Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

The DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University proudly publishes the journals below.

African Social Science Review (Archived Journals)

ISSN 1521-6667

This collection only features issues published between 2000 and 2013. For more current issues, please visit: Texas Southern University's Digital Scholarship site.

African Social Science Review is a publication co-sponsored by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University and Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University. ASSR publishes refereed articles from all areas of social science.

Publisher Information

DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw GA 30144

ISSN: 1521-6667

ATL (Archived Journals)

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

ATL aims to engage scholarly voices from all strata of academia. Undergraduate students, graduate students, junior faculty, tenured faculty, and community leaders are all welcome to submit work for consideration. Articles in ATL are peer-reviewed and embody our vision of creating intersectional analyses of social relationships.

Atlantic Marketing Journal (Active Journals)

ISSN 2165-3887(electronic)

Atlantic Marketing Journal is sponsored by the Atlantic Marketing Association.

The purpose of the Atlantic Marketing Journal is to publish double blind reviewed scholarly articles in the general area of marketing, logistics and closely related areas.

Our audience is intended to be Marketing Educators, Marketing Scholars and Marketing Practitioners. Manuscripts for submission should appeal to one or more of these audiences. Manuscripts addressing empirical research, pedagogical research, theoretical development, extensions and application are all received on an equal footing.

The review process will entail a double blind peer review. The journal is listed in the Cabell Directory WHITE LIST

Emerging Writers (Active Journals)

Are you enrolled in a Composition I or II course at Kennesaw State University? We want to see your work! Emerging Writers features academic, creative nonfiction, and short analysis essays, including multimodal writing and more. Join an international community of writers and researchers dedicated to excellence in first-year university writing. Check out the site menu for more details and submit your work today! (/p>

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Submit Your Work

You will need a Digital Commons account to submit to this journal. If you have trouble creating or accessing your account, please reach out to the Digital Commons team for support.

FUSION (Active Journals)

Are you enrolled in a General Education Literature Course at Kennesaw State University? We want to see your work! FUSION features poetry, analysis, photography, podcasts, multimodal writing, researched essays, and more. Join a dynamic community of readers, writers, and thinkers as we engage with the ongoing international conversation about literary studies. Check out the site menu for more details and submit your work today!

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Submit Your Work

You will need a Digital Commons account to submit to this journal. If you have trouble creating or accessing your account, please reach out to the Digital Commons team for support.

Georgia Journal of Literacy (Archived Journals)

The Georgia Journal of Literacy has migrated to a new site. GJL is the biannual, peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA). We publish research- and practitioner-based articles related to language and literacy education at all educational levels. We welcome the voices of all literacy advocates, from literacy scholars/researchers, P–12 classroom teachers and school leaders, and graduate students.

More about GALA, including who we are, what we do, current events and initiatives, and membership can be found at:

Georgia Journal of Public Policy (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2152-4130

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

From seat belt laws to economic recovery plans, public policy in Georgia is not only about legislating and program funding, but also about issues such as implementation, regulation and impact.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The editors believe the Journal will offer readers a deeper understanding of the complexity involved with forming and executing public policy in Georgia and beyond. We also want to hear from you, so please email your manuscripts and submission ideas to and help us further the conversation.

Georgia Library Quarterly (Active Journals)

ISSN 2157-0396

Welcome to the Georgia Library Quarterly, the official journal of the Georgia Library Association.

ISSN: 2157-0396

Groundings (Archived Journals)

This journal has moved to a new location. Read the archived issues here and visit the new journal site.

Groundings is the voice of the Walter Rodney Foundation and serves as the source of Foundation related news, inquiry, and activism. Articles are published to engage both the public and the scholarly community.

See the About Page for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice (Active Journals)

ISSN 2472-2707

The Journal of Cybersecurity Education Research and Practice (JCERP) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal dedicated to promoting scholarship among faculty teaching and researching Cybersecurity topics. JCERP seeks to collect and publish high-quality research, perspective, and best practice articles on the understanding, investigation, conduct and instruction of security related topics written specifically for an academic audience. JCERP is published twice annually, typically in June (Spring Edition) and December (Fall Edition).

