes Hollywood: Teaching Personality Theories Through Movies, John R. Paddock, Sophia Terranova, and Lance Giles
Effective Parent-Teacher Relationships, Nita A. Paris
Choosing the Right Employee: Chinese vs. US Preferences, Spero C. Peppas, Stephanie R. Peppas, and Ken Jin
Conductor Expressivity and Ensemble Performance: An Exploratory Investigation, Harry E. Price and E. Christian Chang
MENC 2000 National Biennial In-Service Conference: A Content Analysis, Harry E. Price and Evelyn K. Orman
An Exploratory Assessment of Sales Culture Variables: Strategic Implications within the Banking Industry, Rick E. Ridnour, Felicia G. Lassk, and C. David Shepherd
Responding to Code Blue: Workforce in Crisis Community Partnerships Returning Nurses to the Workforce, Vanice W. Roberts
Entry Barriers and New Venture Performance: A Comparison of Universal and Contingency Approaches, Kenneth C. Robinson and Patricia Phillips McDougall
Pathways to Inclusive Practices: Systems Oriented, Policy-Linked, and Research-Based Strategies That Work, Christine Salisbury; Toni Strieker; Virginia Roach; Gail McGregor; Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA; and Erikson Inst. for Advanced Study in Child Development, Chicago IL
Predicting Corporate Failure: When Cash Flow is King, Divesh Sharma
The Association between Non-Audit Services and the Propensity of Going Concern Qualifications: Implications for Audit Independence, Divesh Sharma
The Role of Cash Flow Information for Predicting Corporate Failure: The State of the Literature, Divesh Sharma
Professionalism vs Commercialism: The Effect of Non Audit Services on Audit Independence, Divesh Sharma and J. Sidhu
Correlates of the Impostor Phenomenon among Undergraduate Entrepreneurs, Kevin W. Sightler and Margaret Gravely Wilson
Customizing Instruction to Maximize Functional Outcomes for Students With Profound Multiple Disabilities, Pamela D. Smith, David L. Gast, Kent R. Logan, and Heidi A. Jacobs
The Early Demise of the 'Strong' Sex: Gender-related Causes of Sex Differences in Longevity, Judith M. Stillion and Eugene E. McDowell
Living and Dying in Different Worlds: Gender Differences in Violent Death and Grief, Judith M. Stillion and Susan B. Noviello
Determining Policy Support for Inclusive Schools, Toni Strieker; Christine Salisbury; Virginia Roach; Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices, Alexandria VA; and Erikson Inst. for Advanced Study in Child Development, Chicago IL
Parents' Participation in Cultural Practices with Their Preschoolers, Jonathan Tudge, Sherrill Hayes, Fabienne Doucet, Dolphine Odero, Natasha Kulakova, Peeter Tammeveski, Marika Meltsas, and Soeun Lee
New Evidence On The Structuring Of CEO Incentive Pay Ratios, Rajaram Veliyath and James J. Cordeiro
A Survey of Innovative Technology Processes in Manufacturing, Alexander Wagner, Douglas Edward Turner, and Terry Anthony Byrd
If You Let Them Play, They Will..., Ernest A. White and Connie Sheets
A Study of User Attitudes toward Persistent Cookies, Michael E. Whitman, Jorge Pérez, and Catherine Beise
Information Systems Security and the Need for Policy, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Robert J. Aalberts
Uncertain Litigation Cost and Seller Behavior: Evidence from an Auditing Game, Ping Zhang, Bryan K. Church, and Lucy Ackert
Submissions from 2000
Voluntary Disclosure Under Imperfect Competition: Experimental Evidence, Lucy Ackert, Bryan Church, and Mandira Sankar
Institutional Investors, Analyst Following, and the January Anomaly, Lucy F. Ackert and George Athanassakos
Evidence of the Efficiency of Index Options Markets, Lucy F. Ackert and Yisong S. Tian
Investor Sentiment and Mispricing in Traded Stock Portfolios, Lucy Ackert and Yisong Tian
Arbitrage and Valuation in the Market for Standard and Poor's Depositary Receipts, Lucy Ackert and Yisong S. Tian
Should You Offer a Job to Your External Auditor?, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Preventing Fraudulent Financial Reporting, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Consideration of Industry Traits and Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Paul D. Lapides
The Year of the Audit Committee, William G. Bishop III, Dana R. Hermanson, Paul D. Lapides, and Larry E. Rittenberg
