A collection of published articles from members of the Department of English at Kennesaw State University.
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Submissions from 2024
The History of -eer in English: Suffix Competition or Symbiosis?, Zachary Dukic and Chris C. Palmer
Submissions from 2023
High-stakes decisions do not require narrative conviction but narrative flexibility, Fritz Breithaupt, Milo Hicks, Benjamin Hiskes, and Victoria Lagrange
A Comparative Study of Student Teachers’ Experiences With Collaborating Teachers in the Czech Republic and the United States, Michelle Devereaux and Natalia Orlova
Collaboration Beyond Words: Using Poetic Collage to Cultivate Community With Students and Colleagues, Candance Doerr-Stevens, Teresa Layden, and Stephen Goss
Re-Imagining Community and School through Youth and Artists’ Critical Superhero Storytelling, Patricia Enciso, Beth Krone, and Gabrielle Solange
Rhetoric in the metaverse, Sergio C. Figueiredo
William Apess, religious liberty, and the conversion narrative, John C. Havard
Thrill Me: Queerness, Spectatorship, and the Utopian Performative in South Korean Musical Theatre, Hye Won Kim
Disability Justice and Anti-ableism for the Pediatric Clinician, Christopher D. Lunsford and Marion Quirici
Ann Patchett’s Run and James Joyce’s “The Dead”: A Call to Action, Kristin Rajan
Submissions from 2022
Academic Skills, Community Engaged, Leadership, and Global Themed First-Year Seminars: Comparisons in Student Success, Lynn M. Boettler, Ruth A. Goldfine, Don W. Leech, and Gerald R. Siegrist
Misconduct and Questionable Research Practices: The Ethics of Quantitative Data Handling and Reporting in Applied Linguistics, Daniel R. Isbell, Dan Brown, Meishan Chen, and Deirdre J. Derrick
Submissions from 2021
Is courtroom discourse an ‘oral’ or ‘literate’ register? The importance of sub-register, Meishan Chen
Pandialectal learning: Teaching global englishes in a 10th-grade english class, Michelle D. Devereaux, Chris C. Palmer, and Victoria E. Thompson
“That's the wonder of it”: Affective dimensions of visual rhetoric for biodiversity conservation, Laura McGrath
When a teacher lost a student: A narrative pathway through grief, Nick Thompson
When a teacher lost a student: A narrative pathway through grief, Nick Thompson
“The grief that fills one’s heart”: Pairing loss narratives and graphic young adult literature, Shelbie Witte and Jennifer S. Dail
Submissions from 2019
Sustainability Education and Organizational Change: A Critical Case Study of Barriers and Change Drivers at a Higher Education Institution, Edwin E. Akins II, Elizabeth Giddens, David Glassmeyer, and Amy Gruss
Submissions from 2016
Fragments and Reflexes of Kingship Theory in Ælfric's Comments on Royal Authority, Kevin R. Kritsch
Submissions from 2015
To the Contrary, Beth Daniell
Comparing Student Assessments and Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Versions of an Introductory Linguistics Course, David M. Johnson and Chris C. Palmer
Submissions from 2014
Toward the End of the Day, Anthony Grooms
Young Man with Visions in his Head, Anthony Grooms
Submissions from 2013
Endlessly Revised Textbooks: Just Say No, Robert Chambers
Deucalion, Anthony Grooms
Teaching African Literature: Violence and Conflict Management, Linda Johnston and Oumar Chérif Diop
Submissions from 2012
Manly Mechanicals on the Early Modern English Stage, Keith M. Botelho
The Marriage of Faith: Christianity in Jane Austen and William Wordsworth, Laura Dabundo
Who's Yer Daddy?: Gay Writers Celebrate Their Mentors And Forerunners, Jim Elledge and David Groff
Cultural Lesson, Anthony Grooms
Gye Nyame, Anthony Grooms
Linguistic Discrimination in Writing Assessment: How Raters React to African American “Errors,” ESL Errors, and Standard English Errors on a State-Mandated Writing Exam, David M. Johnson and Lewis VanBrackle
Inside Out: Strategies for Teaching Writing, Dawn Latta Kirby and Darren Crovitz
Spring Awakening, H. William Rice
"The Mystery of the World": On the Criticism of Fairfield Porter, Craig Watson
Submissions from 2011
Sudden Possibilities: Porpoises, Eggcorns, and Error, Darren Crovitz
The Feminist Critique and Five Styles of Women's Roles in Pride and Prejudice, Laura Dabundo