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

JCERP is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),

Due to an ongoing and persistent shortage of reviewers, JCERP requires that the author(s) of a submitted manuscript commit to reviewing at least two papers for the Journal, prior to the publication of their article.

Submissions accepted for publication will remain pending until the authoring team has completed two reviews. If this commitment is not met within 12 months, any accepted and pending articles may be subject to rejection.

Authors that have reviewed for the journal in the past 12 months will have their service counted toward this obligation.

Journal of Efficiency and Decarbonization Approaches (JEDA) (Active Journals)

JEDA Journal

The Journal of Efficiency and Decarbonization Approaches (JEDA) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a mission to create a platform of communication about energy efficiency and the decarbonization transformation among professionals in the field of study.

IMADE Symposium

The Industrial and Manufacturing Approaches in Decarbonization and Efficiency (IMADE) symposium, funded by US Department of Energy’s Southeastern Center of Excellence, is a platform for undergraduate and graduate students of the Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) to present their research efforts related to efficiency and decarbonization. Authors can submit three different types of content to the IMADE Symposium: (1) Research Papers, (2) Work-in-Progress (WIP) Reports, or (3) Poster Presentations.

Authors will have the option to publish their research papers in the Journal of Efficiency and Decarbonization Approaches (JEDA).

The Journal of Efficiency and Decarbonization Approaches (JEDA) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a mission to create a platform of communication about energy efficiency and the decarbonization transformation among professionals in the field of study. The journal will provide a platform to publish theoretical ideas and document emerging scientific knowledge in the field of study to promote dialogue, research, practice, and policy pertaining to all energy efficiency and decarbonization aspects. The journal will be open-access and published online through the digital commons. For the purpose of the JEDA, energy efficiency encompasses knowledge from a broad range of disciplines and formats (e.g., university degree and non-credit and corporate programs). Academic research conducted by anyone studying the field of knowledge will be allowed to submit their work for the peer-review process.

Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets (Archived Journals)

ISSN 1946-651X

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Welcome to the India, China & America Institute's Working Papers Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets. This journal provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and shared learning experiences among policy makers, scholars and practitioners on the global economic impact of emerging markets.

Several academic institutions across both hemispheres provide our content through their libraries and websites. Our articles also appear in searches of popular academic databases, including Google Scholar, EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals, EconLit, and Cabell's Directory.

ISSN 1946-651X

Journal of Executive Education (Archived Journals)

ISSN 1535-1777

The JEE is currently and indefinitely on hold.

All the archived issues have been added.

The Journal of Executive Education (JEE) is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal with a mission to advance the quality of executive education and invites you to submit original manuscripts of your work on the scholarship of teaching, administration, and curriculum development issues, as well as essays and book reviews. Submissions are no longer accepted.

Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective (Archived Journals)

ISSN 1930-3009

Past issues of the Journal of Global Initiatives is housed at Kennesaw State University. JGI is no longer accepting submissions and has effectively shut down.

For more information, see our Aims and Scope page.

Authors are advised: the journal is no longer accepting submissions.

Journal of Maya Heritage (Active Journals)

ISSN 2995-7427

The Journal of Maya Heritage is a renowned international publication focused on exploring and safeguarding the profound heritage of the Maya culture. It serves as a scholarly platform encompassing a broad range of subjects related to Maya culture, history, art, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, religion, and language. Esteemed academics, researchers, and experts contribute scholarly articles, research papers, and reviews, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and discoveries about the ancient and present Maya. The Journal follows an Open Access policy and does not charge any fees for processing and publishing articles.

Journal of Maya Heritage es una reconocida publicación internacional enfocada en explorar y salvaguardar el profundo patrimonio de la cultura Maya. Sirve como una plataforma académica que abarca una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la cultura, la historia, el arte, la arqueología, la antropología, la arquitectura, la religión y el idioma Maya. Estimados académicos, investigadores y expertos contribuyen con artículos académicos, trabajos de investigación y reseñas, facilitando la difusión de conocimientos y descubrimientos sobre los Mayas antiguos y actuales. La Revista tiene una política de Open Access y no hay cobro por publicar.

