Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary and Middle Grades English Education


Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Jennifer Dail

Second Advisor

Darren Crovitz

Third Advisor

Anete Vasquez


The COVID-19 pandemic introduced many complications and challenges for educators. There is a need to document and describe teacher experiences during this time to determine common themes that may inform future educational practice. This study utilized narrative inquiry to examine the lived experiences of five secondary ELA teachers during the different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Three themes concerning how teachers perceived their students, work demands, and self were identified through several rounds of coding and thematic analysis. The findings and conclusions of this study contribute to developing a shared understanding of what happened in secondary education during the various phases of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implications of those experiences for current and future educational practice. Despite focusing on teacher experience during the pandemic, the findings of this study inform areas of future research into teaching in online and face-to-face contexts.
