A collection of published articles from members of the Department of English at Kennesaw State University.
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Submissions from 1999
Web‐Based Training: An Overview of Training Tools for the Technical Writing Industry, Margaret Driscoll and John E. Reid Jr.
Margaret Walker Alexander, Anthony Grooms
Submissions from 1998
Invisible Writer: A Biography of Joyce Carol Oates, Greg Johnson
Linking the Secondary Schools and the University: American Studies as a Collaborative Public Enterprise, Sarah Robbins
Imps of the Perverse: Gay Monsters in Film, Michael Saunders
"Traced and Captured by the Men in the Chaise": Pursuing Sexual Difference in Wilkie Collins's "The Woman in White", M. Kellen Williams
Submissions from 1997
Guy Fawkes, Dr. Slop And The Actions Of Providence, Martha F. Bowden
Civil Rights Heroes, Hollywood Lies, Anthony Grooms
Lincoln Memorial, Anthony Grooms
Taurus, Anthony Grooms
Gendering the History of the Antislavery Narrative: Juxtaposing Uncle Tom's Cabin and Benito Cereno, Beloved and Middle Passage, Sarah Robbins
Submissions from 1996
Mary Davys: Self-Presentation and the Woman Writer's Reputation in the Early Eighteenth Century, Martha F. Bowden
A Good Country Gentlewoman: Catherine Clive's Epistolary Autobiography, JoAllen Bradham
Gendered Literacy in Black and White: Turn-of-the-Century African-American and European-American Club Women's Printed Texts, Anne Ruggles Gere and Sarah R. Robbins
Charleston Bay, Anthony Grooms
Das Capital, Anthony Grooms
In the Federal Triangle, Anthony Grooms
I Am Dangerous: Stories, Greg Johnson
The Chinese Box, Greg Johnson
Re-making Barbauld's Primers: A Case Study in the Americanization of British Literary Pedagogy, Sarah Robbins
Weaving Webs: Electronic Manuscripts and Scholastic Hyperspace, Barbara Stevenson
"Down With the Door, Poole": Designating Deviance in Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, M. Kellen Williams
Submissions from 1995
The Liturgical Shape of Life at Shandy Hall, Martha F. Bowden
Symposium on Peer Reviewing in Scholarly Journals, Richard C. Gebhardt, Carol Berkenkotter, Phillip Arrington, Douglas Hesse, Sheryl I. Fontaine, and Susan Hunter
Tsumani, Anthony Grooms
The Place of Grammar in Writing Instruction: Past, Present, Future, Susan M. Hunter and Ray Wallace
Home, Greg Johnson
Network Support for Writing across the Curriculum: Developing an Online Writing Center, Mike Palmquist, Dawn Rodrigues, Kate Kiefer, and Donald E. Zimmerman
Negotiating Authority in Portfolio Classrooms: Teachers' Use of Assessment Theory to Critique Practice, Sarah Robbins, Pamela Moss, Caroline Taylor Clark, Susan Goering, Roberta Herter, Mark Templin, and Kathy Wascha
Submissions from 1994
The Interdependence of Women in Tristram Shandy: A Chapter of Eyes, Sausages and Sciatica, Martha F. Bowden
Negro Progress, Anthony Grooms
His Name was Lennie, Greg Johnson
Joyce Carol Oates: A Study of the Short Fiction, Greg Johnson
Out of Eden: Oates's Upon the Sweeping Flood, Greg Johnson
Writing across Institutional Boundaries: A K-12 and University Collaboration, Rebecca Randolph, Sarah Robbins, and Anne Ruggles Gere
Using Portfolio Reflections to Re-Form Instructional Programs and Build Curriculum, Sarah Robbins, Nancy Brandt, Susan Goering, Jeanette Nassif, and Kathleen Wascha
Submissions from 1993
The Voice of the Mute: Wordsworth and the Ideology of Romantic Silences, Laura Dabundo
A Barbarous Eden: Joyce Carol Oates's First Collection, Greg Johnson
Aid and Comfort: Poems, Greg Johnson
Kunstelrroman, Greg Johnson
Oahu, Greg Johnson
Pagan Babies, Greg Johnson
Partnerships and Collaboration for New Student Success, Nancy S. King
Lessons for Children and Teaching Mothers: Mrs. Barbauld's Primer for the Textual Construction of Middle-Class Domestic Pedagogy, Sarah Robbins
Blake's "Milton" as Kabbalistic Vision, Sheila A. Spector
Submissions from 1992
Encyclopedia of Romanticism: Culture in Britain, 1780s-1830s, Laura Dabundo
James Justinian Morier (1782 or 1783? - 19 March 1849), Laura Dabundo
The Sound and the Fury of Larry Brown's "Waiting for the Ladies", Joy A. Farmer
Resurrection Man, Don Russ
Subtle Gender Bias in the Assessment of Managerial Potential, Ted H. Shore
Construct Validity of Self- and Peer Evaluations of Performance Dimensions in an Assessment Center, Ted H. Shore, Lynn McFarlane Shore, and George C. Thornton III
Tiriel as Spenserian Allegory Manque, Sheila A. Spector
Gender Differences in Preference for Over-Reward and Tolerance of Under-Reward, Timothy P. Summers, Kevin W. Sightler, and Michael J. Stahl
Submissions from 1991
Africa: A Common Topos in Lawrence and Eliot, William Atkinson
Insomnia, Greg Johnson
Novellas for the Nineties, Greg Johnson
Withholding the Last Word, Greg Johnson
Submissions from 1990
Affirming the Artistic Past: The Witness of what's Bred in the Bone, JoAllen Bradham
Teaching Autobiography: Welty, Baker, and Cheever, JoAllen Bradham
Aid and Comfort: Poems, Greg Johnson
A&P Revisited, Greg Johnson
Distant Friends: Stories, Greg Johnson
"On the Edge of an Abyss": The Writer as Insomniac, Greg Johnson
Sexual Outlaw, Greg Johnson
Spinster, Greg Johnson
Vulcan Restored, Don Russ
Sources and Etymologies of Blake's 'Tirzah', Sheila A. Spector
Submissions from 1989
Gilman's Gothic Allegory: Rage and Redemption in The Yellow Wallpaper, Greg Johnson
Submissions from 1988
The Extrospective Vision: The Excursion as Transitional in Wordsworth's Poetry and Age, Laura Dabundo
An Unrecognised 'Poem' by A. E. Housman, Michael Tierce
Larkin's 'Like the Train's Beat', Michael Tierce
William Kennedy's Odyssey: The Travels of Francis Phelan, Michael Tierce
Submissions from 1986
Journey On Lake Africana, Similih M. Cordor
Submissions from 1982
"An Environment Remembered": Setting in the Novels of Frances Parkinson Keyes, Leigh A. Ehlers
Submissions from 1981
Mr. Shandy's 'Lint and Basilicon': The Importance of Women in Tristram Shandy, Leigh A. Ehlers
The 'Incommunicable Condition' of Melmoth, Leigh A. Ehlers