This collection welcomes previously-published articles authored by Kennesaw State University affiliates, whether they are faculty or staff.

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Submissions from 2010


Facilitators and Obstacles of Intercultural Business Communication for American Companies in China: Lessons Learned from the UPS Case, Hongmei Gao and Penelope Prime


Temporal and Spatial Parameters of Crawling in Children With Limb Loss: Implications on Prosthetic Knee Prescription, Mark Geil


Hybrid Gardens: Travel and the Nationalization of Taste in Ann Radcliffe's Continental Landscapes, Katarina Gephardt


Positive Solutions for Third Order Multi-Point Singular Boundary Value Problems, John R. Graef, Lingju Kong, and Bo Yang


Addressing Problems with the Segregation of Duties in Smaller Companies, Audrey A. Gramling, Dana R. Hermanson, Heather M. Hermanson, and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


Policy and Research Implications of Evolving Independence Rules for Public Company Auditors, Audrey A. Gramling, J. Gregory Jenkins, and Mark H. Taylor


Audit Partner Evaluation of Compensating Controls: A Focus on Design Effectiveness and Extent of Auditor Testing, Audrey A. Gramling, Ed O'Donnell, and Scott D. Vandervelde

Restoration Ecology, Sigurdur Greipsson

Flight, Anthony Grooms

Passage to America, Anthony Grooms

Rich and White, Anthony Grooms

Something Forgotten, Anthony Grooms

Sons of Dead Mothers, Anthony Grooms

The Motherland, Anthony Grooms


Frequency Dependence in the Initiation of Ultrafast Laser-induced Damage, Jeremy R. Gulley


Turkish Secular Muslim Identity on Display in Europe, Hakki Gurkas


Improving the Deadlift: Understanding Biomechanical Constraints and Physiological Adaptations to Resistance Exercise, Michael Hales


International Relations Scholarship, Academic Institutions and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Maia Hallward


Turkey: Politics at the Crossroads of Civilizations, Maia Carter Hallward


Teaching the Art and Craft of Giving and Receiving Feedback, Patricia L. Harms and Deborah Britt Roebuck

The Mother's Encyclopedia, Rochelle Harris


Illness Representations, Emotional Distress, Coping Strategies, and Coping Efficacy as Predictors of Patient Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes, Patricia L. Hart and Cecelia Gatson Grindel


Structure Dependence in the Solvolysis Kinetics of Amino Acid Esters, John Haseltine and Jason W. Runyon


"More of a Street Cop Than a Detective": An Analysis of the Roles and Functions of Parenting Coordinators in North Carolina, Sherrill Hayes

Keeping Campus Visits Attuned to Change: The Experience at a Large Public University, Joe F. Head, Margaret W. Dunagan, and Thomas W. Hughes


Foundations of Mediation Training: A Literature Review of Adult Education and Training Design, Tim Hedeen, Susan S. Raines, and Ansley B. Barton

Majoring in Psychology: Achieving Your Educational and Career Goals, Jeffrey L. Helms and Daniel T. Rogers


Accounting Restatements Arising from PCAOB Inspections of Small Audit Firms, Dana R. Hermanson, Richard W. Houston, and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


The Impact of Physical Classroom Environment on Student Satisfaction and Student Evaluation of Teaching in the University Environment, Mary C. Hill and Kathryn K. Epps


Geospatial Technologies in Environmental Management, Nancy Hoalst-Pullen and Mark Patterson

Teaching Programming Concepts with GameMaker, Ken Hoganson


The Effect of Governance on Credit Decisions and Perceptions of Reporting Reliability, Lori Holder-Webb and Divesh S. Sharma


Comparative Systems of Health Care Delivery, Carol Holtz


Global Health Issues, Carol Holtz


Barriers and Facilitators to Prenatal Care for Pregnant Latina Women in Cobb County, Georgia, Carol Holtz and Annette Bairan


A Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of White Matter Asymmetries in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), William D. Hopkins, Jared P. Taglialatela, Talia Nir, Natalie M. Schenker, and Chet C. Sherwood


Cortical Representation of Lateralized Grasping in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): A Combined MRI and PET Study, William D. Hopkins, Jared P. Taglialatela, Jamie L. Russell, Talia M. Nir, and Jennifer Schaeffer


The Effect of Payer Status on the Quality of Diabetes Care: Results from a REACH 2010 Project, Charles Hossler, Carolyn Jenkins, and Marilyn Givens King


Making Connections: Improving Movement Skills by Integrating Knowledge from Dance Disciplines, Amy D. Howton


Collaborative Teacher Development: A Teaching and Learning Experience for Two Foreign Language Teachers, Kristin Hoyt and Kaylie Greenway


Speed of Issuance, Lender, Specialization, and the Rise of the 144A Debt Market, Rongbing Huang and Gabriel G. Ramirez


The Rise of 144A Market for Convertible Debt, Ronging Huang and Gabriel G. Ramirez


A Phenomenological Investigation of Women's Experiences With Personal Training, Cherilyn N. Hultquist, Melissa N. Madeson, Amy Church, and Leslee A. Fisher


Gender Differences In The Accuracy Of Caloric Expenditure As Estimated From Accelerometers: 1891: Board #20 June 3 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM, Cherilyn N. Hultquist, John McLester, and Natalie Alverson


Correlation Modeling of Complex Data--Physics, Statistics and Heuristics, Kenneth W. Jackson and Mahmood Tabaddor


Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition (WE CAN) - A Pilot Project With Latina Mothers, Kathy S. James, Cynthia D. Connelly, Luz Gracia, Nicole Mareno, and Janice Bietto


Student Teaching Abroad Inter-Group Outcomes: A Comparative, Country-Specific Analysis, Binbin Jiang, Debra J. Coffey, Robert A. Devillar, and Sandra Bryan


Positive Solutions for Boundary Value Problems of Second Order Difference Equations and Their Computation, Jun Ji and Bo Yang


Reinventing the Stress Concept, David Clint Johnson and Lisa B. Johnson

Perceptions of Concern for Misconduct in Youth Sport, John David johnson and Linda M. Johnston


Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Attitudes and Use among Health Educators in the United States, Ping Hu Johnson, Jennifer L. Priestley, Kandice Johnson Porter, and Jane Petrillo

Asian Texts - Asian Contexts: Encounters with Asian Philosophies and Religions, David Jones and Ellein R. Klein


Asian Texts -- Asian Contexts: Encounters with Asian Philosophies and Religions, David Jones and Ellen R. Klein


The Gift of Logos: Essays in Continental Philosophy, David Jones, Jason M. Wirth, and Michael Schwartz


Developing Critical Thinking in the Perioperative Environment, Jackie H. Jones


Concierge Medicine, Jackie H. Jones and Linda A. Treiber


Concierge Medicine: The Perfect Storm? Implications for Nurse Practitioners, Jackie H. Jones and Linda A. Treiber


When the 5 Rights Go Wrong: Medication Errors from the Nursing Perspective, Jackie H. Jones and Linda A. Treiber


An Investigation of the Prevalence of Upper Limb Neuropathies in Different Types of College Musicians by Use of Neurometrix Device, Saunders Jones Jr. and Christi Hernandez


Ab Initio Studies of Structural and Vibrational Properties of Protonated Water Cluster H7O3+ and Its Deuterium Isotopologues: An Application of Driven Molecular Dynamics, Martina Kaledin and Christopher A. Wood


The Relation Between Variance and Information Rents in Auctions, Brett Katzman, Julian Reif, and Jesse Schwartz


Toward a Theory of Whistleblowing Intentions: A Benefit-to-Cost Differential Perspective, Mark Keil, Amrit Tiwana, Robert Sainsbury, and Sweta Sneha


Next-to-Next-to-Leading Logarithm Resummation for S-Channel Single Top Quark Production, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Next-to-Next-to-Leading Soft-Gluon Corrections for the Top Quark Cross Section and Transverse Momentum Distribution, Nikolaos Kidonakis


NNLL Resummation for QCD Cross Sections, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Single Top Quark Production and Cross Section at Hadron Colliders, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Top Quark Pair and Single Top Production at Tevatron and LHC Energies, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Two-loop Resummations for QCD Hard Scattering, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Two-Loop Soft Anomalous Dimensions for Single Top Quark Associated Production with a W- or H-, Nikolaos Kidonakis

