College Students’ Use of GroupMe and Narcissism


Social Psychology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

This study examines the possible correlation between the use of a text-messing app, GroupMe, and narcissistic personality traits among college students. GroupMe is a group text-messaging technology that college students use to communicate with peers in their classes. Prior research has shown positive association between narcissism and social media use, as well as problematic social media use (Kircaburun et al. 2018). However, no studies have specifically measured the use of GroupMe in relation to narcissistic personality traits. Thus, we will recruit college students who are enrolled in introductory psychology courses to complete an online survey in which they self-report their GroupMe use and complete a measure of narcissism. Participants will respond these measures using a Likert scale. Participants will also complete demographic measures. We expect that participants that engage in more social media, such as GroupMe, tend to have more narcissistic personality traits and tendencies. As such, there should be a positive association between the use of GroupMe and narcissism. Results from this study may provide further understanding of how social technology use relates to personality among college students.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Psychological Science

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Jennifer Willard

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College Students’ Use of GroupMe and Narcissism

This study examines the possible correlation between the use of a text-messing app, GroupMe, and narcissistic personality traits among college students. GroupMe is a group text-messaging technology that college students use to communicate with peers in their classes. Prior research has shown positive association between narcissism and social media use, as well as problematic social media use (Kircaburun et al. 2018). However, no studies have specifically measured the use of GroupMe in relation to narcissistic personality traits. Thus, we will recruit college students who are enrolled in introductory psychology courses to complete an online survey in which they self-report their GroupMe use and complete a measure of narcissism. Participants will respond these measures using a Likert scale. Participants will also complete demographic measures. We expect that participants that engage in more social media, such as GroupMe, tend to have more narcissistic personality traits and tendencies. As such, there should be a positive association between the use of GroupMe and narcissism. Results from this study may provide further understanding of how social technology use relates to personality among college students.