This collection houses master's projects, ranging from capstones, final projects, integrative reviews, and more, from KSU's master's degree programs since 2008. This collection accepts any KSU master's program's project that has been approved by the student's committee.
This collection does not house any theses. If you need to submit your master's thesis, please visit our Master's Theses collection. For other student work, please visit the Student Author Hub
Submissions are due by noon on the same day as final grades.
This date changes every semester and can be confirmed on the Office of the Registrar website.
Failure to submission by the deadline can result in delayed graduation.
Please read the Submission Guidelines to ensure a successful submission process.
Submit Your ProjectCapstones from 2017
Creating a Web Presence for a Small Business Using a Holistic Content Strategy Approach, Tabitha Akins
Highway 11: A Memoir, Judy Benowitz
Choosing the Best: A Rhetorical Analysis and Discussion of an Abstinence-Centered Sexuality Education Curriculum, Carolyn Buonomo
Wonders for the Dead, Sarah Cook
The Woods of Wander, Stephanie Dinizio
Batty Stories: Ramblings with Gramdad, Julie A. Donn
The Anti-Black Hero: Black Masculinity Media Representation as Seen in Netflix Series Luke Cage and Fox Series Empire, Meya Joyell Hemphill
Pink is the New Bull: The Feminization of Pit Bulls in Visual and Literary Discourses as a Rescue Tactic, Stephanie Hogue
Carol and the Ugly Sisters: A Play in Three Acts, Judith Jones
Secrets on Morgan Hill: A Story of an Unlikely Friendship Amid an Apartheid South, Camille Kleidysz-Ferreira
Portosystemic Shunts in Cats: Management and Care, Rachael E. Konke
The Creative Voice--Dialogue Between Writer and Editor: A Portfolio, Valerie M. Mathews
Doorway to the Deep: Memoirs of Enduring Endometriosis and Embracing Life After Loss, Carma Peña
Patient Zero, Crystal Ramos
The "Wizards" Guide and Chapters, Jessica D. Sager Ms.
Bachelorette Sanctuary, Amanda Smith
Creating Effective Style Documents: A Practicum in Trade Publication, Kristen Tardio
Supporting Equine-Assisted Therapy: A Grant Proposal Writing Project for Healing Hands Youth Ranch, Nancy Tompkins
Jeep Nation: Wilderness Ideology and the American Icon, Kristy Ventre
Between the Rural and Suburban: The Social, Political, and Economic Dynamics of Policing Forsyth County, GA, Alexandra Vuich
Revolutionary Every Day: A Dramatic Exploration of Women and Their Agency in The Black Panther Party., Kristen Michelle Walker
Capstones from 2016
SWAMP BANDIT: The Legend of John Ashley and Florida's Notorious Ashley Gang, Constance M. B. Briggs
On the Edge of a Knife; The Early Migration into Middle Tennessee and the Heroine Charlotte Reeves Robertson, Lisa C. Diglio
Decolonial Interstice in Carnaval Montevideano: Murga as Hegemonic Dissent at the Tablado de Barrio, Paola García
Hidden Black and Brown Bridges: The Mutual Influences of Dr. Martin Luther King and Hispanic Theologian Dr. Justo González, Gabriel A. Greaves
"The Road is My Home:" Reflections on Vandwelling Culture in the United States, Heather Harris
Rewriting the Sentence in First-Year Composition: Pedagogies and Perspectives, June G. Newton
Weight, Temperature, and Transcutaneous Bilirubin of the Term Neonate at Discharge: A Comparative Study Between a Traditional Nursery and Rooming-in Model of Care, Jennifer L. Pass
Approaching Review: A Heuristic Assisting Scholars Navigating the Publication of Multimodal and Open-Access Webtexts within the Tenure and Promotion Review Process, Abigail H. Patterson
Enculturation Pedagogy, Robert Lane Rockett
Building a Case for Smaller English Class Sizes, Cara Lee Smith
Effective Social Media Use by Law Enforcement Agencies: A Case Study Approach to Quantifying and Improving Efficacy and Developing Agency Best Practices, David T. Snively
Religious Identity, Ideology, and Dilemma of Bangladeshi Muslims in Atlanta, Naznin Sultana
Effects of Electronic Health Record Use on the Ambulatory Surgical Services Nurse's Time, Heather D. Taylor
Time and Nationhood: The United States and Indigenous Nations, Frederick W. Tillman II
Short Works: Things Gone By, Novel: Creatives, Elizabeth B. Visscher
The Turning Point of Who Shall Be Master: Killer of Sheep, Naming, Gender, and the Gaze of African American Women, Sean Davis Watkins
Capstones from 2015
The Dirty Five, Mackleen Desravines
Comparison of Older Urologic Patients' Perceptions and Nurses' Assessments of Discharge Readiness, Elizabeth Dodge
Editing in America, Don W. Fruman
A Journey of Tears: What They Don't Tell You About America, a memoir, Nilufer Gokmen
"I'm Rich Bitch:" Black Class Performance and the New Nouveau Riche, Nykia Hannah
Selections from "Darkness on the Edge of Town", Keaton K. Lamle
Lymphomania, Kristi S. Martin
Writing on the Margins: Student Experiences in a Learning Support English Course, Tabatha W. Martin
The Legends of Bigfoot: Or How I Regained My Manhood, Blaine McCarty
Identity-Based Assignments and Student Disinterest in FYC, Benjamin F. Pearce
If You Don’t Want to Talk About Food, Don’t Sit Next to Me, Judith L. Polk
A Few Slices of Pie: The Life and Legacy of Scottie Fitzgerald Smith, Melissa K. Roberson
Capstones from 2014
Engaging FYC Students with Quality Work Design, Candace Deal
Student and Instructor Responses to E-Feedback, Julia Reidy
The Triple Double: Racially Ambiguous Afro-Latino Identities in America, Yen Rodriguez
Telling My Story and the Stories of Others, Sandra L. Simpson