Resummations in QCD Hard-Scattering at Large and Small X, Nikolaos Kidonakis, Agustin Sabio Vera, and Philip Stevens


Expectation Gaps between Stakeholders and Web-Based Corporate Public Relations Efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 Corporate Web Sites, Sora Kim, Jae-Hee Park, and Emma K. Wertz


Contemporary Memoir: A 21st-Century Genre Ideal for Teens, Dawn Latta Kirby and Dan Kirby


Teacher Thinking Associated With Science-Specific Mentor Preparation, Thomas R. Koballa Jr., Julie Kittleson, Leslie U. Bradbury, and Michael J. Dias


Betting on Market Efficiency: A Note, Ladd Kochman and Ken Gilliam


Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry: Method Development and Results of the Analysis of Bismuth in Pharmaceuticals, Marina Koether, Brent Ferguson, and Rebekah Kimbrough

Charge Neutralization Study of Mixtures of Al13 with Alum, Marina Koether, Dayne Fraser, Amanda Owens, and Richard Murphy


Desired Outcomes of an Undergraduate Education in Psychology From Departmental, Student, and Societal Perspectives, Eric R. Landrum, Bernard C. Beins, Mukul Bhalla, Karen Brakke, Deborah S. Briihl, Rita M. Curl-Langager, Thomas Pusateri, and Jaye Jang Van Kirk

Maximized Monitoring, Constance M. Lehmann, Sridhar Ramamoorti, and Marcia Weidenmier Watson


Creative Exercises in General Chemistry: A Student-Centered Assessment, Scott E. Lewis, Janet L. Shaw, and Kathryn A. Freeman


GTP Cyclohydrolase I Phosphorylation and Interaction With GTP Cyclohydrolase Feedback Regulatory Protein Provide Novel Regulation of Endothelial Tetrahydrobiopterin and Nitric Oxide, Li Li, Amir Rezvan, John C. Salerno, Ahsan Husain, Kihwan Kwon, Hanjoong Jo, David G. Harrison, and Wei Chen


Psychology Students Today and Tomorrow, Linh Nguyen Littleford, William Buskist, Susan M. Frantz, Dennis B. Galvan, Robert W. Hendersen, Maureen McCarthy, Melanie C. Page, and Antonio E. Puente


Testing Conflicting Political Economy Theories: Full-Fledged versus Partial-Scope Regional Trade Agreements, Xuepeng Liu


The Location Decisions of Foreign Investors in China: Untangling the Effect of Wages Using a Control Function Approach, Xuepeng Liu, Mary E. Lovely, and Jan Ondrich


Sequence Analysis of Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Bacteriophage Φ1-A4 Isolated from an Industrial Vegetable Fermentation, Jean Lu, Eric Altermann, Frederick Breidt, and Sergei Kozyavkin


They Expect Me to Bring Fish: The Local Costs of International Fish Trade in Guinea-Bissau, Brandon D. Lundy


Specificity of Training Modalities on Upper Body One Repetition Maximum Performance: Free Weights vs. Hammer Strength Equipment, Thomas S. Lyons, John R. McLester, Scott W. Arnett, and Matthew J. Thoma


Pricing and Inventory Policies under Price Tracking Behaviour, L. MacDonald, C. K. Anderson, and H. Rasmussen


Revenue Management with Dynamic Pricing and Advertising, Leo MacDonald and Henning Rasmussen


Corporate Venturing in Family Business: The Effects on the Family and Its Members, Gaia Marchisio, Pietro Mazzola, Salvatore Sciascia, M. Miles, and Joseph H. Astrachan


The Use of Audience Response Systems in Nursing Education: Best Practice Guidelines, Nicole Mareno, Marie Bremner, and Christie Emerson


Further Validation of the Body-Mind-Spirit Wellness Behavior and Characteristic Inventory for College Students, Nicole Mareno and Kathy Shadle James

Negotiating Access to New Media: A Framework for Faculty and Other Stakeholders, Laura McGrath

French War Films and National Identity, Noah McLaughlin

The Wisdom of Retaining Experienced Nurses at the Bedside: A Pilot Study Examining a Minimal Lift Program and Its Impact on Reducing Patient Movement Related Injuries of Bedside Nurses, Diana Meeks-Sjostrom, Stephanie A. Lopuszynski, and Annette Bairan


Troup Factory: Archaeological Investigations of a Nineteenth Century Mill Site in LaGrange, Georgia., Lindsey R. Moates, Greg J. Hansen, Patrick Severts, and Terry G. Powis


Kinetic Characterization of Salmonella FliK-FlhB Interactions Demonstrates Complexity of the Type III Secretion Substrate-Specificity Switch, Daniel P. Morris, Eric D. Roush, J. Will Thompson, M. Arthur Moseley, James W. Murphy, and Jonathan L. McMurry


Discerning Some Tylenol Brands Using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Data and Multivariate Analysis Techniques, Huggins Msimanga and Robert J. Ollis


Licensing and Patent Protection, Arijit Mukherjee and Aniruddha Bagchi


Aiding and Abetting: Human Rights INGOs and Domestic Protest, Amanda Murdie and Tavishi Bhasin

Educational Records: A Practical Guide for Legal Compliance, Daniel R. Murphy and Mike L. Dishman


The Influence of Tobacco Countermarketing Ads on College Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs, Rebecca Murphy-Hoefer, Andrew Hyland, and Cheryl Rivard


Database Security: What Students Need to Know, Meg C. Murray

Origins and Fate of Inorganic-Nitrogen from Land to Coastal Ocean on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Troy Mutchler, R. F. Mooney, S. Wallace, Larissa Podsim, Stein Fredriksen, and Kenneth H. Dunton


Responses of the Mangroves Avicennia marina and Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza to Oil Contamination, Gonasageran Naidoo, Yougasphree Naidoo, and Premila Achar

Service Learning Partnership Between University and School Students: Experiential Learning Inspired through Community Research, Monica Nandan


Accessing ICT Enabled Content in Low-Income Countries: Think Big, Start Small, and Scale Up, Solomon Negash


Learning Assessment of a Videoconference-Based Training: Lessons from Medical Training between USA and Ethiopia, Solomon Negash


The Essence of the Family Critical Illness Experience and Nurse-Family Meetings, Tommie P. Nelms and Sandra K. Eggenberger

Railroad Noir: The American West at the End of the Twentieth Century, Linda G. Niemann and Joel Jensen


Modeling and Forecasting by Manifold Learning, Xuelei (Sherry) Ni


Integrating an Executive Panel on Communication in Senior Design, Judith Shaul Norback, Elke M. Leeds, and Ketki Kulkarni


Culturally-Adapted and Audio-Technology Assisted HIV/AIDS Awareness and Education Program in Rural Nigeria: A Cohort Study, Ighovwerha Ofotokun, Jose Nilo G. Binongo, Eli S. Rosenberg, Michael Kane, Rick Ifland, Jeffrey L. Lennox, and Kirk A. Easley


Possible Roles of Two Quinone Molecules in Direct and Indirect Proton Pumps of Bovine Heart NADH-Quinone Oxidoreductase (Complex I), S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, John C. Salerno, and Tomoko Ohnishi


Quantification of Aflatoxin B1 in Ready-to-Use Food Thickeners in South-East Geo-Political Zone in Nigeria, G. I. Okwu, Premila N. Achar, and Santosh K. Sharma


New Intrauterine Growth Curves Based on United States Data, Irene E. Olsen, Sue A. Groveman, M. Louise Lawson, Reese H. Clark, and Babette S. Zemel


Modern Migration in Ghana and Mali: A Comparison of Urban Migration Patterns, Dan Page, Mark W. Patterson, and Kay Reeve


The Power and Promise of Web 2.0 Tools, G. Andrew Page and Radwan Ali


Does civil society really democratize global governance? Examining transnational civil society engagement with the World Bank., Christopher Pallas


Revolutionary, Advocate, Agent, or Authority: Context-Based Assessment of the Democratic Legitimacy of Transnational Civil Society Actors, Christopher Pallas

