A collection of published articles from members of the Department of Inclusive Education at Kennesaw State University.
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Submissions from 2023
Essential Leadership: The Work of Virginia Gifted Education Coordinators to Promote Equity, Chandra B. Floyd
Teaching minoritised children in South Korea: perspectives of teachers in early childhood education and care, Shim Lew and Jayoung Choi
U.S. Preservice Teachers Learning With Multilingual Learners in Korea Through Educational Technology: Bringing Heteroglossic and Global Approaches to TESOL Teacher Education, Ji Hye Shin, Jayoung Choi, Tuba Angay-Crowder, and Nihal Khote
Submissions from 2022
The interplay of teacher identities and agency: A case study of two native English-speaking teachers in South Korea, Jayoung Choi (최자영)
The expropriation of dual language bilingual education: deconstructing neoliberalism, whitestreaming, and English-hegemony, Juan A. Freire, James Gambrell, G. Sue Kasun, and Lisa M. Dorner
Addressing unsolved educational problems about linguistically diverse children: perspectives of early childhood educators in South Korea, Shim Lew and Jayoung Choi
Submissions from 2021
A Black mother’s counterstory to the Brown–White binary in dual language education: toward disrupting dual language as White property, Andrea Blanton, G. Sue Kasun, James A. Gambrell, and Zurisaray Espinosa
Georgia, David G. Buckman
Improving High School Graduation Through School Climate, David G. Buckman, Nathan W.J. Hand, and Arvin Johnson
Addressing the gender pay gap: The influence of female and male dominant disciplines on gender pay equity, David G. Buckman and Tommy E. Jackson
“Everybody Wants a Choice” in Dual Language Education of El Nuevo Sur: Whiteness as the Gloss for Everybody in Media Discourses of Multilingual Education, Claudia Cervantes-Soon, James Gambrell, G. Sue Kasun, Wenyang Sun, Juan A. Freire, and Lisa M. Dorner
Critical literacy in english language teaching, bi/multilingualism, and translanguaging, Chris K. Chang-Bacon, Nihal Khote, Robin Schell, and Graham V. Crookes
Navigating Tensions and Leveraging Identities: A Young Trilingual Child’s Emerging Language Ideologies, Jayoung Choi
Culturally and Linguistically Relevant Content Area Instruction for Diverse Students with Learning Disabilities, Shaqwana Freeman-Green, Melissa Driver, Peishi Wang, Jessica Kamuru, and Dia Jackson
Video-Based Intervention to Improve Storytelling Ability in Job Interviews for College Students With Autism, Vidya D. Munandar, Leslie A. Bross, Kathleen N. Zimmerman, and Mary E. Morningstar
Blurring the Boundaries: Reflections From Early Career Faculty During the COVID-19 Era, Geovanna Rodriguez, Rebecca Monteleone, Vidya D. Munandar, and Jennifer L. Bumble
Submissions from 2020
Performance Feedback in Teacher Preparation: Improving Preservice Teachers’ Use of High Leverage Practices Through Mixed-Reality Simulation, Kate Zimmer, Melissa Driver, and Patricia Alvarez McHatton
Submissions from 2019
Using visual and textual metaphors to explore teachers’ professional roles and identities, Harriet J. Bessette and Nita A. Paris
Submissions from 2016
Using Content Acquisition Podcasts to Increase Student Knowledge and to Reduce Perceived Cognitive Lead, Michael J. Kennedy, Shanna Eisner Hirsch, Sarah E. Dillon, and Melissa K. Driver
Submissions from 2015
Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Equivalence Tasks: The Influence of Symbols on Students with Mathematics Difficulty, Melissa K. Driver and Sarah R. Powell
Using Content Acquisition Podcasts to Improve Teacher Candidate Knowledge of Curriculum-based Measurement, Michael J. Kennedy, Dana Wagner, Joanna Stegall, and Melissa K. Driver
The Effect of Tutoring with Nonstandard Equations for Students with Mathematics Difficulty, Sarah R. Powell, Melissa K. Driver, and Tyler E. Julian
Learning to Teach English Learners: Instructional Coaching and Developing Novice High School Teacher Capacity, Felice Atesoglu Russell
Submissions from 2014
Collaborative Literacy Work in a High School: Enhancing Teacher Capacity for English Learner Instruction in the Mainstream, Felice Atesoglu Russell
Submissions from 2013
Autobiographies in Preservice Teacher Education: A Snapshot Tool for Building a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, AnnMarie Gunn, Susan V. Bennett, Linda S. Evans, Barbara J. Peterson, and James L. Welsh
Accommodating Diversity by Analyzing Practices of Teaching (ADAPT), Changnam Lee and Kathryn E. Picanco
