
Submissions from 2023


The Transformation of the Romanian Economy Through Privatization and Internationalization, Lance Brouthers, Sebastian Văduva, Adriana Tiron-Tudor, and Daniel Burtic


The gendered effects of effectuation, Birton Cowden, Masoud Karami, Jintong Tang, Wenping Ye, and Samuel Adomako


Fearless dominance and leader effectiveness: A chance for excellency in leadership, Hanna A. Genau-Hagebölling, James A. Meurs, Bastian P. Kückelhaus, and Gerhard Blickle


Exploring corruption impacts on MNE performance through the lens of risk and uncertainty, Dawn L. Keig and Lance Eliot Brouthers


Bribery and Firm Growth: Sensemaking in CEE and Post-Soviet Countries, Mina Lee, Canan Mutlu, and Seung Hyun Lee


The permeation of loneliness into the workplace: An examination of robustness and persistence over time, Graham H. Lowman, Stacey R. Kessler, and Shani Pindek


Physiological reactions to and recovery from acute stressors: the roles of chronic anxiety and stable resources, James A. Meurs, Ana Maria Rossi, Pamela L. Perrewé, and Marek J. Kolinski


One of these things is not like the other: the differential effects of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism on justice orientation, Joshua C. Palmer, Lee A. Macenczak, and Stacy M. Campbell


Big Data, Quantum Computing, and the Economic Calculation Debate: Will Roasted Cyberpigeons Fly into the Mouths of Comrades?, Steven E. Phelan and Nikolai G. Wenzel


The impact of service climate on gratitude in driving customer outcomes, Ji Miracle Qi, Yi Peng, Graham H. Lowman, and Xingliang He


How family firm advisors understand their clients: a mixed-methods analysis of social capital signaling in web-based marketing, Robert Randolph, Eric Kushins, and Prachi Gala


How does the founding family matter in corporate governance? A study of the entrenchment heterogeneity among S&P 1,500 firms, Zhonghui Wang, Robert Randolph, Emma Su, and Esra Memili


Development of the Hogan Personality Content Single-Items Inventory, Dustin Wood, P. D. Harms, Ryne A. Sherman, Michael Boudreaux, Graham H. Lowman, and Robert Hogan

Submissions from 2022


Advantages of indigenousness and firms from emerging economies, Lance Brouthers, George Nakos, and Ted Randall


Straight OUTTA Detroit: Embracing Stigma as Part of the Entrepreneurial Narrative, Birton J. Cowden, Joshua S. Bendickson, Blake D. Mathias, and Shelby J. Solomon


The spectrum of perceived uncertainty and entrepreneurial orientation: Impacts on effectuation, Birton Cowden, Masoud Karami, Jintong Tang, and Wenping Ye


Institutional entrepreneurial orientation: Beyond setting the rules of the game for blockchain technology, Birton Cowden and Jintong Tang


You, Me, and the Organization Makes Three: The Organization’s (Adverse) Effect on Relationships among Coworkers, Kevin S. Cruz, Thomas J. Zagenczyk, and Stacey R. Kessler


Machiavellian Leader Effectiveness: the Moderating Role of Political Skill, Hanna A. Genau, Gerhard Blickle, Nora Schütte, and James A. Meurs


The impact of the supply chain orientation fit between supply chain members: A triadic perspective, David Gligor, Javad Feizabadi, Terrance Pohlen, and Michael Maloni


Understanding gender differences in logistics innovation: A complexity theory perspective, David Gligor, Ivan Russo, and Michael J. Maloni


Subjectivity in fairness perceptions: How heuristics and self-efficacy shape the fairness expectations and perceptions of organisational newcomers, Samantha L. Jordan, Joshua C. Palmer, Shanna R. Daniels, and Wayne A. Hochwarter


The Forgotten Working Class: A Call to Action Based upon a Repeated Cross-Sectional Examination of the Relationships Among Social Class, Financial Satisfaction, and Exhaustion, Stacey R. Kessler and Melissa B. Gutworth


Archival Data Sets Should not be a Secondary (or Even Last) Choice in Micro-Organizational Research, Stacey R. Kessler and Mindy K. Shoss


Cultural intelligence, entrepreneurial intentions and the moderating role of the institutional environment, Endrit Kromidha, Levent Altinay, Gulsevim Kinali Madanoglu, and Melih Madanoglu


