Where We Get Our Information: Gender Representation in Archaeology Textbooks



Archaeological Anthropology | Social and Cultural Anthropology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Recent studies find that women publish 60% fewer articles than men publish in American archaeology journals. However, female representation in archaeology textbooks has not been well studied. My research looks at both photos and citation practices in archaeological textbooks to determine the ratio of women and men representation as compared to those working in the field of archaeology. My research counted the number of women, men and ungendered persons in photos, as well as women that were cited versus men that were cited. The percentage of women versus men in textbooks shows that men are cited far more often, but the actual percentage can vary from textbook to textbook. This research is important for the clarity of citation practices, and because these disparities affect the readers of the textbooks.

Keywords: Gender, Archaeology, Textbooks, Citation Practices, Photographs

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Teresa P. Raczek

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Where We Get Our Information: Gender Representation in Archaeology Textbooks

Recent studies find that women publish 60% fewer articles than men publish in American archaeology journals. However, female representation in archaeology textbooks has not been well studied. My research looks at both photos and citation practices in archaeological textbooks to determine the ratio of women and men representation as compared to those working in the field of archaeology. My research counted the number of women, men and ungendered persons in photos, as well as women that were cited versus men that were cited. The percentage of women versus men in textbooks shows that men are cited far more often, but the actual percentage can vary from textbook to textbook. This research is important for the clarity of citation practices, and because these disparities affect the readers of the textbooks.

Keywords: Gender, Archaeology, Textbooks, Citation Practices, Photographs