Strategic Business Knowledge for Senior HR Executives: An HRPS "Mini-MBA" Workshop on Financial Linkages, Joe Bocchi
Using Temporal Changes in Water Quality in Noonday Creek to Describe Pollutant Transport and Pinpoint Sources, Rick Bowers and Joseph M. Dirnberger
Corporate Governance and Recent Consolidation in the Banking Industry, Yaron Brook, Robert Hendershott, and Darrell Lee
Examining the Existence of the Underwriting Cycle in Managed-Care Organizations, Billie Ann Brotman
The Price of Pharmaceuticals Given Managed Care Health Insurance Membership, Billie Ann Brotman
Capital Mobility and Investor Confidence: The Case of Hong Kong’s Reversion to China’s Sovereignty, Mary K. Bumgarner and Penelope B. Prime
Synergistic Developments in Mass Spectrometry - A 50-Year Journey from "Art" to Science, Kenneth L. Busch
The Electron Multiplier, Kenneth L. Busch
The Resurgence of Exact Mass Measurement with FTMS, Kenneth L. Busch
Vacuum in Mass Spectroscopy - Nothing Can Surprise You, Kenneth L. Busch
Going-Concern Opinions: The Effects of Partner Compensation Plans and Client Size, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and H. Fenwick Huss
Improving a V-Plant Operation: A Window Manufacturing Case Study, Satya S. Chakravorty
An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Outside Director Compensation, James J. Cordeiro, Rajaram Veliyath, and Edward J. Eramus
A Comprehensive Framework for Service Quality: An Investigation of Critical Conceptual and Measurement Issues through a Longitudinal Study, Pratibha A. Dabholkar, C. David Shepherd, and Dayle I. Thorpe
Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and Their Sisters, Laura Dabundo
Jane Austen's Opacities, Laura Dabundo
Unique Laboratory Experiences for the Commuter University, D. Don Davis, Ben Golden, Pam Rhyne, and Gail Schiffer
Effect of Telephone Followups on Post Vasectomy Office Visits, Christie Emerson, L. Gibbs, S. Harper, and C. Woodruff
A Reply to My Critics, Melvyn L. Fein
Editor's Introduction: Race Relations, Melvyn L. Fein
Race Relations: A Survey of Potential Intervention Strategies, Melvyn L. Fein
Performance Modeling of Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Simulations: A Practical Introduction, José M. Garrido
Pre-Session Assessment of Preferences for Students with Profound Multiple Disabilities, David L. Gast, Heidi A. Jacobs, Kent R. Logan, Amy Streu Murray, Anne Holloway, and Libby Long
Loneliness of Adolescents and Their Choice and Enjoyment of Love-Celebrating Versus Love-Lamenting Popular Music, Rhonda Gibson, Charles F. Aust, and Dolf Zillmann
The Rainboy of Palookaville, Anthony Grooms
Information Technology-Related Activities of Internal Auditors, Dana R. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Daniel M. Ivancevich
Reply to Discussion of Information Technology-Related Activities of Internal Auditors, Dana R. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Daniel M. Ivancevich
An Analysis of the Demand for Reporting on Internal Control, Heather M. Hermanson
Incorporating a Cross-Cultural Perspective in the Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum: An Interview With David Matsumoto, G. William Hill IV
Mapping Parallel Application Communication Topology to Rhombic Overlapping-Cluster Multiprocessors, Kenneth E. Hoganson
Sylvian Fissure Asymmetries in Nonhuman Primates Revisited: A Comparative MRI Study, William D. Hopkins, Dawn L. Pilcher, and Leslie MacGregor
How to Maximize IRA Accumulations, Linda M. Johnson
How to Maximize IRA Accumulations, Linda M. Johnson
Senior Service Centers: A Comparison of Affiliated and Nonaffiliated Participants, Alan B. Kirk and Hunter Downing Alessi
Is It Time to Reconsider the Semivariance Again? A Note, Ladd Kochman
Securities Market Efficiency and the Reigning Super Bowl Champions, Ladd Kochman
A Wide Field 90 cm VLA image of the Galactic Center Region, Ted La Rosa, Namir E. Kassim, Joseph W. Lazlo, and Scott B. Hyman
Professional Development in Early Intervention: Creating Effective Inservice Training Opportunities, Michael D. Malone, Elizabeth Straka, and Kent R. Logan
Integrate Technical, Commercial and Interpersonal Competence across the Entire Enterprise, George E. Manners Jr.