Teachers As Avatars: English Studies In The Digital Age, Laura Davis and Linda Stewart
Eugen Sandow's Gift to Gay Men, Jim Elledge
Cosmopolitan Poe: An Introduction, Emron Esplin
All the Way to Heaven: Contemplations on Writing and Cancer, Anthony Grooms
Boomer: Railroad Memoirs, Linda G. Niemann
Maxine Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey, Tamara Powell
Submissions from 2010
Biding Time: Knowledge and the Balance of Power in The Clerk's Tale, Mary Behrman
Parody: The Art That Plays With Art, Robert Chambers
‘Evil against Evil’: The Parabolic Structure and Thematics of William Friedkin's The Exorcist, Larrie Dudenhoeffer
Queers in American Popular Culture, Jim Elledge
Reading and Re-Reading: Jorge Luis Borges' Literary Criticism on Edgar Allan Poe, Emron Esplin
The Mexican Revolution in the Eyes of Katherine Anne Porter and Nellie Campobello, Emron Esplin
Hybrid Gardens: Travel and the Nationalization of Taste in Ann Radcliffe's Continental Landscapes, Katarina Gephardt
Flight, Anthony Grooms
Passage to America, Anthony Grooms
Rich and White, Anthony Grooms
Something Forgotten, Anthony Grooms
Sons of Dead Mothers, Anthony Grooms
The Motherland, Anthony Grooms
The Mother's Encyclopedia, Rochelle Harris
Contemporary Memoir: A 21st-Century Genre Ideal for Teens, Dawn Latta Kirby and Dan Kirby
Negotiating Access to New Media: A Framework for Faculty and Other Stakeholders, Laura McGrath
Railroad Noir: The American West at the End of the Twentieth Century, Linda G. Niemann and Joel Jensen
Fireworks Over Toccoa, Jeffrey Stepakoff
The Ghost of Milagro Creek, Melanie Sumner
Submissions from 2009
Renaissance Earwitnesses: Rumor and Early Modern Masculinity, Keith M. Botelho
Sand Between Our Toes: The Tybee Island Photo Album, Polly Wylly Cooper and Ellen Lyle Taber
Wikipedia: Friend, Not Foe, Darren Crovitz and W. Scott Smoot
The City of Sisterly Love: Jane Austen’s Community as Sorority, Laura S. Dabundo
Saving the Next Tree: The Georgia Hemlock Project, Community Action and Environmental Literacy, Elizabeth Giddens
Arizona, Anthony Grooms
In the Bar at the North Ridge, Anthony Grooms
Menisha Collins, the Dreamer of Childhood, Anthony Grooms
Nairobbery, Anthony Grooms
Octopus Surprise, Anthony Grooms
The Emperor of the Kingdom of Africa, Anthony Grooms
The Geckos, Anthony Grooms
The Walk with the Maasi, Anthony Grooms
Wrestling the Waves at Brenu Akyinim, Anthony Grooms
Adding Value for Students and Faculty with a Master's Degree in Professional Writing, Susan M. Hunter, Elizabeth Giddens, and Margaret B. Walters
Town Center, Greg Johnson
'Fine and Dangerous': Teaching Merton, David A. King
Sir Thomas Malory and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell Reconsidered, Ralph Norris
Chopin's The Awakening, Tamara Powell
Pledger Lake, H. William Rice
The Longing, H. William Rice
Music, Transtextuality, and the World Wide Web, Anne Richards
The Weight of Alone, Jenny Sadre-Orafai
Breathing Patterns, Jenny R. Sadre-Orafai
Tybee Days: One Hundred Years on Georgia's Playground Island, Ellen Lyle Taber and Polly Wylly Cooper
Toward "To Earthward": Some Thoughts on Frost's Poem, Craig Watson
Submissions from 2008
Home and the Open Road: The Nonfiction of Larry Brown, Robert G. Barrier
Only the Game Was Real: The Aesthetics and Significance of Re-created Baseball Broadcasting, Robert G. Barrier
Maternal Memory and Murder in Early-Seventeenth-Century England, Keith Botelho
Register and Charge: Using Synonym Maps to Explore Connotation, Darren Crovitz and Jessica A. Miller
The In-House Conference: A Strategy for Disrupting Order and Shifting Identities, Beth Daniell, Laura Davis, Linda Stewart, and Ellen Taber
Writing the Visual : A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication, Carol David and Anne Richards
Fighting for 'Deep Change' in the Quest for Diversity: Iowa State University's Multicultural Learning Community, Jane Davis and Anne Richards
The Book of the Heart Taken by Love: 20 Selections, Jim Elledge
Lynching Uncle Rye: A Novel Excerpt, Anthony Grooms
Sals and Pals: A Novel Excerpt, Anthony Grooms
Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: Reconstellating Humanism and the Global Hybrid, Mina Karavanta and Nina Morgan