This hybrid program combines classroom and online course work to prepare professional teachers to enhance their content and instructional expertise thereby strengthening their ability to improve student learning. Research and dissertation designed to address authentic, school-based problems.

Degree Highlights:

  • Content-based in four areas: Chemistry, English, Mathematics, and Social Studies
  • Combines best practices of face-2-face and online delivery.
  • A total of 66-hour course of study (30 hr EDS followed by 36 hr EdD)
  • All degrees are approved for certificate upgrades by the Georgia PSC
  • Focus on learner-centered curriculum and instruction in the content areas.
  • Small class size, small cohort, focus on individual.
  • Ed.S. Degree embedded, certificate upgrade upon completion of 4 semesters of courses.

Need to Submit Your Dissertation? Submit Here!


Dissertations from 2023


Rural Voices: A Photographic Journey of the Intersection of Place and Reading Identity in Rural Adolescents, Gena Brown


Rhetoric vs. Reality: A Critical Analysis of Georgia’s Official Curriculum for United States History, Haley Dawkins


Characterizing the Adolescent Male Reader: A Narrative Inquiry into the Reading Lives of 12th Grade Boys Enrolled in IB Language A: Literature, Marsha French


Understanding the Impact of Asset-Based Teaching on the Academic Motivations of High-Achieving Marginalized High School Students, NICHOLE L. GILLIAM


Navigating the Context: Implementing Inquiry in the Middle School Social Studies Classroom, Juliann Noble Healy


Creating Inclusive Classrooms with Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy, Melissa Kane


Tracking and mathematical identity for rural adolescent students of color, Joseph Melvin Kelly


Implementing global citizenship education: A case study of exemplary practices, opportunities, and challenges, Judson Kidd


Improving Students’ Confidence and Competence Using Critical Media Literacy Skills in a Secondary English Language Arts Class, Leeanne Kline


Cultural Classroom Competencies: White Female Social Studies Teachers’ Preparedness and Support to Interact with, Engage, and Teach the Global Majority, Ashley Lamar


“I Forget to Enjoy the Book”: A Narrative Analysis of Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their Real Selves and Ideal Selves as Readers, Brittany McWhorter


Teachers Re-Imagining Parental Involvement: Using Parents' Funds of Knowledge in Math Lesson Designs, Enyinnaya Onyeukwu


How Participation in a Peer-Led Writing Center Impacts Struggling Students’ Self-Efficacy and Motivation, Laura Peterson


High School Student Narratives of Error Analysis: A Qualitative Investigation into Literacy for Geometry Learning, Dean Petti


Effects of adaptive learning technologies on mathematics achievement in low SES settings, William Roberts


8th Grade Students’ Perceptions of 1:1 Laptops in Algebra 1, Richard Wilford


Growth Mindset Intervention and Its Impact on Productive Struggle in the Eighth-Grade Mathematics Classroom, Jordy Wilson

Dissertations from 2018

Self-Regulation & Student Achievement in Mathematics, DeAnne Young