Aims & Scope | Young African Leaders Journal of Development | Active Journals | Kennesaw State University

Aims & Scope

The intended audience of the journal remains the entire African people. Howbeit, for effectiveness, special emphasis is given to African leadership operators, development academics, researchers and youths — who appear to be the next African leaders.

YALJOD is exceptional and stands out because of our implementation policy. We do not merely explain tangible solutions to African problems in our journal; we act to execute these solutions such that our research findings may be beneficial to African people. In this sense, ideal solutions to Africa’s development challenges are not only theoretical; they are practically implemented to have the right impact on Africans.

We often invite articles from across Africa, but priority is given to papers which are African development-oriented.

Papers on education, health, agriculture, politics (leadership and democracy), entrepreneur, technology, culture, social-reforms, and every other facet of the African community are acceptable as long as it exposes a specific pathway to African development.

Submit your article by emailing it to, but be certain for follow the Submission Guidelines.