A collection of published articles from members of the Department of English at Kennesaw State University.

Visit the full list of Faculty Publications to view the work from other departments on campus.


Submissions from 1999


Web‐Based Training: An Overview of Training Tools for the Technical Writing Industry, Margaret Driscoll and John E. Reid Jr.

Margaret Walker Alexander, Anthony Grooms

Submissions from 1995

The Liturgical Shape of Life at Shandy Hall, Martha F. Bowden


Symposium on Peer Reviewing in Scholarly Journals, Richard C. Gebhardt, Carol Berkenkotter, Phillip Arrington, Douglas Hesse, Sheryl I. Fontaine, and Susan Hunter


Tsumani, Anthony Grooms

The Place of Grammar in Writing Instruction: Past, Present, Future, Susan M. Hunter and Ray Wallace

Home, Greg Johnson


Network Support for Writing across the Curriculum: Developing an Online Writing Center, Mike Palmquist, Dawn Rodrigues, Kate Kiefer, and Donald E. Zimmerman


Negotiating Authority in Portfolio Classrooms: Teachers' Use of Assessment Theory to Critique Practice, Sarah Robbins, Pamela Moss, Caroline Taylor Clark, Susan Goering, Roberta Herter, Mark Templin, and Kathy Wascha

Submissions from 1994

The Interdependence of Women in Tristram Shandy: A Chapter of Eyes, Sausages and Sciatica, Martha F. Bowden


Negro Progress, Anthony Grooms

His Name was Lennie, Greg Johnson

Joyce Carol Oates: A Study of the Short Fiction, Greg Johnson

Out of Eden: Oates's Upon the Sweeping Flood, Greg Johnson


Writing across Institutional Boundaries: A K-12 and University Collaboration, Rebecca Randolph, Sarah Robbins, and Anne Ruggles Gere


Using Portfolio Reflections to Re-Form Instructional Programs and Build Curriculum, Sarah Robbins, Nancy Brandt, Susan Goering, Jeanette Nassif, and Kathleen Wascha

Submissions from 1991


Africa: A Common Topos in Lawrence and Eliot, William Atkinson


Insomnia, Greg Johnson

Novellas for the Nineties, Greg Johnson


Withholding the Last Word, Greg Johnson

Submissions from 1987


Baleful Greetings from Morgan's "Christmas Card", JoAllen Bradham

Submissions from 1986

Journey On Lake Africana, Similih M. Cordor