Date of Award

Spring 5-29-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership (Ed.D)


Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Ethel King-McKenzie

Committee Chair

Dr. Megan Adams

Second Committee Member

Dr. Karen Kuhel


Twenty-first century schools are increasingly recognizing the need to nurture students’ social and emotional skills (The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning-CASEL, 2015). There is a developing base of evidence that well-orchestrated, systematically-implemented social and emotional pedagogy can positively affect a wide range of social, emotional, and academic achievement levels (Bar-On, 2006; Bridgeland, Bruce, & Hariharan, 2013; CASEL, 2012; Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, & Schellinger, 2011; Elias et al., 1997; Goleman, 1995; Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, & Sitarenious, 2001; Zins, Bloodworth, Weissberg, & Walberg, 2004). Empirical research studies have also shown that systematic, ongoing pedagogical practices to further these initiatives will enhance students’ academic achievement and personal success (Cohen, 1999; Durlak et al., 2011). Students transferring back into the system after home-based learning were particularly in need of evidence-based social and emotional learning techniques, both while in the home and when they are returning to school. The purpose of this study was to examine the pedagogical practices of teachers of home-based learners. The goal of this study was to share learning outcomes and develop professional practices based upon the findings of this study.
