
Volume 6

Issue 1 (2024):
Tamales Mayas: History, Ritual, Culinary Practices

Volume 5

Issue 1 (2023):
El cambio climático en el sureste mexicano y Guatemala / Climate Change in Southeast Mexico and Guatemala

Issue 2 (2023):
Ownership and Dominion in the Land of the Maya

Volume 4

Issue 1 (2022):
Between Two Worlds

Issue 2 (2022):
Tourism in the Lands of the Maya

Volume 3

Issue 1 (2021):
The Peninsular Maya of Yesterday and Today

Issue 2 (2021):

A Maya Migrant: A Journey of No Return

Indigenous Youth Storywork: A Spiritual Awakening of a Maya Adoptee

Issue 3 (2021):
K’iche’ Ixil Purhépecha Ayuujk Zapotec Kaqchikel

Volume 2

Issue 1 (2020):
Ser Maya en el Tiempo y Espacio Actua

Issue 2 (2020):
Los Mayas Migrantes: Un Viaje Sin Retorno

Issue 3 (2020):

Volume 1

Issue 1 (2019):
To Be Maya Across Time and Space