Constructing Early Childhood Science, David Jerner Martin
Tracking Academic Research in Selling and Sales Management: Authors, Authorships, Academic Institutions, and Journals, William C. Moncrief, Greg W. Marshall, Courtney Watkins, and C. David Shepherd
When Knowing Becomes Remembering: Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Suggestion, John R. Paddock, Sophia Terranova, Rosie Kwok, and David V. Halpern
Interval Matching by Undergraduate Nonmusic Majors, Harry E. Price
Time-Varying Volatility in Canadian and U.S. Stock Index and Index Futures Markets: A Multivariate Analysis, Maria D. Racine and Lucy Ackert
A Study of the Determinants of CEO Compensation in India, Kannan Ramaswamy, Rajaram Veliyath, and Lenn Gomes
Conformational Requirements for Endocannabinoid Interaction with the Cannabinoid Receptors, the Anandamide Transporter and Fatty Acid Amidohydrolase, Patricia H. Reggio and Hassimi Traore
Managing Quality: Critical Links and a Contingency Model, Germaine H. Saad and Samia M. Siha
Confronting the Assumptions Underlying the Management of Knowledge: An Agenda for Understanding and Investigating Knowledge Management, Kathy Schwaig, K. Stewart Schwaig, R. Baskerville, V. Storey, J. Senn, A. Raven, and C. Long
Construct Validity of Measures of Becker's Side Bet Theory, Lynn McFarlane Shore, Lois E. Tetrick, Ted H. Shore, and Kevin E. Barksdale
Development and Validation of a Scale Measuring Attitudes Toward Smoking, Ted H. Shore, Armen Tashchian, and Janet S. Adams
Are the Common Myths of Entrepreneurship All That Common? A Test of Entrepreneurs and Non-Entrepreneurs, Kevin W. Sightler
Crossing the Bridge: Comparative Essays on Medieval European and Heian Japanese Women Writers, Barbara Stevenson and Cynthia Ho
An Assessment Program for Accounting: Design, Implementation, and Reflection, Bonnie P. Stivers, Jane E. Campbell, and Heather M. Hermanson
Race, Gender, and Status: A Content Analysis of Print Advertisements in Four Popular Magazines, Melvin Thomas and Linda Treiber
Reconciling Anthropocentrism and Biocentrism Through Adaptive Management: The Case of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and Public Risk Perception, Alex W. Thrower and J. Michael Martinez
Extending the Boundaries: Approaches to World Literature, Michael Tierce
Employer Liability Under the Communications Decency Act: Developing an Effective Policy Response, Anthony M. Townsend, Robert J. Aalberts, and Michael E. Whitman
Technology at the Top: Developing Strategic Planning Support Systems, Anthony M. Townsend, Samual M. DeMarie, Anthony R. Hendrickson, and Michael E. Whitman
The Integration Allegation in Executive MBA Programs, Sheb L. true, Lou E. Pelton, Gary Selden, and Rodney G. Alsup
One Hundred Twenty-three Student Teachers: Common Fears and Possible Interventions, Anita S. VanBrackle, Toni Bellon, Jonelle Poole, Lewis VanBrackle, and R. Michael
Firm Capabilities, Business strategies, Customer Preferences, and Hypercompetitive Arenas: The Sustainability of Competitive Advantages with Implications for Firm Competitiveness, Rajaram Veliyath and Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Social Embeddedness, Overt and Covert Power, and Their Effects on CEO Pay: An Empirical Examination Among Family Businesses in India, Rajaram Veliyath and Kannan Ramaswamy
Constraint on trial: Dirck Volckertsz Coornhert and religious freedom, Gerrit Voogt
Mild Generation of o-Quinone Methides. Synthesis of (-)-Hexahydrocannabinol and Dihydrocannabidiol, Tiansheng Wang, Jason P. Burgess, Patricia H. Reggio, and Herbert H. Seltzman
