Date of Award
Spring 3-31-2020
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership (Ed.D)
Educational Leadership
Committee Chair/First Advisor
Dr.Neporcha Cone
Committee Chair
Dr.Raynice-Jean Sigur
Second Committee Member
Dr.Binyao Zheng
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine organizational change as it related to the implementation of STEM as perceived by elementary educators in an urban school in an urban city. The barriers, challenges and supports provided to teachers regarding STEM implementation in an urban school were investigated This study looked to include teachers and teacher leaders over a six-week period in an elementary school in a large urban School District., As a result of this study, some dialogue was generated in reference to STEM instructional practices and integration. Teachers also shared how they can increase change implementation or become improved as a result of this research. This school was identified for the research since it has been designated as one that is actively seeking the STEM School designation as are all of the schools in the cluster where this school resides. The reason this is important is because the teachers are the implementers of the change and how they see or perceive the change in instructional programming is incumbent upon the success of the outcome of the programming change.