Date of Award

Summer 7-5-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Secondary Education - History (Ed.D)


Secondary and Middle Grades Education

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Megan Adams

Second Advisor

Jilian Ford

Third Advisor

Sanjuana Rodriguez


The purpose of this study was to examine White female social studies teachers’ experiences of how they were prepared to engage, interact, and teach students of the global majority. Teachers who identified as White and female and teach any social studies discipline served as the five participants for this study. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The data were analyzed using the Atlas AI software to identity and record specific codes and themes within the data. Overall, the data showed that the participants were not highly prepared for the cultural diversity of the public school classrooms with students of the global majority. This study highlighted a need for more experiential learning opportunities for preservice teachers along with a foundational understanding of culture and the recognition and implementation of various pedological strategies such as Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Culturally Responsive Teaching, and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for the teaching of students of the global majority.