The Dangerous Global Citizen: Practical Implications of a Normative Discourse, Christopher Pallas


We're All Equal... Because I Said So: Global Citizenship, Elite Activism, and the Need for Global Governance, Christopher Pallas


Global Learning and the Engaging Questions of Globalization, Daniel Paracka


Modeling the Effects of Port Disasters, Jomon Aliyas Paul and Michael J. Maloni


A "Cross-Cultural RELQUAL-Scale" in Supplier-Distributor Relationships of Sweden and the USA, Janice M. Payan, Göran Svensson, Gabriel Awuah, Svante Andersson, and Joe Hair

Leading Schools During Crisis: What School Administrators Must Know, Matthew J. Pepper, Tim D. London, Mike L. Dishman, and Jessica L. Lewis


Generativity: The New Frontier for Information and Communication Technology Literacy, Jorge Pérez and Meg C. Murray


"The Blood Be Upon Your Head": Tarleton and the Myth of Buford’s Massacre, Jim Piecuch


Non Solus: Toward a Psychology of Family Business, Torsten M. Pieper


53 Hrs Of Sleep Deprivation On Catecholamine Responses During Multiple Stages Of Acute Cold Exposure: 2475: Board #83 June 4 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM, Katherine E. Pierce; Tiffany A, Esmat; Edward J. Ryan; Matthew D. Muller; Jacob E. E. Barkley; and Ellen L. Glickman


Examination of the International Scope of Papers Presented at the International Society for Music Education Research Commission Seminars, 1988—2006, Harry E. Price, Clifford K. Madsen, Rachel Cornacchio, and Marie Webb


Sustainability Practices in Food Supply Chains: How is Wine Different?, Madeleine E. Pullman, Michael J. Maloni, and Jesse Dillard


Fraudulent Call Detection for Mobile Networks, Sameer Qayyum, Shaheer Mansoor, Adeel Khalid, Khushbakht, Zahid Halim, and A. Baig


Fraudulent call detection for mobile networks, Sameer Qayyum, Shaheer Mansoor, Adeel Khalid, Khushbakht, Zahid Halim, and A.Rauf Baig


The Chatrikhera Research Project, Teresa Raczek, Namita Sugandhi, Prabodh Shirvalkar, and Lalit Pandey


Editor's Introduction, Susan S. Raines


Editor's Introduction, Susan S. Raines


Editor's Introduction, Susan S. Raines


Best Practices for Mediation Training and Regulation: Preliminary Findings, Susan S. Raines, Tim Hedeen, and Ansley B. Barton


Assessing Fit of Nontraditional Assistive Technologies, Adriane B. Randolph and Melody Moore Jackson


Digital Video Presentation and Student Performance: A Task Technology Fit Perspective, Arjan Raven, Elke M. Leeds, and ChongWoo Park


Creating Sustainable Education Projects in Roatan, Honduras Through Continuous Process Improvement, Arjan Raven, Adriane B. Randolph, and Shelli Heil

California Gold Rush, H. William Rice

Impressing Your Bosses, H. William Rice

Native Americans, H. William Rice

The Invisible Man in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, H. William Rice

The Origin on Native Americans, H. William Rice

Uncle Ivory, H. William Rice

Auditing: A Business Risk Approach. 7th Edition, Larry E. Rittenberg, Karla M. Johnstone, and Audrey A. Gramling


Bringing an Ethical Culture to the High-Stress ICU, Lois R. Robley


The Experience of Stress for Open Heart Surgery Patients and Their Caregivers, Lois R. Robley, Nancy Ballard, Debbie Holtzman, and William Cooper

Teaching Leadership through Interviews, D. Roebuck and D. S.


Analysis of XBRL Literature: A Decade of Progress and Puzzle, Saeed Roohani, Zhao Xianming, Ernest Capozzoli, and Barbara Lamberton


Gaze Scribing in Physics Problem Solving, David Rosengrant


Pre-service Physics Teachers and Physics Education Research, David Rosengrant


A Clashing Viewpoint Concerning India: A Critique of Goldman Sachs 2007 Report, Ashok K. Roy and Aniruddha Bagchi


Kin Adopting Kin: In the Best Interest of the Children?, Scott D. Ryan, James Hinterlong, Rebecca L. Hegar, and Lisa B. Johnson


Does AP Economics Improve Student Achievement?, Benjamin Scafidi, John Swinton, and Chris Clark


Discussion of the Role of Client Advocacy in the Development of Tax Professionals' Advice, Jennifer K. Schafer


Student Perceptions of Online Education, Christina R. Scherrer, Renee J. Butler, and Shekinah Burns

Environmental Justice and Health: An Analysis of Persons of Color Injured at the Work Place, Jennifer Schoenfish-Keita and Glenn S. Johnson


Mood and Likeability: The Impact of Two Affect Types on Tax Judgment, Joseph Schultz Jr, Brad A. Schafer, and Jennifer Schafer


Measurement Informs Understanding, Dwight Schuster and Tad Watanabe


A Real Time Optical Biosensor Assay for Amoxicillin And Other β-Lactams in Water Samples, Israel M. Scott, Lewis J. Kraft, Jonathan D. Parker, Kathryn Daniel, Sarah Kustick, Diana Kennen, and Jonathan L. McMurry


Development of A Real Time Optical Biosensor Assay for Amoxicillin and Other β-Lactams in Water Samples, Israel M. Scott, Lewis J. Kraft, Jonathan D. Parker, Kathryn Daniel, Sarah Kustick, Diana Kennen, and Jonathan L. McMurry

Lab Exercises Built around a Substantial Example, Ben Setzer


Re-adjusting the Kaleidoscope: The Basic Tenants of Invitational Theory and Practice, Daniel E. Shaw and Betty L. Siegel

Re-adjusting the Kaleidoscope: The Basic Tenants of Invitational Theory and Practice, Daniel E. Shaw and Betty L. Siegel


[Diphenyldi(pyrazol-1-yl)methane]dinitratocobalt(II), Janet L. Shaw and Bruce C. Noll


Entrepreneurial Burnout: Exploring Antecedents, Dimensions and Outcomes, C. David Shepherd, Gaia Marchisio, Sussie S. Morrish, Jonathan H. Deacon, and Morgan P. Miles

A Scalable Approach to Multi-dimensional Data Analysis, Yong Shi


Improving the Ability of Mining for Multi-dimensional Data, Yong Shi and Tyler Kling


An Attempt to Find Neighbors, Yong Shi and Ryan Rosenblum


A Developing Approach to Studying Students' Learning through Their Mathematical Activity, Martin Simon, Luis Saldanha, Evan McClintock, Gulseren Karagoz Akar, Tad Watanabe, and Ismail Ozgur Zembat


Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Potential Interesting Patterns with Closed Itemsets, Raj Singh, Tom Johnsten, Vijay Raghavan, and Ying Xie

“The Dabbawala System: On Time Delivery, Every Time,” HBS Case 9-610-059., Mona Sinha and Thomke Stefan


Differential Diagnosis and Discussion of a Large Nasal Neoplasm from a Late Bronze Age Athenian Male, S. Kirkpatrick Smith


Men Seeking Sex on an Intergenerational Gay Internet Website: An Exploratory Study, Richard L. Sowell and Kenneth D. Phillips


Understanding and Responding to HIV/AIDS Stigma and Disclosure: An International Challenge for Mental Health Nurses, Richard L. Sowell and Kenneth D. Phillips

Utilizing Evidence-Based Design in a Community Hospital ICU, Telisa Spikes and Kathie F. Aduddell


The Pattern of Natural Selection in Somatic Cancer Mutations of Human mtDNA, Pete Stafford and Estella B. Chen-Quin

Fireworks Over Toccoa, Jeffrey Stepakoff


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for the Market Economy: An Investigation of Student Perceptions Before and After China's WTO Entry, Bonnie P. Stivers, Rajaram Veliyath, Teresa Joyce, and Janet S. Adams


Development of the PRO-SDLS: A Measure of Self-Direction in Learning Based on the Personal Responsibility Orientation Model, Susan L. Stockdale and Ralph G. Brockett


