Observation of Time on Alpha and Theta Brain Waves Implicated in Memory Recall Using Emotiv-14 EPOC X EEG Headgear


Electrical and Computer Engineering | Psychology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

The process of memory includes Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval of information, and is mostly associated with the Frontal and Temporal Lobes of the Brain. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of visual and audiovisual learning styles on information retention. The Design of Experiment involves presenting participants with a word list, generated using words with six letters or less, and monitoring their brainwaves, using Electro-Encephalography EEG Instrumentation, while participants attempt to recall as many words as possible, within a prescribed time. The focus is on Theta waves, which are linked to Recall, and Alpha waves, which are associated with Relaxation and inversely related to Cognitive performance. The study will also compare the effectiveness of Visual and Audiovisual Learning Methods ALM, using the Anne-Treisman Visual Search and Ericson Flanker tasks. The goal is to determine whether visual or audiovisual methods can enhance information retention and recall in educational settings. Future research may involve expanding the study design to include pre-test/post-test designs, and performance in Immersive Environments and Confined Spaces.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

SPCEET - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Cyril Okhio

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Observation of Time on Alpha and Theta Brain Waves Implicated in Memory Recall Using Emotiv-14 EPOC X EEG Headgear

The process of memory includes Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval of information, and is mostly associated with the Frontal and Temporal Lobes of the Brain. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of visual and audiovisual learning styles on information retention. The Design of Experiment involves presenting participants with a word list, generated using words with six letters or less, and monitoring their brainwaves, using Electro-Encephalography EEG Instrumentation, while participants attempt to recall as many words as possible, within a prescribed time. The focus is on Theta waves, which are linked to Recall, and Alpha waves, which are associated with Relaxation and inversely related to Cognitive performance. The study will also compare the effectiveness of Visual and Audiovisual Learning Methods ALM, using the Anne-Treisman Visual Search and Ericson Flanker tasks. The goal is to determine whether visual or audiovisual methods can enhance information retention and recall in educational settings. Future research may involve expanding the study design to include pre-test/post-test designs, and performance in Immersive Environments and Confined Spaces.