Standing strong amid a pandemic: How a global online team project stands up to the public health crisis, Minna Logemann, Jolanta Aritz, Peter Cardon, and Terri Elhaddaoui


The Relationship Between Follower Affect for President Trump and the Adoption of COVID-19 Personal Protective Behaviors, Sherry E. Moss, Stacey R. Kessler, Mark J. Martinko, and Jeremy D. Mackey


Measuring the effect of infectious disease-induced uncertainty on hotel room demand: A longitudinal analysis of U.S. hotel industry, Ozgur Ozdemir, Murat Kizildag, Tarik Dogru, and Melih Madanoglu


The role of stress mindsets and coping in improving the personal growth, engagement, and health of small business owners, Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl, Joshua C. Palmer, Cynthia Saldanha Halliday, and Fred R. Blass


Mindfulness as Facilitating Expatriate Development: Advancing Knowledge Sharing and Promoting Cultural Adjustment Abroad, Adam Pervez, Graham H. Lowman, and Maura J. Mills


When Family Business Meets Social Enterprise: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda, Robert V. Randolph, Benjamin N. Alexander, Kristen Madison, and Francesco Barbera


Innovativeness and corporate social responsibility in hospitality and tourism family firms: The role of family firm psychological capital, Robert V. Randolph, Esra Memili, Burcu Koç, and Susan L. Young


Adopting a framework to support the process of critical reflection and understanding of online engagement, Petrea Redmond, Stephanie M. Foote, Alice Brown, and Deborah Mixson-Brookshire


It's not you, It's me: Can others learn from the challenges of teaching operations and supply chain management?, James Anthony Swaim, Michael Maloni, Sina Golara, and Rajaram Veliyath

Submissions from 2021


A social cognition perspective on entrepreneurial personality traits and intentions to start a business: Does creativity matter?, Levent Altinay, Endrit Kromidha, Armiyash Nurmagambetova, Zaid Alrawadieh, and Gulsevim Kinali Madanoglu


Entrepreneurial ecosystem knowledge spillover in the face of institutional voids: groups, issues, and actions, Josh S. Bendickson, Jennifer G. Irwin, Birton J. Cowden, and William Cordell McDowell


Addressing the theory-practice divide in family business research: The case of shareholder agreements, Claudia Binz Astrachan, Joseph H. Astrachan, Josip Kotlar, and Anneleen Michiels


A person-centered view of impression management, inauthenticity, and employee behavior, Nitya Chawla, Allison S. Gabriel, Christopher C. Rosen, Jonathan B. Evans, Joel Koopman, Wayne A. Hochwarter, Joshua C. Palmer, and Samantha L. Jordan


Gender role congruity and crowdfunding success, Birton J. Cowden, Steven A. Creek, and Joshua D. Maurer


Shapeshifting Capitalism: What Does the Future Hold?, Kamal Fatehi


Toward epistemological identification of the four major mindscapes, Kamal Fatehi, Gita Taasoobshirazi, and Jose Sanchez-Gutierrez


Imperfectly perfect: Examining psychosocial safety climate's influence on the physical and psychological impact of perfectionism in the practice of law, Michele W. Gazica, Samantha Rae Powers, and Stacey R. Kessler


More is not always better: The impact of value co-creation fit on B2B and B2C customer satisfaction, David M. Gligor and Michael J. Maloni


Are Dealers Still Relevant? How Dealer Service Quality Impacts Manufacturer Success, Sina Golara, Kevin J. Dooley, and Nasim Mousavi


Gender, risk-taking and entrepreneurial intentions: assessing the impact of higher education longitudinally, Eda Gurel, Melih Madanoglu, and Levent Altinay


Contingency role of a Supplier's operational efficiency in the customer relationship – performance links, Yoon Hee Kim and Morgan Swink


RICH with well-being: An entrepreneurial mindset for thriving in early-stage entrepreneurship, Stephen E. Lanivich, Andrew Bennett, Stacey R. Kessler, Nancy McIntyre, and Adam W. Smith


Power imbalance and value creation in joint ventures, Sergey Lebedev, Zhiang (John) Lin, and Mike W. Peng


Board political ties and firm internationalization, Sergey Lebedev, Sunny Li Sun, Lívia Markóczy, and Mike W. Peng