One Click Forward and Two Clicks Back: Portrayal of Women Using Computers in Television Commercials, Candace White and Katherine N. Kinnick
Diversity Activities for Psychology, Valerie Whittlesey
Attrition of Foreign Language Teachers: Workplace Realities, Carol Wilkerson
Main Group Metal Halide Complexes with Sterically Hindered Thioureas: Part XVII. The Crystal and Molecular Structures of Two New Tellurium Chloride Complexes with 1,3-dimethyl-2(3H)-imidazolethione, Daniel J. Williams, Vicky L. H. Bevilacqua, Peter Morson, William T. Pennington, George L. Schimek, and Nancy T. Kawai
Submissions from 1999
Bid-Ask Spreads in Multiple Dealer Settings: Some Experimental Evidence, Lucy Ackert and Bryan Church
Stochastic Trends and Cointegration in the Market for Equities, Lucy Ackert and Marie Racine
Frequency, Recall and Usefulness of Undergraduate Ethics Education, Janet S. Adams, Armen Tashchian, and Ted H. Shore
Human Rights in Africa: The Record, the Charter, and the Priorities, Akanmu Adebayo and Alma M. Riggs
Communicating with Commuting Students: How Kennesaw State's Career Center Attracts Interests in its Services, Karen B. Andrews
When Can Family Members Serve on the Board?, Craig E. Aronoff and Joseph H. Astrachan
Federal Estate Tax: The Impact on African-American Family Enterprises, Craig E. Aronoff, Joseph H. Astrachan, James I. Herbert, and Thomas E. Kaplan
Audit Committees: The Rising Expectations, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Fraudulent Financial Reporting 1987-1997: Trends in US Public Companies, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Just Say 'No', Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, and Dana R. Hermanson
Client Satisfaction and Big 6 Audit Fees, Bruce K. Behn, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Roger H. Hermanson
Group Facilitation in a Networked World, Catherine M. Beise, Fred Niederman, and Peggy M. Beranek
Matrices for MALDI, Kenneth L. Busch
Mechanisms of MALDI, Kenneth L. Busch
Privatizing Professional Licensing Boards: Self-Governance or Self-Interest?, M. Christine Cagle, J. Michael Martinez, and William D. Richardson
Self-Management Perceptions and Practices: A Structural Equations Analysis, Maria Castaneda, Thomas A. Kolenko, and Ramon J. Aldag
Effective Interpersonal Listening in the Personal Selling Environment: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Nomological Validity, Stephen B. Castleberry, C. David Shepherd, and Rick Ridnour
Evaluation of the BOD POD(R) for Assessing Body Fat in Collegiate Football Players, Mitchell A. Collins, Melinda L. Millard-Stafford, Phillip B. Sparling, Teresa K. Snow, Linda B. Rosskopf, Stephanie A. Webb, and Jay Omer
The Devil and Jane Austen: Elizabeth Bennet's Temptations in the Wildnerness, Laura Dabundo
The Reform'd Coquet, Familiar Letters Betwixt a Gentleman and a Lady, and The Accomplish'd Rake, Mary Davys and Martha Bowden
Web‐Based Training: An Overview of Training Tools for the Technical Writing Industry, Margaret Driscoll and John E. Reid Jr.
Budget Deficits and the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Italy, Bradley T. Ewing and Mark A. Yanochik
The Limits of Idealism: When Good Intentions Go Bad, Melvyn L. Fein
Insights into Sexual Harassment of Salespeople by Customers: The Role of Gender and Customer Power, Leslie M. Fine, C. David Shepherd, and Susan L. Josephs
Correlation of Second Virial Coefficients and Solubilities Useful in Protein Crystal Growth, B. Gao, S. M. Kao, H. M. McDonald, A. N. Asanov, Leon L. Combs, and W. William Wilson
Gender Differences in Performance on Multiple-Choice and Constructed Response Mathematics, Mary Garner and George Engelhard Jr.