The Undergraduate Psychology Major: An Examination of Structure and Sequence, Michael Stoloff, Maureen McCarthy, Lizbeth Keller, Veronika Varfolomeeva, Joanna Lynch, Kara Makara, Samantha Simmons, and Whitney Smiley

What You Need to Know, Dev Strischek and Dana R. Hermanson

The Ghost of Milagro Creek, Melanie Sumner


Self-Harm and its Link to Peer and Dating Violence among Adolescents in a High-Risk Urban Community, M. Swahn, B. Ali, Robert Bossarte, M. Van Dulmen, A. Crosby, T. Strine, and S. Raskin


Alcohol use initiation as a prospective risk factor for suicide attempts across adolescence and young adulthood, M. Swahn, Robert Bossarte, and F. McCarty


Epidemiology of suicidal Behaviour among youth in the U.S.: examining the influence of sociocultural context, M. Swahn, Robert Bossarte, M. Van Dulmen, J. Kretschmar, and A. Jones


Integrating violence prevention research: examining perpetration and victimization of violence within and across relationship contexts., Monica Swahn


Pre-teen alcohol use initiation and suicide attempts among middle and high school students: Findings from the 2006 Georgia Student Health Survey, Monica Swahn, Robert Bossarte, Jeffrey Ashby, and Jacquelyn Meyers


Alcohol and drug use among gang members: experiences of adolescents who attend school, Monica Swahn, Robert Bossarte, Bethany West, and Volkan Topalli


Co-occurring suicide attempts and physical fighting: a comparison between Urban, Suburban, and Rural high school students, Monica Swahn, Elizabeth Gaylor, Robert Bossarte, and Manfred Van Dulmen


Students Make Sure the Cherokees are Not Removed... Again: A Study of Service-learning and Artful Learning in Teaching History, Alice W. Terry and Thomas Panter


Developing Mathematical Content Knowledge for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics, Eva Thanheiser, Christine A. Browning, Meg Moss, Tad Watanabe, and Gina Garza-Kling


Race, Gender, and Status: A Content Analysis of Print Advertisements in Four Popular Magazines, Melvin E. Thomas and Linda A. Treiber

ICT Integration Efforts in Higher Education in Developing Economies: The Case of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, D. Tibebu, T. Bandyopadhyay, and Solomon Negash


Labor Migration Challenges in Economic Planning: A Case Study of Astana, Bolat L. Tibekov, Kamal Fatehi, Foad Derakhshan, and Jim Herbert


Pre-Teen Alcohol Use Initiation as a Risk Factor for Bullying Victimization and Perpetration, Volkan Topalli, Monica Swahn, Sheryl Strasser, Jeffrey Ashby, and Joel Meyers


Somali Piracy: Jurisdictional Issues, Enforcement Problems and Potential Solutions, Christopher Totten and Matthew Bernal


Devastatingly Human: An Analysis of Registered Nurses’ Medication Error Accounts, Linda A. Treiber and Jackie H. Jones


Generational Differences in Work Values: Leisure and Extrinsic Values Increasing, Social and Intrinsic Values Decreasing, Jean M. Twenge, Stacy M. Campbell, Brian J. Hoffman, and Charles E. Lance


"What Was Really Accomplished Today?" Mathematics Content Specialists Observe a Class for Prospective K-8 Teachers, Andrew M. Tyminski, Sarah D. Ledford, and Dennis Hembree


Phenology of Five Tree Species of a Tropical Dry Forest in Yucatán, Mexico: Effects of Environmental and Physiological Factors, Mirna Valdez-Hernández, Paula C. Jackson, Mario Rebolledo-Vieyra, and José Luis Andrade

Teaching Language Arts To English Language Learners, Anete Vásquez, Angela L. Hansen, and Philip C. Smith


How Emerging Market Firms Compete in Global Markets, Rajaram Veliyath and Lance Brouthers


Patient Safety Chiller: Unplanned Perioperative Hypothermia, V. Doreen Wagner


'Doc, There's Something I Have To Tell You': Patient Disclosure to Their Psychotherapist of Unprosecuted Murder and Other Violence, Steven Walfish, Jeffrey E. Barnett, Krista Marlyere, and Robert Zielke


Strategies for Filling a Performance Gap Between Practice and High-Level Competition, Jin Wang


The SOR-k Method for Linear Systems with P-Cyclic Matrices, Liancheng Wang, Jiehua Zhu, and Xiezhang Li


Sustainable Conflict Transformation: An Analytical Model for Assessing the Contribution of Development Activities to Peacebuilding, Andrea Warnecke and Volker C. Franke

Let's Practice What We Preach, Tad Watanabe


Coping With Racism: What Works and Doesn't Work for Black Women?, Lindsey M. West, Roxanne Donovan, and Lizabeth Roemer


A Mentor-Protégé Program for New Faculty, Part I: Stories of Protégés, Anne White, Jane Brannan, and Carol Wilson


How the Peace was Lost: Ignoring the Presidential Oath in 1964 and 2002-2003, Kenneth M. White


Mama's Boy; Preacher's Son: A Memoir, Reta Ugena Whitlock

Hands-On Information Security Lab Manual, 3rd Edition, Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord

Management of Information Security, 3rd Edition, Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord

Management of Information Security, 3rd Edition, Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord

Readings and Cases in Information Security: Law & Ethics, Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord

Running on Full: The Story of Ruth and Ruby Crawford, Neil Wilkinson


The Preparation, Characterization, X-ray Structural Analysis, and Thermogravimetric Analysis of Tetrakis[1,3-Dimethyl-2(3H)-Imidazolethione]Zinc(II) Nitrate and Tetrafluoroborate, Daniel J. Williams, Kimberly Arrowood, Lindsey M. Bloodworth, Angela L. Carmack, Daniel Gulla, Michael W. Gray, Igal Maasen, Fareeha Rizvi, Sarah L. Rosenbaum, Kevin P. Gwaltney, and Donald VanDerveer


Further Studies into the Feasibility of Using Aqueous Alum Solutions in the Destruction of VX, Daniel J. Williams, William R. Creasy, Roderick A. Fry, Vicky L. H. Bevilacqua, and H. Dupont Durst


A Longitudinal Study Of Cultural Competence Among Health Science Faculty, Astrid H. Wilson, Susan Sanner, and Lydia E. McAllister

An Evaluation Study of a Mentoring Program to Increase the Diversity of the Nursing Workforce, Astrid H. Wilson, Susan Sanner, and Lydia E. McAllister


A Mentor-Protégé Program for New Faculty, Part II: Stories of Mentors, Carol Wilson, Jane Brannan, and Anne White


Optical Biosensing, Jo Leanna Wilson, Israel M. Scott, and Jonathan L. McMurry


Optical Biosensing: Kinetics of Protein A-IGG Binding Using Biolayer Interferometry, Jo Leanna Wilson, Israel M. Scott, and Jonathan L. McMurry


A Call to IS Educators to Respond to the Voices of Women in Information Security, Amy B. Woszczynski and Sherri Shade


Hopf Bifurcation of a Class of Two Coupled Relaxation Oscillators of the van der Pol Type with Delay, Xiaoqin Wu and Liancheng Wang


Multi-Parameter Bifurcations of the Kaldor–Kalecki Model of Business Cycles with Delay, Xiaoqin Wu and Liancheng Wang


Biomedical Relationship Extraction from Literature Based on Bio-Semantic Token Subsequences, Ying Xie, Jayasimha R. Katukuri, and Vijay V. Raghavan


A Survey on Decentralized Flocking Schemes for a Set of Autonomous Mobile Robots, Naixue Xiong, Jing (Selena) He, Yan Yang, and Yanxiang He


Networked Games Based on Web Services, Chong-wei Xu, Hongwei Lei, and Daniel Xu


The North American Consortium for Entrepreneurship: Lessons Learned and Best Practices on Hosting International Students, Stella Sixing Xu, Gary B. Roberts, Dorothy Brawley, Bob Desman, and Kamal Fatehi


Positive Solutions of the (n-1, 1) Conjugate Boundary Value Problem, Bo Yang


Modeling Road Traffic Demand of Container Consolidation in a Chinese Port Terminal, Zhongzhen Yang, Gang Chen, and Douglas R. Moodie