What about the lonely? Bridging loneliness, pandemics, and I-O psychology, Graham H. Lowman


Moderating impact of narcissism on the link between contextual variables and perceptions of fairness, Lee Macenczak, Stacy Campbell, and Amy Henley


Fear or Competition? Antecedents to U.S. Business Student Immigration Attitudes, Michael J. Maloni, David M. Gligor, Tim Blumentritt, and Nichole Gligor


Supply chain management research productivity and growth: 2017–2019, Michael J. Maloni, Sina Golara, and Graham H. Lowman


Decoupling responsible management education: Do business schools walk their talk?, Michael J. Maloni, Timothy B. Palmer, Marc Cohen, David M. Gligor, John R. Grout, and Robert Myers

Building cross-disciplinary bridges in leadership: Integrating top executive personality and leadership theory and research, R. Michael Holmes, Michael A. Hitt, Pamela L. Perrewé, Joshua C. Palmer, and Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro


Building cross-disciplinary bridges in leadership: Integrating top executive personality and leadership theory and research, R. Michael Holmes, Michael A. Hitt, Pamela L. Perrewé, Joshua C. Palmer, and Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro


Comparing the outcomes of the different teaching modes: All-in-person, hybrid, and online, for different student demographic groups in a business school, Douglas R. Moodie

Comparing the outcomes of the different teaching modes: All-in-person, hybrid, and online, for different student demographic groups in a business school, Douglas R. Moodie

CEO outside directorships and managerial efficiency: The role of host board capital, Canan C. Mutlu, Sunay Mutlu, and Steve Sauerwald


CEO outside directorships and managerial efficiency: The role of host board capital, Canan C. Mutlu, Sunay Mutlu, and Steve Sauerwald

The role of emotional exhaustion, vigor, and negative affectivity in the abusive supervision - Work outcomes relationship, Joshua C. Palmer, Samantha L. Jordan, Wayne A. Hochwarter, and Pamela L. Perrewé

Measuring in the Dark?: A Discussion of and Recommendations for Measuring Narcissism in Micro and Macro Research, Joshua C. Palmer, Gang Wang, Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro, and R. Michael Holmes


Measuring in the Dark?: A Discussion of and Recommendations for Measuring Narcissism in Micro and Macro Research, Joshua C. Palmer, Gang Wang, Gonzalo Molina-Sieiro, and R. Michael Holmes

Disparate Safety Enforcement: Curvilinear Effects, Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions of Supervisor-Rated Leader–Member Exchange, Sara Jansen Perry, Natalia M. Lorinkova, and Melih Madanoglu


Disparate Safety Enforcement: Curvilinear Effects, Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions of Supervisor-Rated Leader–Member Exchange, Sara Jansen Perry, Natalia M. Lorinkova, and Melih Madanoglu

The lingering curvilinear effect of workload on employee rumination and negative emotions: A diary study, Shani Pindek, Zhiqing E. Zhou, Stacey R. Kessler, Alexandra Krajcevska, and Paul E. Spector


The lingering curvilinear effect of workload on employee rumination and negative emotions: A diary study, Shani Pindek, Zhiqing E. Zhou, Stacey R. Kessler, Alexandra Krajcevska, and Paul E. Spector


Workdays are not created equal: Job satisfaction and job stressors across the workweek, Shani Pindek, Zhiqing E. Zhou, Stacey R. Kessler, Alexandra Krajcevska, and Paul E. Spector

Entrepreneurial teams and new venture funding: The social capital of teams altering the pecking order hypothesis, Robert V. Randolph, Bart J. Debicki, and Rebecca G. Long


Entrepreneurial teams and new venture funding: The social capital of teams altering the pecking order hypothesis, Robert V. Randolph, Bart J. Debicki, and Rebecca G. Long

Family and non-family sources of knowledge diversity in family firms: The role of causation logics, Robert V. Randolph, Hanqing ‘Chevy’ Fang, Esra Memili, and Dilek Zamantili Nayir


Family and non-family sources of knowledge diversity in family firms: The role of causation logics, Robert V. Randolph, Hanqing ‘Chevy’ Fang, Esra Memili, and Dilek Zamantili Nayir


The Role of Empowered Employee Ethical Voice in Supporting Social Entrepreneurship, James Anthony Swaim and Deborah Roebuck