Letters, Robert Gianninoto, Robert Lukey, John P. McAllister, Charles Chazen, Brian Rowbotham, Stanley Herz, John A. Hamilton, and Robert D. Britton
Why Attorneys Support Mandatory Mediation, Elizabeth Ellen Gordon
Margaret Walker Alexander, Anthony Grooms
How Governmental Internal Auditors Are Adapting to Changes in Information Technology, Dana R. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Daniel M. Ivancevich
Workload Execution Strategies and Parallel Speedup on Clustered Computers, Kenneth E. Hoganson
The Fractal Self and the Organization of Nature: The Daoist Sage and Chaos Theory, David Jones and John Culliney
Knowledge and Innovation Focus: A Classification of US and Canadian Firms, Teresa Joyce and Bonnie P. Stivers
Portfolio Evaluation, Downside Risk and an Anomaly, Ladd M. Kochman
A Dynamical Study of the Non-Star-forming Translucent Molecular Cloud MBM 16: Evidence for Shear-driven Turbulence in the Interstellar Medium, Ted La Rosa, Steven N. Shore, and Loris Magnani
A Modified Version of the Lewellen and Badrinath Measure of Tobin's Q, Darrell Lee and James G. Tompkins IV
Developing Beliefs about Literacy Instruction: A Cross-Case Analysis of Preservice Teachers in Traditional and Field Based Settings, Wayne M. Limek, Olga G. Nelson, Mary Beth Sampson, Catherine C. Zeek, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and Linda Hughes
Purchasing Nonprescription Contraceptives: The Underlying Structure of a Multi-Item Scale, Chris Manolis, Robert D. Winsor, and Sheb L. true
Limitations to the Use of Tissue-specific Gene Expression Characters in the Phylogenetic Analyses of Non-avian Reptiles, Ron H. Matson
Letters, John P. McAllister, M. Zafar Iqbal, and Joe R. Grady
Back to the Future? Tolstoy and Post‐Communist Russian Military Politics, John P. Moran
Praetorians or Professionals? Democratization and Military Intervention in Communist and Post‐Communist Russia, John P. Moran
Recruiting IT Faculty, Martha Myers and Catherine M. Beise
Characteristics and Key Success Factors in Family Business: The Case of Korean Immigrant Businesses in Metro-Atlanta, Young-Ho Nam and James I. Herbert
Teaching Tools for a Senior Level Policy Practice Course: Web Discussion, ListServ and E-mail, Monica Nandan
Imagination Inflation and the Perils of Guided Visualization, John R. Paddock, Sophia Terranova, Mark Noel, Herbert W. Eber, and Elizabeth F. Loftus
Carpet Capital: The Rise of a New South Industry, David B. Parker and Randall L. Patton
Gray Image Skeletonization with Hollow Preprocessing Using Distance Transformation, Kai Qian, Siqi Cao, and Prabir Bhattacharya
Ligand-Ligand and Ligand-Receptor Approaches to Modeling the Cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 Receptors: Achievements and Challenges, Patricia H. Reggio
An Examination of the Influence of Industry Structure on Eight Alternative Measures of New Venture Performance for High Potential Independent New Ventures, Kenneth C. Robinson
Entry Barriers and New Venture Performance: A Longitudinal Investigation of Direct and Moderated Effects, Kenneth C. Robinson and Patricia Phillips McDougall
Plugging the Knowledge Drain: Strategies and Technologies for Acquiring Knowledge in Lean Organizations, Kathy Schwaig, V.C. Storey, and D. Robey
Forecasting Failure, Information Fidelity and Cash Flows, Divesh Sharma
Service Quality and the Sales Force: A Tool for Competitive Advantage, C. David Shepherd
The Galactic Center Isolated Nonthermal Filaments as Analogs of Cometary Plasma Tails, Steven N. Shore and Ted La Rosa
Differences between Stayers and Leavers among Part-Time Workers, Kevin W. Sightler and Janet S. Adams
A Classified Model for Applying the Theory of Constraints to Service Organizations, Samia M. Siha
The Difference between the CB1 and CB2Cannabinoid Receptors at Position 5.46 Is Crucial for the Selectivity of WIN55212-2 for CB2, Zhao-Hui Song, Carol-Anne Slowey, Dow P. Hurst, and Patricia H. Reggio
