"Branded Apps and Customer Engagement" by Nusser Raajpoot and Beth Ghilni-Wage

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This paper seeks to understand the impact of customer engagement, brand attitude, and brand experience on branded apps recommendation and re-use intentions. Using structural equation modeling we test a causal model to establish the direct and mediated paths between constructs under study. We found that contrary to popular perceptions, customer engagement does not load directly on the recommendation or re-use intention suggesting that engagement on its own may not be sufficient to elicit recommendation or re-use intention. Other factors and contexts will be necessary to elicit recommendation etc. We also found that recommendation mediates the relationship between brand attitude and re-use intentions.

Relevance to Marketing Educators, Researchers and/or Practitioners: This paper is useful in expanding the understanding about the role of branded apps in marketing communications and brand management. Managers can focus on developing/using branded apps to improve customer experiences. Educators can also use this information to enhance class discussions on branded apps.



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