Volume 7, Number 1 (2018)
Technology Over-Consumption: Helping Students Find Balance in a World of Alluring Distractions
George D. Shows, Pia A. Albinsson, Tatyana B. Ruseva, and Diane Marie Waryold
Marketing Unhealthy Foods and Beverages: Our Children at Risk
Cheryl Ward, Diane R. Edmondson, and Allison Wheeley
Marketing Leadership in a Knowledge Economy
Myles Bassell and Sonia Lambert
Buyer-Seller Communications: Trusted Advisor Constructs and Measurement
Stephen C. Carlson 6425540
A Theoretical Framework of Sports Team’s Well-Being: An Integrative Perspective of Emotional Intelligence and Equivocality on Trust and Happiness
Drew Sannes and Wooyang Kim
The Inherently Flawed Relationship between Physicians and Pharmaceutical Companies’ Gifts: TANSTAAFL*
David P. Paul III
Generation Solutions of Lynchburg (B)
Francis Record Whitehouse Jr. 5448264
Corporate Social Media: A Typology of Consumers
Beverly Wright, Scott Nadler, Aberdeen L. Borders, Paul H. Schwager, and Ashley Sasnett