Communicating Negative Campaign Messages: The Role of Consultants' Individual Characteristics, Kerwin C. Swint
Role of a Conserved Lysine Residue in the Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptor (CB2): Evidence for Subtype Specificity, Qing Tao, Sean D. McAllister, John Andreassi, Katherine W. Nowell, Guy A. Cabral, Dow P. Hurst, Kevin Bachtel, Marie C. Ekman, Patricia H. Reggio, and Mary E. Abood
Permutation Polynomials on Symmetric Matrices, Timothy C. Teitloff
Hazardous Materials Transportation in an Age of Devolution, Alex W. Thrower and J. Michael Martinez
The Challenges Facing Australian Trade and Direct Investment in the United States, Hope Torkornoo and Siva K. K. Muthaly
A Study of the Average Run Length Characteristics of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, Lewis VanBrackle and G. David Williamson
Practicing Penal Harm Medicine in the United States: Prisoners' Voices from Jail, Michael Vaughn and Linda G. Smith
Questioning Authorized Truth: Resisting the Pull of the Policy Audience and Fostering Critical Scholarship in Correctional Medical Research—A Reply to Kerle et al., Michael Vaughn and Linda G. Smith
Top Management Compensation and Shareholder Returns: Unravelling Different Models of the Relationship, Rajaram Veliyath
Sodium/Potassium Selectivity and Pleiotropy in stl2, a Highly Salt-tolerant Mutation of Ceratopteris richardii, Thomas R. Warne, Leslie G. Hickok, Carl E. Sams, and Dale L. Vogelien
Academic Rewards for Teaching, Research, and Service: Data and Discourse, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony R. Hendrickson, and Anthony M. Townsend
Considerations for an Effective Telecommunications-Use Policy, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Robert J. Aalberts
Cybersquatting: A Case of First Come/First Served or Piracy on the Cyber-Seas?, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Robert J. Aalberts
The Communications Decency Act: An Update for IS Management, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Robert J. Aalberts
The Communications Decency Act Is Not as Dead as You Think, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Robert J. Aalberts
Cross-national Differences in Computer-Use Ethics: A Nine-country Study, Michael E. Whitman, Anthony M. Townsend, and Anthony R. Hendrickson
Object Label Learning by Middle- and Working-Class, Black and White, Younger and Older Preschool Children, Valerie Whittlesey and Elizabeth F. Shipley
Developing a Hospital Web Site as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study, Thomas G. Widmer and C. David Shepherd
Main Group Metal Halide Complexes with Sterically Hindered Thioureas. XVI. The Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Two New Complexes Of 1,3-dimethyl-2(3H)-imidazolethione with Indium Trihalides, Daniel J. Williams, Vicky L. H. Bevilacqua, Peter A. Morson, Kelly J. Dennison, William T. Pennington, George L. Schimek, Donald VanDerveer, John S. Kruger, and Nancy T. Kawai
Iridium(III) Amine Complexes as High-Stability Structure-Directing Agents for the Synthesis of Metal Phosphates, Daniel J. Williams, Jacob S. Kruger, A. F. McLeroy, Angus P. Wilkinson, and Jonathon C. Hanson
Submissions from 1998
The Threat of Long-Arm Jurisdiction to Electronic Commerce, Robert J. Aalberts, Anthony M. Townsend, and Michael E. Whitman
The Seasonal Impact of Institutional Investors, Lucy Ackert and George Athanassakos
Competitiveness and Price Setting in Dealer Markets, Lucy Ackert and Bryan Church
Information Dissemination and the Distribution of Wealth: Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets, Lucy Ackert and Bryan Church
The Introduction of Toronto Index Participation Units and Arbitrage Opportunities in the Toronto 35 Index Options Markets, Lucy Ackert and Yisong Tian
Challenges in Teaching Business Ethics: Using Role Set Analysis of Early Career Dilemmas, Janet S. Adams, Claudia Harris, and Susan Carley