Policies | Georgia Library Quarterly | Active Journals | Kennesaw State University



Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Georgia Library Quarterly provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. However, as a regional publication focused on highlighting the work of Georgia's library workers, at this time we do not accept any submissions from authors outside of Georgia or the Southeastern United States unless the submitted article focuses on a topic specific to the state of librarianship in Georgia.

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General Submission Rules

By submitting material to Georgia Library Quarterly, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at Georgia Library Quarterly. If you have concerns about the submission terms for Georgia Library Quarterly, please contact the editors.

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Formatting Requirements

Georgia Library Quarterly requires APA style (without footnotes). Please do not include headers, footers, page numbers, heading styles, or collapsible sections. See Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for additional information.

Rights for Authors/Attribution and Usage Policies

The Georgia Library Quarterly is an open-access publication.

The Creative Commons Attribution License applies to all articles published in the Georgia Library Quarterly. Under this license the authors retain the copyright of their article, but allow others to reuse and copy the article provided the original authors and source are cited.

On submission to the Georgia Library Quarterly authors are asked to agree to the author warranty given below, and to the terms of the open-access license.

Author Warrant

By agreeing to this declaration you (the author) certify that:

  1. your contribution is your original work, has not been published before (in any language or medium) and is not being considered for publication elsewhere;
  2. that all authors concur with and are aware of the submission;
  3. that all workers involved in the study are listed as authors or given proper credit in the acknowledgements;
  4. that you have obtained permission for and acknowledged the source of any excerpts from other copyright works;
  5. and that to the best of your knowledge your paper contains no statements which are libelous, unlawful or in any way actionable. All coauthors have made significant scientific contributions to the work reported, including the ideas and their execution, and share responsibility and accountability for the results.

Open-Access License Agreement

Brief summary of the agreement

You (the user) are free:

  • to copy, distribute, display and perform the work
  • to make derivative works under the follow conditions:
  • Attribution. You must give the original author credit.
  • For any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are.
  • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
  • The author's moral rights are in no way affected by the above.

The full open-access agreement is identical to the Creative Commons Attribution Licence. Click here to download the full version of the license.

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