The Journal of Cybersecurity Education Research and Practice (JCERP) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal dedicated to promoting scholarship among faculty teaching and researching Cybersecurity topics. JCERP seeks to collect and publish high-quality research, perspective, and best practice articles on the understanding, investigation, conduct and instruction of security related topics written specifically for an academic audience. JCERP is published twice annually, typically in June (Spring Edition) and December (Fall Edition).
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
JCERP is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),
Due to an ongoing and persistent shortage of reviewers, JCERP requires that the author(s) of a submitted manuscript commit to reviewing at least two papers for the Journal, prior to the publication of their article.
Submissions accepted for publication will remain pending until the authoring team has completed two reviews. If this commitment is not met within 12 months, any accepted and pending articles may be subject to rejection.
Authors that have reviewed for the journal in the past 12 months will have their service counted toward this obligation.
Exploring School Teachers' Cyber Security Awareness, Experiences, and Practices in the Digital Age
R Ravichandran, Sonam Singh, and P Sasikala
Managing cybersecurity in local governments: 2022
Donald F. Norris PhD and Laura K. Mateczun JD
Educating students on the behavioral and psychological aspects of romance scam victimization via a social engineering competition
Rachel Bleiman, Hwanhee Park, and Aunshul Rege