Volume 46, Issue 1 (2009)
Complete Issue
Georgia Library Quarterly, Winter 2009
Susan Cooley
From the President
James Cooper
Inside ALA's Emerging Leaders Program: How GLA Can Help You Get Involved
Sarah Steiner and Crystal Renfro
Hard Times = A New Brand of Advocacy
Ellen G. Miller
The Role of the Library Board of Trustees in the Construction of a Public Library
Kathryn S. Ames and Greg Heid
Library Technology Center Debuts at North Georgia College
Shawn C. Tonner
Small Spaces, Small Budget, Big Results: Creating a User-centered Learning Space on a Budget
Louise L. Lowe and Roylee Cummings
REVIEW: The Body in the Reservoir: Murder and Sensationalism in the South
April Renfroe-Warren
REVIEW: Carry Me: Animal Babies on the Move
Sarah McGhee
REVIEW: Late for School
Tracy Walker