SOX Section 404 Material Weaknesses and Shareholder Dissatisfaction with Directors, Zhongxia Shelly Ye, Dana R. Hermanson, and Jagan Krishnan


Cubans, ¡Si!; Haitians, ¡No!: U.S. Immigration Policy, Cultural Politics, and Immigrant Eligibility, Michele Zebich-Knos

Education for a Global Era: Reflections of an Asian Teacher Education Faculty, Guichun Zong

Submissions from 2009


Microscopic Studies on the Aspergillus Flavus Infected Kernels of Commercial Peanuts in Georgia, Premila Achar, Karen Hermetz, Sharath Rao, Robert P. Apkarian, and Jeannette V. Taylor

Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets, Lucy Ackert and Richard Deaves


Probability Judgment Error and Speculation in Laboratory Asset Market Bubbles, Lucy F. Ackert, Narat Charupat, Richard Deaves, and Brian D. Kluger


Home Bias: Taking Comfort in What You Know?, Lucy F. Ackert and Bryan K. Church


Enhancing Ocean Literacy Using Real-Time Data, Lisa G. Adams and George Matsumoto

Globalization and Transnational Migrations: Africa and Africans in the Contemporary Global System, Akanmu Adebayo and Olutayo C. Adesina


Activation by C5a of Endothelial Cell Caspase 8 and cFLIP, Eric A. Albrecht, Aruna V. Sarma, and Peter A. Ward


Urban Boys and Girls: Linking Attitudes to Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration, Bina Ali and Monica Swahn


The Impact of Face-to-Face Orientation on Online Retention: A Pilot Study, Radwan Ali and Elke M. Leeds


Making History in the Bedroom: Americo-Liberians and Indigenous Liberians Sexual Unions, 1880s- c. 1950s, William E. Allen


Spirituality Then and Now: Our Journey Through Higher Education as Women of Faith, Audrey Wilson Allison and Patreece Boone Broadus


Understanding Consumers' Acceptance of Online Purchasing, D. Amoroso and S. Hunsinger


Analysis of the Factors that Influence Online Purchasing, Donald Amoroso and D. Scott Hunsinger


Measuring the Acceptance of Internet Technology by Consumers, Donald L. Amoroso and Scott Hunsinger


Auditor Failure and Market Reactions: Evidence from China, Sharad C. Asthana, Heibatollah Sami, and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


Using and Abusing Family Business Research, Joseph H. Astrachan

Assessing the Learning Effectiveness of African Virtual University, E. Ayalew, Solomon Negash, and D. Amoroso


Social Networking as a Communications Weapon to Harm Victims: Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter Demonstrate a Need to Amend Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, Joshua N. Azriel


Why IT Managers Don't Go for Cyber-Insurance Products, Tridib Bandyopadhyay, Vijay S. Mookerjee, and Ram C. Rao


Staging the Numinous, Jane Barnette

Learning Styles: Effective Tool for Deploying Finance Personnel in Changing Times, J. Barrow, S. Smalt, S. Brock, and K. S. S. Barrow


Risk and Protective Factors for Sexual Violence Perpetration Against Same-Sex Peers, Kathleen Basile, Merle Hamburger, and Monica Swahn


The Audit Committee Oversight Process, Mark S. Beasley, Joseph V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson, and Terry L. Neal


Restoring the Culture of Peace in Islamic East and Northeast Africa, Jesse Benjamin

The Impact of Transactional and Transformational Leader on Organizational Performance: The Case of Selected Ethiopian Companies, T. Besha, Solomon Negash, and D. Amoroso


Submonthly Polar Vortex Variability and Stratosphere–Troposphere Coupling in the Arctic, Robert X. Black and Brent A. McDaniel


Intergenerational Memories of Life in a Cult: A Life Course Analysis, Miriam W. Boeri and Natascia R. Boeri


Cold Cook Methods: An Ethnographic Exploration on the Myths of Methamphetamine Production and Policy Implications, Miriam W. Boeri, David Gibson, and Liam Harbry


A Qualitative Exploration of Trajectories Among Suburban Users of Methamphetamine, Miriam W. Boeri, Liam Harbry, and David Gibson


eCRM Marketing Intelligence in a Manufacturing Environment, Aberdeen Leila Borders, Wesley J. Johnston, and Johnathan Yehuda Morpurgo


Racial, ethnic, and sex differences in the associations between violence and self-reported health among US high school students, Robert Bossarte, Monica Swahn, and Matt Breiding

Renaissance Earwitnesses: Rumor and Early Modern Masculinity, Keith M. Botelho


Peak Athletic Performance and Ageing: Evidence from Baseball, John C. Bradbury


Spatially Targeted Government Spending and Heterogeneous Constituent Cost Shares, John Charles Bradbury and E. Frank Stephenson


The Celluloid Teacher, Rick A. Breault


Equity and Empowerment in PDS Work: A Review of Literature (1999 to 2006), Rick A. Breault and Brian Lack


Key Factors for Successful Export Performance for Small Firms, Lance Eliot Brouthers, George Nakos, John Hadjimarcou, and Keith D. Brouthers


International Market Selection and Subsidiary Performance: A Neural Network Approach, Lance Brouthers, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Timothy J. Wilkinson, and Keith D. Brouthers


Shark Teeth Classification, Tom Brown, Sally Creel, and Velda Lee


Memory Systems, Processes, and Tasks: Taxonomic Clarification via Factor Analysis, Peter J. Bruss and David B. Mitchell


The Effect of Resistive Exercise Rest Interval on Hormonal Response, Strength, and Hypertrophy With Training, Robert Buresh, Kris Berg, and Jeffrey French


Academic-Centered Peer Interactions and Retention in Undergraduate Mathematics Programs, Kadian M. Callahan


On the Self-regulatory Dynamics Created by the Peculiar Benefits and Costs of Narcissism: A Contextual Reinforcement Model and Examination of Leadership, W. Keith Campbell and Stacy M. Campbell

Responses of the American Accounting Association's Tracking Team to the Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession, Joseph V. Carcello, Jean C. Bedard, and Dana R. Hermanson


Improving Distribution Operations: Implementation of Material Handling Systems, Satya S. Chakravorty


Process Improvement: Using Toyota's A3 Reports, Satya S. Chakravorty


Six Sigma Programs: An Implementation Model, Satya S. Chakravorty


The Implementation of Design for Six Sigma: A Development Experience, Satya S. Chakravorty and Richard M. Franza


Do Portable Classrooms Impact Teaching and Learning?, Tak Cheung Chan


Meeting the Demand for Accountability: Case Study of a Teacher Education Program in China, Tak Cheung Chan


Fourth and Fifth Grade Departmentalization: A Transition to Middle School, Tak C. Chan, Daniel Terry, and Harriet J. Bessette


A Palatable Introduction to and Demonstration of Statistical Main Effects and Interactions, Andrew N. Christopher and Pam Marek


Rape Reporting: "Classic Rape" and the Behavior of Law, Jody Clay-Warner and Jennifer McMahon-Howard


Taxation of Gains and Losses on Sales of New York Subsidiary Stock, Bruce Clements


Security and Network Analysis Using Simulation, Victor A. Clincy


The Effect of Low-Mobile Foot Posture on Multi-Segment Medial Foot Model Gait Kinematics, Stephen C. Cobb, Laurie L. Tis, Jeffrey T. Johnson, Yong "Tai" Wang, Mark D. Geil, and Frances A. McCarty

Unlocking the Power of Language: Research-based Strategies for Language Development, Debra J. Coffey and Alice F. Snyder


Police Hiring and Retention of Sexual Minorities in Georgia and Texas after Lawrence v. Texas, Eric Coleman and Sutham Cheurprakobkit


The Older-Worker-Younger-Supervisor Dyad: A Test of the Reverse Pygmalion Effect, Mary Hair Collins, Joseph F. Hair Jr., and Tonette S. Rocco


The Efficacy of Economic Sanctions, Economic Sanctions and American Foreign Policy in the Unipolar Era, Stephen Collins


Can America Finance Freedom? Assessing U.S. Democracy Promotion via Economic Statecraft, Stephen D. Collins

