
Maya America: Journal of Essays, Commentary, and Analysis, publishes academic papers, commentary, personal reflections, and creative works such as literature and poetry. The name Maya America refers to the traditional lands of the Maya plus the new homelands of the Maya such as Canada and the United States. However, non-Maya topics can be considered as well. Academic essays are double-blind peer reviewed while the creative works are peer reviewed.

Maya America is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1 (2024) Tamales Mayas: History, Ritual, Culinary Practices

Full Issue

Front Matter


Introductory Note in English
Maya America Editors


Introducción essay - Tamales mayas. Sabores en el tiempo
Laura Elena Sotelo Santos and Adriana Cruz-Manjarrez



Tamales tsotsiles: léxico, usos y consumos
Margarita Martínez-Pérez and Jorge Alberto Jiménez-Hernández



Pa´ts Petejul: Maíz y frijol en la mesa
Fanny López Jiménez and María Méndez Vázquez



Forced Family Separation: U.S. crimes against Indigenous Peoples
Lauren Heidbrink, Giovanni Batz, and David W. Barillas Chón

Production and Design Student Assistants at Kennesaw State University
Briana Castro-Balbi
David Dos Santos
Katie Lacoco

Student Production Assistants at the Universidad de Colima
Rosa Margarita Jaramillo Contreras
Karla Valletzi Rincon Bejarano