Journal of Young Adult and Children’s Literature (Active Journals)

The Journal of Young Adult and Children’s Literature is a peer-reviewed/professional journal dedicated to teaching and scholarship in the field of young adult and children's literature. It provides an outlet for practitioners and researchers to share topics such as classroom strategies in relation to literature, literature titles, and research in relation to both young adult and children's literature.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

KSU Distinguished Course Repository (Active Journals)

The KSU Distinguished Course Repository is a new academic journal that highlights exceptional course designs from Kennesaw State University and promotes access to these course designs for increased collaboration among teaching faculty.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

MAPWriting (Archived Journals)

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Maya America: Journal of Essays, Commentary, and Analysis (Active Journals)

ISSN 2688-9188

Maya America publishes academic essays, commentary, personal reflections, and creative works such as literature and poetry. The name Maya America refers to the traditional lands of the Maya plus the new lands such as the United States and Canada. Topics concerning the Indigenuos Americas will be welcome. Academic essays are double-blind peer reviewed while the creative works are peer reviewed.

Maya America is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Navigations: A First-Year College Composite (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2574-1489

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Welcome to Navigations: A First-Year College Composite, a publication of creative and critical scholarship by first-year college students.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Oglethorpe Journal of Undergraduate Research (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2573-7058

The journal ceased publication in 2018.

Oglethorpe Journal of Undergraduate Research (OJUR) was a scholarly journal promoting undergraduate research, and it sought to preserve and make available the creative and academic invention of the campus constituency.

The journal served as both a digital repository of scholarly output and a platform for publishing works of the campus community that promoted inventive and original works.

Pamoja (Archived Journals)

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Writing and working at the intersections of difference and underrepresentation, oppression and resistance, alterity and struggles for social justice.

Provenance, Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists (Active Journals)

ISSN 0739-4241

Provenance's primary focus concerns the theory and practice of the archival profession. Issues have included topics such as archival education; digital materials and electronic records; automation; imaging; appraisal of university records; moving archives; management of audiovisual, photograph, oral history, and map materials; military archives; documentary editing; research use of archives; case studies in appraising congressional papers; ethics; emergency and disaster management; and descriptive standards.

Siegel Institute Ethics Research Scholars (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2573-4237

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

The Siegel Institute Ethics Research Scholars program recruits budding and established scholars from across the Kennesaw State University community to come together in creating independent research projects under a common umbrella topic. Each Spring and Fall semester a new cohort begins a calendar-year-long commitment to see their unique research endeavors from development to publication. This journal houses the completed projects of each cohort in the SIERS program. For more information about the SIERS program and the scholars published here, please visit our website:

South (Archived Journals)

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Welcome to the home of our new academic journal, which will focus on bringing into dialogue the many critical voices of the Global South, variously understood and constituted. We have simply named the project South to call into mind a number of interpretations of the word within the context of power dynamics in both the Global South and the Global North, as well as in the form of new and emerging forms of political subjectivity.

We appreciate your patience as we develop the first issue and put the finishing touches on this webpage. We expect to have Calls for Papers uploaded shortly as well, so please check back soon. If you are interested in discussing the project with the editors, please e-mail

Thank you.

Please click on "Submit Article" to the left to submit your abstract for the issue "Kurdish Culture, Identity and Geopolitics: Toward Decolonization." You do not have to upload your full paper at this time, but you can come back and upload it when it is ready.

The African Journal of Information Systems (Active Journals)

ISSN 1936-0282

The African Journal of Information Systems, a journal of information systems focusing on the African continent.

Authors wishing to submit to the journal should review:
* Submission Guidelines
* Template for Paper Submission

The Crambo (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2575-145X

This journal ceased publication in 2019. If you are interested in the new MAPW journal, The Headlight Review, please visit their new journal site.