ADHD and entrepreneurship: Beyond person-entrepreneurship fit, Reginald Tucker, Lu Zuo, Louis D. Marino, Graham H. Lowman, and Alexander Sleptsov


Less engaged over time? The effect of self-efficacy on work engagement trajectory, Lu Zuo, Graham H. Lowman, Daniel G. Bachrach, Ning Hou, and Wei Xiao

Submissions from 2020


Examining temporal precedence between customer mistreatment and customer-directed counterproductive work behavior, Maryana L. Arvan, Yanir Shimon, Shani Pindek, and Stacey R. Kessler


Does supply chain agility create customer value and satisfaction for loyal B2B business and B2C end-customers?, David Gligor, Siddik Bozkurt, Ismail Gölgeci, and Michael J. Maloni


The triple-a supply chain and strategic resources: developing competitive advantage, David Gligor, Javad Feizabadi, Ivan Russo, Michael J. Maloni, and Thomas J. Goldsby


Differences in Student Offshoring Attitudes: Challenges in Teaching Offshoring, Michael J. Maloni, Canan C. Mutlu, James A. Swaim, and Yoon Hee Kim


Job satisfaction and firm performance: Can employees’ job satisfaction change the trajectory of a firm’s performance?, Stacey R. Kessler, Lorenzo Lucianetti, Shani Pindek, Zhu Zhu, and Paul E. Spector


Sport business models: a stakeholder optimization approach, Thomas Pittz, Joshua S. Bendickson, Birton J. Cowden, and Phillip E. Davis


Justice for the crowd: Organizational justice and turnover in crowd-based labor, Xiaochuan Song, Graham H. Lowman, and Peter Harms

Submissions from 2019


Implicit core self‐evaluations and work outcomes: Validating an indirect measure, Erik Dietl and James A. Meurs


Exploring Student Perceptiosn of Offshoring, Michael J. Maloni, James A. Swaim, Canan C. Mutlu, and James Wermert


"I Can See It!": Math Understanding Through Virtual Reality, Shannon Putman and Lateefah Id-Deen


Untangling non-economic objectives in family & non-family SMEs: A goal systems approach, Robert V. Randolph, Benjamin N. Alexander, Bart J. Debicki, and Robert Zajkowski

Submissions from 2018

Ownership influences on corporate social responsibility in the Indian context, James J. Cordeiro, Ambra Galeazzo, Tara Shankar Shaw, and Rajaram Veliyath


Beauty Is in the Eye of Beholder: Intracultural and Transcultural Heterogeneity of Individuals, Kamal Fatehi and Jennifer L. Priestley


Choosing an undergraduate major in business administration: Student evaluative criteria, behavioral influences, and instructional modalities, Mark S. Hiatt, James Anthony Swaim, and Michael J. Maloni


Corporate Governance in China: A Meta‐Analysis, Canan C. Mutlu, Marc Van Essen, Mike W. Peng, and Sabrina F. Saleh


Analysis of Effectiveness of Optional Versus Mandatory Quizzes on Final Comprehensive Examinations Performance., Max M. North and Ronny Richardson

Family Firm Goals and their Effects on Strategy, Family and Organization Behavior: A Review and Research Agenda, Ralph I. Williams Jr., Torsten M. Pieper, Franz W. Kellermans, and Joseph H. Astrachan

Submissions from 2017


Corporate Social Responsibility Report Narratives and Analyst Forecast Accuracy, Volkan Muslu, Sunay Mutlu, Suresh Radhakrishnan, and Albert Tsang


Agency Theory and Corporate Governance in China: A Meta-Analysis, Canan C. Mutlu, Marc Van Essen, Mike W. Peng, and Sabrina F. Saleh


A Concise Review of Economic Flourishment of China, Max M. North, Ronny Richardson, Rakesh Patel, and Luke Dabbs


Data Warehousing: A Practical Managerial Approach, Max M. North, Larry Thomas, Ronny Richardson, and Patrick Akpess


Ransomware: Evolution, Mitigation and Prevention, Ronny Richardson and Max M. North

Submissions from 2016


Solving the Single-country Sample Problem in Cultural Distance Studies, Lance Eliot Brouthers, Victor B. Marshall, and Dawn L. King

The Red Queen Effect on Fighter Jets, Satya S. Chakravorty


Sustaining Process Improvement: The Red Queen Effect, Satya S. Chakravorty and Douglas N. Hales