Observation of Brain Wave Frequencies During Human Attention Through Use of EPOX Flex EEG Brain Scanner


Biological Psychology | Cognition and Perception | Disability Studies

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Attention is the process of focusing on a stimulus while filtering out external information. This reduces the influx of information into the brain enough to be understood and analyzed. Unfortunately, attention issues such as ADHD have become more apparent and problematic in recent years. Understanding how attention works and how to filter out irrelevant stimuli is key to improving methods of learning as well as for the treatment of attention disorders. There is an increase in brain activity in the Frontal and Parietal Lobes when a subject focuses upon specific Stimuli. The purpose of our research is to explore methods of maintaining attention more effectively. We will place subjects in an immersive environment that fully captures their attention using virtual reality and analyze the impact. The research team will do this via (Electro-Encephalography) EEG scan, which is a method of reading brain wave frequencies by probing for voltage differences on the surface of the human skull. Our participants will be comprised of Kennesaw State University students, provided through SONA. Participants will be scanned using an EPOC Flex 32 channel headset and placed into an Oculus Quest 2 headset to play a game. The game Beat saber will be utilized as it provides a fast-paced environment requiring sustained focus with minimal distractions. Their game play and EEG brain waves will be recorded and cross referenced to compare changes to the attention observed. Through this method, we expect to further knowledge on attention and the effects of immersive environments. We hope to be able to further prove the known impacts of the attention on the brain, see the impact of physical activity on attention, and evaluate whether there is a significant impact on the magnitude of attention the subject can put forward in this environment compared to those used in previous studies.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

SPCEET - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Cyril Okhio

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Observation of Brain Wave Frequencies During Human Attention Through Use of EPOX Flex EEG Brain Scanner

Attention is the process of focusing on a stimulus while filtering out external information. This reduces the influx of information into the brain enough to be understood and analyzed. Unfortunately, attention issues such as ADHD have become more apparent and problematic in recent years. Understanding how attention works and how to filter out irrelevant stimuli is key to improving methods of learning as well as for the treatment of attention disorders. There is an increase in brain activity in the Frontal and Parietal Lobes when a subject focuses upon specific Stimuli. The purpose of our research is to explore methods of maintaining attention more effectively. We will place subjects in an immersive environment that fully captures their attention using virtual reality and analyze the impact. The research team will do this via (Electro-Encephalography) EEG scan, which is a method of reading brain wave frequencies by probing for voltage differences on the surface of the human skull. Our participants will be comprised of Kennesaw State University students, provided through SONA. Participants will be scanned using an EPOC Flex 32 channel headset and placed into an Oculus Quest 2 headset to play a game. The game Beat saber will be utilized as it provides a fast-paced environment requiring sustained focus with minimal distractions. Their game play and EEG brain waves will be recorded and cross referenced to compare changes to the attention observed. Through this method, we expect to further knowledge on attention and the effects of immersive environments. We hope to be able to further prove the known impacts of the attention on the brain, see the impact of physical activity on attention, and evaluate whether there is a significant impact on the magnitude of attention the subject can put forward in this environment compared to those used in previous studies.