Sand Between Our Toes: The Tybee Island Photo Album, Polly Wylly Cooper and Ellen Lyle Taber

The Development of a Substance Abuse Curriculum in a Master's of Social Work Program, Matthew J. Corrigan, M. Louise Bill, and Judith Slater


Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe, Darren Crovitz and W. Scott Smoot


The City of Sisterly Love: Jane Austen’s Community as Sorority, Laura S. Dabundo


Closed Knight's Tours with Minimal Square Removal for All Rectangular Boards, Joseph DeMaio and Thomas Hippchen


A Graph Theoretic Summation of the Cubes of the First n Integers, Joseph DeMaio and Andy Lightcap


U.S. Student Teachers in Belize, China and Mexico: Patterns of Cultural, Professional, and Character Development, Robert A. DeVillar and Binbin Jiang


Automated Extraction of Direct, Reactive, and Vat Dyes from Cellulosic Fibers for Forensic Analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis, Christopher R. Dockery, Amy R. Stefan, Alexander A. Nieuwland, and Samantha N. Roberson


Incomplete Contracting, Commission Discretion and the Origins of EU Merger Control, Thomas Doleys


Identification and Measurement of Core Competencies in Professional Psychology: Areas for Consideration, Roxanne A. Donovan and Allison N. Ponce


Middle School Students' Conceptual Learning from the Implementation of a New NSF Supported Curriculum: Interactions in Physical Science, Charles J. Eick, Michael Dias, and Nancy R. Cook-Smith


On the Estimation of Averages Over Infinite Intervals with an Application to Average Persistence in Population Models, Sean F. Ellermeyer


Insiders' Perspectives of the Effects of Recent Regulation on Corporate Taxation, Kathryn K. Epps and M. Catherine Cleaveland

Transitional Economies of Central Asia and Business Education, Kamal Fatehi, Gulnara Demeuova, and Foad Derakhshan


Persistence of Self in Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease: Evidence from Language and Visual Recognition, Sam Fazio and David B. Mitchell


Private Guns: The Social Identity of Security Contractors, Volker C. Franke and Marc von Boemcken


Picking up the Pieces: Are United States Officers Ready for Nation Building?, Volker Franke and Karen Gutteri


Evaluating the Return on Investment for Department of Defense to Private Sector Technology Transfer, Richard M. Franza and Rajesh Srivastava


Crisis Management’s New Role in Educational Settings, Barbara Gainey


Using Paired Comparison Matrices to Estimate Parameters of the Partial Credit Rasch Measurement Model for Rater-Mediated Assessments, Mary Garner and George Engelhard Jr.


Object Oriented Program Correctness with OOSimL, José M. Garrido

Object Oriented Simulation: A Modeling and Programming Perspective, José M. Garrido


Assessing the state of clinically applicable research for evidence-based practice in prosthetics and orthotics, Mark Geil


The effect of low-mobile foot posture on multi-segment medial foot model gait kinematics, Mark Geil


Advanced Education & Research Training Initiative [AERTI] 2009, Mark Daniel Geil and John W. Michael


Stories of the Otherworld: An Interview with Eddie Lenihan, John S. Gentile


The Pilgrim Soul: Herman Melville's Moby-Dick as Pilgrimage, John S. Gentile


Saving the Next Tree: The Georgia Hemlock Project, Community Action and Environmental Literacy, Elizabeth Giddens


Land Use/Land Cover and Soil Type Covariation in a Heterogeneous Landscape for Soil Moisture Studies Using Point Data, Mario A. Giraldo, David Bosch, and Marguerite Madden


Ground and surface temperature variability for remote sensing of soil moisture in a heterogeneous landscape, Mario A. Giraldo, David Bosch, Marguerite Madden, Lynn Usery, and Michael Finn


Addressing Business Agility Challenges with Enterprise Systems, D. L. Goodhue, D. Q. Chen, M. C. Boudreau, and J. Cochran

The Role of Attorneys in Court Ordered Mediations in North Carolina: The Pilot Phase, Elizabeth Ellen Gordon


Existence of Solutions for a Higher Order Multi-Point Boundary Value Problem, John R. Graef, Lingju Kong, and Bo Yang


Audit Committee Material Weaknesses in Smaller Reporting Companies, Audrey A. Gramling, Dana R. Hermanson, and Heather M. Hermanson

Analysis of Peer Review Reports: A Focus on Deficiencies of the Top 20 Triennially Inspected Firms, Audrey A. Gramling and Matt G. Watson


Tales of Resistance and Other Emancipatory Functions of Storytelling, Jane S. Grassley and Tommie P. Nelms


Arizona, Anthony Grooms

In the Bar at the North Ridge, Anthony Grooms

Menisha Collins, the Dreamer of Childhood, Anthony Grooms

Nairobbery, Anthony Grooms

Octopus Surprise, Anthony Grooms

The Emperor of the Kingdom of Africa, Anthony Grooms


The Geckos, Anthony Grooms

The Walk with the Maasi, Anthony Grooms

Wrestling the Waves at Brenu Akyinim, Anthony Grooms

Multivariate Data Analysis, Joseph F. Hair

Marketing Research: In a Digital Information Environment, Joseph F. Hair, Robert P. Bush, and David J. Ortinau


Testing Benford's Law for Improving Supply Chain Decision-Making: A Field Experiment, Douglas N. Hales, Satya S. Chakravorty, and V. Sridharan


Kinematic Analysis of the Powerlifting Style Squat and the Conventional Deadlift During Competition: Is There a Cross-Over Effect Between Lifts?, Michael E. Hales, Benjamin F. Johnson, and Jeff T. Johnson


Building Space for Peace? Israeli and Palestinian Activism in the Second Intifada, Maia Hallward


Creative Responses to Separation: Israeli and Palestinian Joint Activism in Bil'in, Maia Hallward


Why Do Entreprenuers Have Higher Longevity Expectations?, Govind Hariharan and Huan Ni

Navigating Immigration Policy at the Local Level, Paul A. Harris and William E. Baker


An Examination of Research Methods in Mathematics Education (1995-2005), Lynn C. Hart, Stephanie Z. Smith, Susan L. Swars, and Marvin E. Smith


Development and Validation of a Measure of Interpersonal Strengths: The Inventory of Interpersonal Strengths, Robert L. Hatcher and Daniel T. Rogers

Parenting Coordination and High Conflict Families in Divorce. Workshop, Sherrill Hayes, Helen Brantley, and Max Nunez


Community Based Divorce Education Programmes: Short-Term and Longer-Term Impacts, Sherrill Hayes and Lori Pelletier

Managing Enrollment Bandits: Recovering Enrollments Lost During Registration, Joe F. Head, Susan Blake, and Thomas M. Hughes


Practice Note: Challenging Conventions in Challenging Conditions: Thirty-Minute Mediations at Burning Man, Tim Hedeen and Ron Kelly


Collectivist and Individualist Influences on Website Design in South Korea and the U.S.: A Cross-Cultural Content Analysis, Kim Heeman, James R. Coyle, and Stephen J. Gould


How Consulting Services Could Kill Private-Sector Auditing, Dana R. Hermanson


Evidence from the PCAOB's Second Inspections of Small Firms, Dana R. Hermanson and Richard W. Houston


Remediation of Material Weaknesses Related to Employee Compensation, Dana R. Hermanson, Daniel M. Ivancevich, and Susan H. Ivancevich


Adverse Section 404 Opinions and Shareholder Dissatisfaction toward Auditors, Dana R. Hermanson, Jagan Krishnan, and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


Why Do Some Accelerated Filers with SOX Section 404 Material Weaknesses Provide Early Warning under Section 302?, Dana R. Hermanson and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


A Longitudinal Study of New Staff Auditors' Initial Expectations, Experiences, and Subsequent Job Perceptions, Heather M. Hermanson, Mary C. Hill, and Susan H. Ivancevich


Living Peace: An Exploration of Experiential Peace Education, Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention Programs for Youth, Shannon Hettler and Linda Johnston