The Crambo


1. A game in which a player gives a word or line of verse to which each of the other players must find a rhyme

2. A literary journal for graduate students

The Crambo is a graduate-student run publication at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. We publish graduate students' works in fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, plays, screenplays, short graphic fiction, cartoons, and visual art. Currently enrolled graduate students from any university are encouraged to submit original and unpublished work.

The journal will accept submissions until November 7, 2018. Our staff carefully reviews submitted work with the final decision made by the editors. Issue 2 will be published Spring 2019.

Note: The Crambo is unique in that it is produced and features work exclusively by graduate students. Because of this, The Crambo can only accept submissions from email addresses affiliated with a university. The institutional email is how we help ensure this standard is kept.

The Geographical Bulletin (Active Journals)

ISSN 2163-5900

The Geographical Bulletin is published twice a year by Gamma Theta Upsilon. Articles concerning any area of geographical interest are solicited from students and faculty.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology (Active Journals)

ISSN 2154-8935

Latest Call for Papers

Special Issue: “Health and Illness through a Sociological Lens”

Please submit manuscripts by June 15, 2025.

For more information, please contact Dr. Linda Treiber, JPPS Editor


Linda Treiber, Kennesaw State University

Deputy Editor

Brandon K. Attell, Georgia State University

Founding Editor

Melvyn L. Fein, Kennesaw State University

The Journal of Public and Professional Sociology is the official journal of the Georgia Sociological Association. JPPS publishes refereed works of research and theory focusing on both public and professional sociology.

For more information, see our Aims and Scope page.

Publisher Information

DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw GA 30144

The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research (Active Journals)

ISSN 2474-4921

The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research (KJUR) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to promoting academic study and achievement among undergraduate students at Kennesaw State University. This journal seeks to encourage inquiry among undergraduates by providing them with an avenue for spreading and exchanging knowledge through publication of their research.

The Kennesaw Tower Undergraduate Foreign Language Research Journal (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2475-2223

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

Benvenuti / Bienvenidos / Bienvenue / Welcome / Willkommen / 欢迎

Welcome to The Kennesaw Tower, the annual undergraduate foreign language research journal at Kennesaw State University. We are based in the Department of Foreign Languages, a dynamic place in which over a dozen languages are taught regularly.

Who we publish and why?

Our mission is to publish quality, scholarly work of advanced undergraduate students in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. We read submissions in a double-blind format. Access to our current issue and archived issues is free of charge.

Click here for Submission Information

For questions and comments please contact:

Dr. Jaime Cruz-Ortiz Editor-in-Chief
375 Cobb Ave. NW, MD 1804, Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591

The Siegel Institute Journal of Applied Ethics (Archived Journals)

ISSN 2573-4202

This journal is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in reviving this journal, please contact the Digital Commons team.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The Southeastern Librarian (Active Journals)

ISSN 0038-3686

The Southeastern Librarian (SELn) is the official publication of the Southeastern Library Association (SELA). The quarterly peer reviewed publication seeks to publish articles, announcements, and news of professional interest to the library community in the southeast. The publication also represents a significant means for addressing the Association's research objective. The quarterly issues contain juried articles, book reviews, as well as SELA, state, and library personnel news.

The Guidelines for Article Submissions and Author Instructions provides information on how to submit manuscripts for publication consideration.

Young African Leaders Journal of Development (Active Journals)

ISBN: 978-978-100-833-7 :::: Journal DOI: 10.32727/24.2019.1

The Young African Leaders Journal of Development (YALJOD) is a biennial journal and an official publication of the Young African Leaders Forum (YALF). It was established in 2015 to host scholarly analysis and competing viewpoints about the development of Africa; and it’s multidisciplinary approach makes it more formidable.

YALJOD accepts papers from varied disciplinary areas — including Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Humanities — that show direct relevance to the development of Africa. It publishes researches understood as the social, economic, political, cultural and technological processes of change in Africa.

To inquire more about YALJOD, please send an email to

Submit your article by emailing it to, but be certain for follow the Submission Guidelines.