
The Journal of Maya Heritage is a renowned international publication focused on exploring and safeguarding the profound heritage of the Maya culture. It serves as a scholarly platform encompassing a broad range of subjects related to Maya culture, history, art, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, religion, and language. Esteemed academics, researchers, and experts contribute scholarly articles, research papers, and reviews, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and discoveries about the ancient and present Maya.

Journal of Maya Heritage es una reconocida publicación internacional enfocada en explorar y salvaguardar el profundo patrimonio de la cultura Maya. Sirve como una plataforma académica que abarca una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la cultura, la historia, el arte, la arqueología, la antropología, la arquitectura, la religión y el idioma Maya. Estimados académicos, investigadores y expertos contribuyen con artículos académicos, trabajos de investigación y reseñas, facilitando la difusión de conocimientos y descubrimientos sobre los Mayas antiguos y actuales.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1 (2023) Inaugural Insights: Unveiling Maya Heritage

Editor's Note - Inaugural Issue

Welcome to the Journal of Maya Heritage

Dear Readers and Fellow Scholars,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we present to you the inaugural issue of the Journal of Maya Heritage. This milestone marks the beginning of our journey to explore and preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Maya civilization.

Our mission is to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, and enthusiasts to share their insights, discoveries, and perspectives on the Maya heritage. This journal will be a hub for in-depth exploration of Maya art, history, archaeology, linguistics, and the contemporary cultural expressions of the Maya people.

In this issue, you will find a diverse range of articles and research papers that delve into the fascinating world of the Maya. From ancient archaeological discoveries to contemporary discussions on cultural preservation, each contribution represents a vital piece in the puzzle of understanding and celebrating this remarkable civilization.

We want to extend our gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and editorial team whose dedication and expertise have made this inaugural issue possible. We invite you to immerse yourself in these pages, and we hope that the knowledge shared here inspires further inquiry, discussion, and appreciation of Maya heritage.

Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey, and we look forward to sharing many more issues with you in the future.


Your Chief Editor PhD. Jose Israel Herrera



Expanding the Orbit of Maya Culture: Creating a Non-Profit in the United States
Apollo Liu, Callie Passwater, Skyler Steckler, and Ryan Rowberry


Challenges of accessibility of a community heritage tourist route: The Route of the Caste War
Cecilia S. Medina Martín, David E. Tamayo Torres, Margarita De A Navarro Favela, and Fredi R. Un Noh

Journal of Maya Heritage