Volume 6, Number 1 (2017)
Welcome to the Winter Issue of the Atlantic Marketing JournalArticles
An Investigation of Factors Influencing Consumer Responses To Health-Related Food Product Claims
Jean Darian, Louis A. Tucci, John Stanton, and Stephen Baglione
A Further Empirical Investigation into the Semantic Meaning of Advertising Price References
Jeffrey Gutenberg and James M. Quinn
How Regional Employment in the U.S. Automobile Industry Influences Consumer Ethnocentrism
William T. Neese, W. Frank Thompson Jr., and Stephen C. Garrott
A Fine Arts Marketing Elective: Justification of Need and Proposed Course Content
Kimball P. Marshall Ph.D., Rene Desborde, and Sharon Thach
Role of Trust and Involvement in the Effectiveness of Digital Third-Party Organization Endorsement
Liming Guan and Vishal Lala
Restaurant Formality And Customer Service Dimensions In The Restaurant Industry: An Empirical Study
George Kurian and Prathamesh M. Muzumdar
The Marketing Concept and BYOD in the University Classroom:
Dennis Bristow, David Titus, Garth Harris, and Rajesh Gulati
Is Marketing Still Part of Supply Chain Management, and Should Marketing Academics and Practitioners Care?
Stephen M. Rutner Ph.D. and Charles David Shepherd Ph.D.