Moving Margins: Using Marginalia as a Tool for Critical Reflection, Patricia Alvarez McHatton and Sandy May
Diversity: Beyond Tolerance, Patricia Alvarez McHatton and Erica D. McCray
Purposeful Preparation: Longitudinally Exploring Inclusion Attitudes of General and Special Education Pre-Service Teachers, Patricia Alvarez McHatton and Audra Parker
Critically Reflective Practitioners: Exploring Our Intentions as Teacher Educators, Patricia Alvarez McHatton, Audra K. Parker, and Roseanne K. Vallice
Mothering and Literacies, Amanda Richey and Linda S. Evans
From Distance Education to Communities of Inquiry: A Review of Historical Developments, Aylin Tekiner Tolu and Linda S. Evans
Orientalism(s), World Geography Textbooks, and Temporal Paradox: Questioning Representations of Southwest Asia and North Africa, Lisa Zagumny and Amanda B. Richey
Submissions from 2012
Essential Elements of Effective Teaching in Korean Reading, Changnam Lee
A Culture of Collaboration: Meeting the Instructional Needs of Adolescent English Language Learners, Felice Atesoglu Russell
Effects of Job-Embedded Professional Development on Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Content Area Classrooms: Results of a Three-Year Study, Toni Strieker, Kent Logan, and Karen Kuhel
Submissions from 2011
Best Practice Strategies for English Language Learners in Elementary Schools, Karen Kuhel, Debra J. Coffey, and G. McAlpine
A Synthesis of Read-Aloud Interventions on Early Reading Outcomes Among Preschool Through Third Graders at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Elizabeth Swanson, Sharon Vaughn, Jeanne Wanzek, Yaacov Petscher, Jennifer Heckert, Christie Cavanaugh, Guliz Kraft, and Kathryn Tackett
Submissions from 2009
Fourth and Fifth Grade Departmentalization: A Transition to Middle School, Tak C. Chan, Daniel Terry, and Harriet J. Bessette
Working for and with Latino/Latina Immigrant Newcomers in the English Language Arts Classroom, Bernadette Musetti, Spencer Salas, and Theresa Perez
Submissions from 2008
Using Students' Drawings to Elicit General and Special Educators' Perceptions of Co-Teaching, Harriet J. Bessette
Submissions from 2006
Including Ethics in the Study of Educational Leadership, Charles Bowen, Harriet Bessette, and T. C. Chan
Submissions from 2003
Bridging the Gap: A School Based Staff Development Model that Bridges the Gap from Research to Practice, Sue S. Spencer and Kent R. Logan
Submissions from 2001
The Research to Practice Projects: Lessons Learned About Changing Teacher Practice, Daniel J. Boudah, Kent R. Logan, and Charles R. Greenwood
Conducting Preference Assessments and Reinforcer Testing for Individuals With Profound Multiple Disabilities: Issues and Procedures, Kent R. Logan and David L. Gast
Student Support Teams: Helping Students Succeed in General Education Classrooms or Working to Place Students in Special Education?, Kent R. Logan, Carol D. Hansen, Paul K. Nieminen, and E. Heath Wright
Preferences and Reinforcers for Students With Profound Multiple Disabilities: Can We Identify Them?, Kent R. Logan, Heidi A. Jacobs, David L. Gast, Pamela D. Smith, Jackie Daniel, and JoAnn Rawls
The Research Lead Teacher Model: Helping General Education Teachers Deal with Classroom Behavior Problems, Kent R. Logan and Sue S. Stein
Customizing Instruction to Maximize Functional Outcomes for Students With Profound Multiple Disabilities, Pamela D. Smith, David L. Gast, Kent R. Logan, and Heidi A. Jacobs
Submissions from 2000
Pre-Session Assessment of Preferences for Students with Profound Multiple Disabilities, David L. Gast, Heidi A. Jacobs, Kent R. Logan, Amy Streu Murray, Anne Holloway, and Libby Long
Professional Development in Early Intervention: Creating Effective Inservice Training Opportunities, Michael D. Malone, Elizabeth Straka, and Kent R. Logan
Submissions from 1994
Using Portfolio Reflections to Re-Form Instructional Programs and Build Curriculum, Sarah Robbins, Nancy Brandt, Susan Goering, Jeanette Nassif, and Kathleen Wascha
Submissions from 1993
"In My Dreams": A Second Look at Inclusion and Programming, Glenn A. Vergason and M. L. Anderegg
Submissions from 1992
Preparing Teachers for Their Legal Responsibilities in facing School-Age Suicide, M. L. Anderegg and Glenn A. Vergason
A Visual Representation of the Grief Cycle for Use by Teachers with Families of Children with Disabilities, M. L. Anderegg, Glenn A. Vergason, and Margaret C. Smith
Submissions from 1991
Beyond the Regular Education Initiative and the Resource Room Controversy, Glenn A. Vergason and M. L. Anderegg