The Perception of Elder Sexual Abuse in the Courtroom, Emily C. Hodell, Jonathan Golding, John A. Yozwiak, Gregory Bradshaw, Terri L. Kinstle, and Dorothy F. Marsil

Reducing MLFQ Scheduling Starvation with Feedback and Exponential Averaging, Kenneth E. Hoganson


Testing Theories of Capital Structure and Estimating the Speed of Adjustment, Rongbing Huang and Jay R. Ritter


Do Firms Become More Conservative After Financial Restatements?, Rongbing Huang, Zhaoyun Shangguan, and Gopala Vasudevan


Corporate Governance and Investor Reactions to Seasoned Equity Offerings, Rongbing Huang and James G. Tompkins IV


Managing Underwriters and the Marketing of Seasoned Equity Offerings, Rongbing Huang and Donghang Zhang


Corporate Governance and Investor Reactions to Seasoned Equity Offerings, Ronging Huang and James Tompkins

College Physical Activity is Related to Mid-Life Activity Levels in Women, Cherilyn N. Hultquist, Rachel Duckham, Crystal Stinson, and Dixie L. Thompson


Adding Value for Students and Faculty with a Master's Degree in Professional Writing, Susan M. Hunter, Elizabeth Giddens, and Margaret B. Walters


Detectability of Convex-Shaped Objects in Digital Images, Its Fundamental Limit and Multiscale Analysis, Xiaoming Huo and Xuelei (Sherry) Ni


Detection of Psilocybin Mushroom Analogs in Chocolate: Incorporating Current Events into the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory, Brandon Huskins and Christopher Dockery


A Specter Is Haunting Glenn Beck, Richard Hutchinson


Positive Solutions of Discrete Third-Order Three-Point Right Focal Boundary Value Problems, Jun Ji and Bo Yang


Off-Therapy Headaches in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients: A Retrospective Review, Ann H. Johnson, Cathy Jordan, and Claire M. Mazewski


Teaching evaluations and comments of pre-service music teachers regarding expert and novice choral conductors, Christopher M. Johnson, Harry E. Price, and Linda K. Schroeder

Town Center, Greg Johnson


Priority Health Behaviors among South African Undergraduate Students, Ping Hu Johnson, Kandice Johnson Porter, and Jane Petrillo

Conflict Research, Linda Johnston

Resolving Conflict in the Chinese and U.S. Realms for Global Business Entities, Linda M. Johnston and Hongmei Gao


Measurement of Decibel Exposure in College Students from Personal Music Devices, Saunders Jones Jr. and R. Alarcon


Calculation of the Vibrational Spectra of H5O2+ and Its Deuterium-Substituted Isotopologues by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Martina Kaledin, Alexey L. Kaledin, Joel M. Bowman, Jing Ding, and Kenneth D. Jordan


Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Infrared Spectra of H3O2- and D3O2-, Martina Kaledin, John M. Moffitt, Craig R. Clark, and Fareeha Rizvi


Asymptotic Properties of Equilibrium in Discriminatory and Uniform Price IPV Multi-Unit Auctions, Brett E. Katzman


Decision Analysis and the Principal-Agent Problem, Brett E. Katzman, Penny Verhoeven, and Hope Baker


Adele Schopenhauer, Florenz: Ein Reiseführer mit Anekdoten und Erzählungen (1847/48) (review), Susanne Kelley

The Travel Motif in Post-"Wende" German Literature: Angela Krauß' "Die Überfliegerin" and Antje Rávic Strubel's "Offene Blende", Susanne Kelley


"Where Hip meets Habsburg": Marketing the Personal Story in Contemporary Vienna, Susanne Kelley


Rotorcraft Performance, Controls, and Aerodynamics: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Adeel Khalid


Heavy-Flavor Production at Accelerators, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Higher-order Corrections to Top-antitop Pair and Single Top Quark Production, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Two-Loop Soft Anomalous Dimensions and Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Logarithm Resummation for Heavy Quark Production, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Two-loop Soft Anomalous Dimensions with Massive and Massless Quarks, Nikolaos Kidonakis


Measuring the Impact of Sales on Earnings and Equity Price, Oliver Kim, Steve C. Lim, and Taewoo Park


'Fine and Dangerous': Teaching Merton, David A. King


Media Morality Tales and the Politics of Motherhood, Katherine N. Kinnick


"Chiaroscuro" and the Quest for Optimal Resonance, Adam Kirkpatrick


Structural Relations among Negative Affect, Mate Value, and Mating Effort, Beth Randi Kirsner, Aurelio Jose Figueredo, and W. Jake Jacobs


Science Conference Presenters' Images of Inquiry, Thomas R. Koballa Jr., Michael J. Dias, and Jennifer Lance Atkinson

Dogs No Longer Man's Best Friend: A Test of Football Market Efficiency, Ladd Kochman


Integrating Literature to Support Mathematics Learning in Middle School, Karen Koellner, Faith H. Wallace, and Lyn Swackhamer


Indirect Gravimetric Determination of Waters of Hydration, Marina C. Koether


Flagellar Formation in C-Ring-Defective Mutants by Overproduction of FliI, the ATPase Specific for Flagellar Type III Secretion, Manabu Konishi, Masaomi Kanbe, Jonathan L. McMurry, and Shin-Ichi Aizawa


The Culture of Property: Race, Class, and Housing Landscapes in Atlanta, 1880–1950, LeeAnn Lands


An Examination of the Role pf Online Social Media in Journalists' Source Mix, Ruthann Weaver Lariscy, Elizabeth Johnson Avery, Kaye D. Sweetser, and Pauline Howes


Commitment, Procedural Fairness, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Multifoci Analysis, James J. Lavelle, Joel Brockner, Mary A. Konovsky, Kenneth H. Price, Amy B. Henley, Aakash Taneja, and Vishnu Vinekar


Using digital video technology to reduce communication apprehension in business education, Elke M. Leeds and Ruth A. Mauer


Theorizing Teamwork: A Classical Sociological Approach, Darina Lepadatu

Jim Crow America: A Documentary History, Catherine Lewis and J. Richard Lewis


Attitude Counts: Self-Concept and Success in General Chemistry, Scott E. Lewis, Janet L. Shaw, Judith O. Heitz, and Gail H. Webster


GATT/WTO Promotes Trade Strongly: Sample Selection and Model Specification, Xuepeng Liu


Trade and Income Convergence: Sorting Out the Causality, Xuepeng Liu


The Information Technology Agreement: Sui Generis or Model Stepping Stone?, Xuepeng Liu and Catherine L. Mann


Space Optimization on Counters for FPGA-Based Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, Dan Chia-Ten Lo and Yi-Gang Tai


Integrating Political and Social Issues in Operations and Supply Management, M. Maloni


Assessing Logistics Maturation through Author Concentration, Michael J. Maloni, Craig R. Carter, and Amelia S. Carr


Applying Sales and Operations Planning to the Metro-Atlanta Water Crisis, Michael J. Maloni and Richard M. Franza


Induction of Tunica Vaginalis Mesotheliomas in Rats by Xenobiotics, Robert R. Maronpot, Errol Zeiger, Ernest E. McConnell, Holly Kolenda-Roberts, Henry Wall, and Marvin A. Friedman

Public Administration Ethics for the 21st Century, J. Michael Martinez


Pets in Print Advertising - Are We Seeing More of Rover and Fluffy? A Content Analysis of Four Popular Magazines, Charles M. Mayo, Donna T. Mayo, and Marilyn M. Helms


John Mitchel: Irish Nationalist, Southern Secessionist, Bryan P. McGovern


Acute Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, and RPE Responses During Super Slow vs. Traditional Machine Resistance Training Protocols Using Small Muscle Group Exercises, John R. McLester, Jason P. Wickwire, Matt J. Green, and Thad R. Crews


Criminalizing Spousal Rape: The Diffusion of Legal Reforms, Jennifer McMahon-Howard‌, Jody Clay-Warner, and Linda Renzulli‌

The Roots of Terrorist Motivation: Shame, Rage, and Violence in The Brothers Karamazov, Jack Moran

Solution Of The Fist: Dostoevsky And The Roots Of Modern Terrorism, John P. Moran


