A collection of published articles from members of the Department of Communication at Kennesaw State University.

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Submissions from 2023


Moving Forward in Compounded Grief: Communicated Resilience after COVID-19 Related Losses, Kendyl A. Barney, Emily Scheinfeld, Katlyn Gangi, Erin C. Nelson, and Catherine C. Sinardi


“They Just See Guys as Bodies”: Assessing Credibility of Injury Communication in the National Football League, David Cassilo and Joseph McGlynn


Patch Leaks in the Pipeline Post-Pandemic by Preparing a Resilient and Sustainable Community: Classroom to College, Mackenzie Cato and Robin Smith Mathis


Understanding the audience in framing research: empirical evidence from three studies examining HIV framing in China, Tianen Chen, Minhao Dai, and Nancy Grace Harrington


Examine the associations between smartphone hookup application uses and sexual health and relationship outcomes among college students, Minhao Dai


Counterpublics and Hegemonic Ideology: Responses to Donald Trump’s Post-Hurricane Imperial Condescension toward Puerto Rico on Twitter, Eduard Fabregat and Farooq A. Kperogi


#politicalcommunicationsowhite: Race and Politics in Nine Communication Journals, 1991-2021, Deen Freelon, Meredith L. Pruden, and Daniel Malmer


Critical computation: mixed-methods approaches to big language data analysis, Josephine Lukito and Meredith L. Pruden


The Role of Shame, Stigma, and Family Communication Patterns in the Decision to Disclose STIs to Parents in Order to Seek Support, Emily Scheinfeld


Survivors’ perspectives on saying goodbye: Implications for end-of-life engagement across the lifespan and grieving process, Emily Scheinfeld, Kelly E. Tenzek, and Jessica Cherry


Perpetuating perceptions: Using Communication Theory to Understand the "Chaining" or Sharing of the Common Training and Development Narrative., Robin Smith Mathis and Philip J. Aust


Agendamelding and COVID-19: the dance of horizontal and vertical media in a pandemic, J. Benjamin Taylor, Milad Minooie, and Chris J. Vargo

Submissions from 2022


Royce White, DeMar DeRozan and Media Framing of Mental Health in the NBA, David Cassilo


Perceived facilitators and barriers to intentions of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines among elderly Chinese adults, Tianen Chen, Minhao Dai, and Shilin Xia


The Demographic and Psychological Moderators to the Associations Between Geosocial Networking Apps (GSNA) Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors Among US Young Adults, Minhao Dai


Socio-behavioral factors related to PrEP non-adherence among gay male PrEP users living in California and New York: A behavioral theory informed approach, Minhao Dai and Christopher Calabrese


It’s about Planning: Understanding Young Millennials’ Intention toward Marriage Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Minhao Dai and Nicholas Chilson


Centrist Language, Camouflaged Ideology: Assembled Text-Based Content on Mainstream and Ideological News Podcasts, Marcus Funk and Burton Speakman


The Role of Telemedicine in Rural Mental Health Care Around the Globe, Lindsey Jo Hand


Social media and the demotic turn in Africa's media ecology, Farooq Kperogi


COVID-19 and Student Perceptions toward a Swift Shift in Learning Format: Does Experience Make a Difference?, Justin E. Pettigrew and Pauline A. Howes


How Social Media, FoMO, and Isolation Influence Our Perceptions of Others Who “Break the Rules”, Emily Scheinfeld and Heather L. Voorhees


Incorporating Ethics in Disaster Communication Strategy: The Case of the U.S. Government in Deepwater Horizon, J. Suzanne Horsley and Amber L. Hutchins


The Effect of Innovation on the Market Structure of the Media Industry: A Longitudinal Study, Tom Vizcarrondo


The influences of student- and school-level factors on engineering undergraduate student success outcomes: A multi-level multi-school study, Xi Wang, Minhao Dai, and Robin Mathis

Submissions from 2021


Mental Health, College Athletics, and the Media Framing of D. J. Carton’s Announcement to Step Away From His Team, David Cassilo and Yannick Kluch


Do Messages Matter? Investigating the Combined Effects of Framing, Outcome Uncertainty, and Number Format on COVID-19 Vaccination Attitudes and Intention, Tianen Chen, Minhao Dai, Shilin Xia, and Yu Zhou


Remote Control: A Cultural History, Matthew Corn and Kristen Heflin


They Are Just Light Bulbs, Right? The Personality Antecedents of Household Energy-Saving Behavioral Intentions among Young Millennials and Gen Z, Minhao Dai and Tianen Chen


The need to examine behaviors within “actual” constraints: A systematic review of research using the integrative model of behavioral prediction, Minhao Dai and Nancy Grant Harrington


Understanding Beliefs, Intention, and Behavior on Daily PrEP Uptake Among MSM in California and New York, Minhao Dai and Nancy Grant Harrington


Talking Is Hard: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Factors Associated with Communication about Mental Health Issues among Black College Students, Minhao Dai and Delani Morgan


SoundCloud Rap: An investigation of community and consumption models of internet practices, Ian Dunham


The ‘other’ in the bowels of the hegemon: US media portrayals of Guam during the United States-North Korea Tensions.pdf, Eduard Fabregat and Farooq Kperogi

Participatory publics: #NASASocial events and fan engagement, Amber L. Hutchins


Agendamelding how Americans meld agendas, Milad Minooie


A world of two agendas Agenda setting sampling, Milad Minooie

Shame and STIs: An Exploration of Emerging Adult Students' Felt Shame and Stigma towards Getting Tested for and Disclosing Sexually Transmitted Infections, Emily Scheinfeld


Shame and STIs: An exploration of emerging adult students’ felt shame and stigma towards getting tested for and disclosing sexually transmitted infections, Emily Scheinfeld


Filling the void: Grieving and healing during a socially isolating global pandemic, Emily Scheinfeld, Kendyl Barney, Katlyn Gangi, Erin C. Nelson, and Catherine C. Sinardi


Please Scream Inside Your Heart: Compounded Loss and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Emily Scheinfeld, Katlyn Gangi, Erin C. Nelson, and Catherine C. Sinardi


A Knight in Sheep’s Clothing: Media Framing of the Alt-Right Can Alter the Image of Racist Groups, Burton Speakman

A Knight in Sheep’s Clothing: Media Framing of the Alt-Right Can Alter the Image of Racist Groups, Burton Speakman

A virus and viral content: The Vietnam government's use of TikTok for public health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kylie P. Torres

The narrative persuasion interactivity model: Maximizing persuasive storytelling in the interactive age, Amanda J. Weed, Alexandra Beauchamp, and Karen Freberg

Submissions from 2012


The First Amendment’s Impact on Bloggers: A Legal Perspective, Joshua N. Azriel

Navigate the FERPA Nuisance, Carolyn S. Carlson


"Which Technology Should I Use To Teach Online?": Online Technology and Communication Course Instruction, Carolyn S. Carlson, Philip J. Aust, Barbara S. Gainey, and Stephen Jake McNeill


The Use of Social Media: An Exploratory Study of Usage among Digital Natives, David L. Williams, Victoria L. Crittenden, and Paulette McCarty