Effect of Conductor Expressivity on Ensemble Evaluations by Nonmusic Majors, Steven J. Morrison, Harry E. Price, Carla G. Geirger, and Rachel A. Cornacchio

Principals' Perceptions of School Public Relations, Robert C. Morris, Tak C. Chan, and Judith Patterson


Animated Courseware Support for Teaching Database Design, Meg C. Murray and Mario Guimaraes


Working for and with Latino/Latina Immigrant Newcomers in the English Language Arts Classroom, Bernadette Musetti, Spencer Salas, and Theresa Perez

Former Audit Partners on the Audit Committee and Internal Control Deficiencies, V. Naiker and Divesh Sharma


You Can't Beat Habit, Martin Neale


Synchronous Hybrid E-Learning: Empirical Comparison with Asynchronous and Traditional Classrooms, Solomon Negash, Michelle Emerson, and John Vandegrieft


Another Look at Huber's Estimator: A New Minimax Estimator in Regression with Stochastically Bounded Noise, Xuelei (Sherry) Ni and Xiaoming Huo


Sir Thomas Malory and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell Reconsidered, Ralph Norris


Use of a Body Proportionality Index for Growth Assessment of Preterm Infants, Irene E. Olsen, M. Louise Lawson, Jareen Meinzen-Derr, Amy L. Sapsford, Kurt R. Schibler, Edward F. Donovan, and Ardythe L. Morrow


The Human Rights and Roma Minority in European Union: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Discrimination Cases from Romania, Cristina Otovescu-Frasie and Darina Lepadatu


The World Bank's Use of Country Systems of Procurement: A Good Idea Gone Bad?, Christopher Pallas and Jonathan Wood

Bill Arp's Peace Papers: Columns on War and Reconstruction, 1861-1873, David B. Parker and Charles Henry Smith


Local Government Use of GIS in Comprehensive Planning, Mark Patterson and Nancy Hoalst-Pullen


Mills B. Lane, Jr. and Enterprise in a New South, Randall L. Patton


Impact of Facility Damages on Hospital Capacities for Decision Support in Disaster Response Planning for an Earthquake, Jomon Paul and Li Lin


Using Dynamic Graph Matching and Gravity models for Early Detection of Bioterrorist Attack by Analysis of Hospital Patient Data, Jomon Paul, Kedar Sambhoos, and G. Hariharan


Validating a Model of Cooperative Procurement in the Construction Industry, Ossi Pesämaa, Per Erik Eriksson, and Joseph F. Hair


Developing Soft Skills to Manage User Expectations in IT Projects: Knowledge Reuse among IT Project Managers, Stacie Petter and Adriane B. Randolph


"Cool Deliberate Courage": John Eager Howard in the American Revolution, Jim Piecuch and John Beakes


The Influence of Roles, Advocacy, and Adaptation to the Accounting Decision Environment, Robert Pinsker, Robin Pennington, and Jennifer Schafer


Chopin's The Awakening, Tamara Powell

The Tao To Understanding Enterprise It Project Complexity: Sun-Tzu's Five Factors Revisited, James W. Price Jr. and Pamila Dembla


Dealing With Diversity Issues in the Classroom: A Survey of the STP Membership, Loreto R. Prieto, Valerie Whittlesey, Diane Herbert, Carlota Ocampo, Allison Schomburg, and Dominicus So


Food for Thought: Social Versus Environmental Sustainability Practices and Performance Outcomes, Madeleine E. Pullman, Michael J. Maloni, and Craig R. Carter


The Assessment CyberGuide for Learning Goals and Outcomes, Thomas Pusateri, Jane S. Halonen, Bill Hill, and Maureen McCarthy

Don't Shrug Off Student Evaluations, H. William Rice

Hunting Among the Indians: Musings on Listening to the Land, H. William Rice

Native Americans, H. William Rice

Native American Trade, H. William Rice

Pledger Lake, H. William Rice


Pledger Lake, H. William Rice

Salvation from Narrow-mindedness, H. William Rice

The Klondike Gold Strike, H. William Rice

The Lone Wolf, H. William Rice

The Longing, H. William Rice


The Longing, H. William Rice

Toni Morrison, H. William Rice


Music, Transtextuality, and the World Wide Web, Anne Richards


Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Levels of Urinary Metals in the US Youth and Adult Population:NHANES 1999-2004, Patricia Richter, Ellen Bishop, Jiantong Wang, and Monica Swahn


Medical Futility: Where Do We Go from Here?, Lois R. Robley


POLST Sweeps the Nation, Lois R. Robley


Reigniting the Debate over Assisted Suicide, Lois R. Robley


Objectivity in Evaluations for Assisted Suicide: Appreciating the Role of Relational and Intrapsychic Components, Daniel T. Rogers and Daniel M. Niederjohn


Comparing Experts and Novices in Solving Electrical Circuit Problems with the Help of Eye-Tracking, David Rosengrant, Colin Thomson, and Taha Mzoughi


Do Students Use and Understand Free-Body Diagrams?, David Rosengrant, Alan Van Heuvelen, and Eugenia Etkina

How Do Students Use Different Representations when Solving Physics Problems?, David Rosengrant, Alan Van Heuvelen, and Eugenia Etkina


The Helicobacter pylori Anti-Sigma Factor FlgM Is Predominantly Cytoplasmic and Cooperates with the Flagellar Basal Body Protein FlhA, Melanie Rust, Sophie Borchert, Eike Niehus, Sarah A. Gripp, Afrodita Bajceta, Jonathan L. McMurry, Sebastian Suerbaum, Kelly T. Hughes, and Christine Josenhans

The Weight of Alone, Jenny Sadre-Orafai

Breathing Patterns, Jenny R. Sadre-Orafai


Space, Time and Nitric Oxide -- Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Generates Signal Pulses, John C. Salerno and Dipak K. Ghosh


Implementing Effective Strategic Alliances, Michael Salvador


Incentives for Green Residential Construction, Michael Sauer and Khalid Siddiqi


Justification and Self Review: Mitigating Irrelevant Affect in Accounting Judgments, Brad Schafer and Jennifer Schafer


Contractors as Military Professionals?, Gary Schaub, Jr. and Volker Franke


Dynamic Pricing for Project-Oriented Production: A Comparison to Current Pricing Techniques, Christina R. Scherrer and Paul Griffin

Developing Real World Software, Richard Schlesinger


A Review of Academic Literature on Internal Control Reporting Under SOX, Arnold Schneider, Audrey A. Gramling, Dana R. Hermanson, and Zhongxia Shelly Ye


Determinants of Audit Committee Meeting Frequency: Evidence from a Voluntary Governance System, V. D. Sharma, V. Naiker, and B. Lee


The Trans Effect: A Guided-Inquiry Experiment for Upper-Division Inorganic Chemistry, Janet L. Shaw, Christopher R. Dockery, Scott E. Lewis, Lindsay Harris, and Richard Bettis


Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of Diphenyldipyrazolylmethane Complexes with Zinc(II), Janet L. Shaw, Kevin P. Gwaltney, and Nikky Keer

The Impact of Organizational Culture on IS Implementation Success in Ethiopia: the Case of Selected Public and Private Organizations, Y. Sheferaw, Solomon Negash, and D. Amoroso


An Exploratory Investigation of the Periodic Performance Evaluation Processes for Marketing Faculty: A Comparison of Doctoral-Granting and Non-Doctoral-Granting Universities, C. David Shepherd, Susan S. Carley, and Randy S. Stuart

An Exploratory Investigation of the Periodic Performance Evaluation Processes for Marketing Faculty: A Comparison of Doctoral-Granting and Non-Doctoral-Granting Universities, David C. Shepherd, Susan Carley, and Randy S. Stuart


A Dynamic Insertion Approach for Multi-Dimensional Data Using Index Structures, Yong Shi


Towards Solving Similarity Search Problems Using Fuzzy Concept for Multi-Dimensional Data, Yong Shi

From the Fragmented to the Un-Centered: An Alternative Interpretation of Portuguese Poetry's Contemporary Development, Robert Simon

“Mistry Architects: Innovating for Sustainability,” HBS Cases 9-609-044, 9-609-064 and 9-609-086., Mona Sinha, Amy Edmondson, and Robert Eccles