A collection of published articles from members of the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology at Kennesaw State University.

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Submissions from 2023


Comparing the impact of live-tree versus historic-timber data on palaeoenvironmental inferences in tree-ring science, eastern North America, Kristen de Graauw, Maegen Rochner, Saskia van de Gevel, Lauren Stachowiak, Savannah Collins-Key, Joseph Henderson, Zachary Merrill, and Amy Hessl


Ant cuticle microsculpturing: diversity, classification, and evolution, John Paul Hellenbrand and Clint A. Penick


In situ investigations of failure mechanisms of silica fibers from the venus flower basket (Euplectella Aspergillum), Swapnil K. Morankar, Yash Mistry, Dhruv Bhate, Clint A. Penick, and Nikhilesh Chawla


The AliveCor KardiaMobile ECG device allows electrocardiogram assessment in awake bonobos (Pan paniscus), June E. Olds, Ashley Goldacker, David Huneycutt, Sarah P. Huneycutt, Jared P. Taglialatela, and Jessica L. Ward


Geographic Variation in the Reproductive Phenology of a Widespread Amphibian, Todd W. Pierson, Jasmyne Blake-Sinclair, Leah T. Rittenburg, and Yatin Kalki


Long-term winter food supplementation shows no significant impact on reproductive performance in Mountain Chickadees in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Benjamin R. Sonnenberg, Joseph F. Welklin, Carrie L. Branch, Angela M. Pitera, Lauren M. Benedict, Virginia K. Heinen, Dovid Y. Kozlovsky, Eli S. Bridge, and Vladimir V. Pravosudov


Phylotranscriptomic Analyses of Mycoheterotrophic Monocots Show a Continuum of Convergent Evolutionary Changes in Expressed Nuclear Genes From Three Independent Nonphotosynthetic Lineages, Prakash Raj Timilsena, Craig F. Barrett, Alma Piñeyro-Nelson, Eric K. Wafula, Saravanaraj Ayyampalayam, Joel R. McNeal, Tomohisa Yukawa, Thomas J. Givnish, Sean W. Graham, J. Chris Pires, Jerrold I. Davis, Cécile Ané, Dennis W. Stevenson, Jim Leebens-Mack, Esteban Martínez-Salas, Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla, and Claude W. dePamphilis


Successional Change and Fire History in Montane Longleaf Pine-Dominated Ecosystems of Northwestern Georgia, USA, Christopher G. Waters and Matthew P. Weand


Females pair with males larger than themselves in a socially monogamous songbird, Joseph F. Welklin, Carrie L. Branch, Angela M. Pitera, Benjamin R. Sonnenberg, Lauren M. Benedict, Virginia K. Heinen, Dovid Y. Kozlovsky, and Vladimir V. Pravosudov


Complex relationships between climate and reproduction in a resident montane bird, Lauren E. Whitenack, Joseph F. Welklin, Carrie L. Branch, Benjamin R. Sonnenberg, Angela M. Pitera, Dovid Y. Kozlovsky, Lauren M. Benedict, Virginia K. Heinen, and Vladimir V. Pravosudov


A reconstruction of parasite burden reveals one century of climate-associated parasite decline, Chelsea L. Wood, Rachel L. Welicky, Whitney C. Preisser, Katie L. Leslie, Natalie Mastick, Correigh Greene, Katherine P. Maslenikov, Luke Tornabene, John M. Kinsella, and Timothy E. Essington


How to use natural history collections to resurrect information on historical parasite abundances, C. L. Wood, K. L. Leslie, D. Claar, N. Mastick, W. Preisser, M. P.M. Vanhove, and R. Welicky

Submissions from 2022


Ecological performance standards for regenerative urban design, Janine Benyus, Jamie Dwyer, Sara El-Sayed, and Clint A. Penick


Spatiotemporal Patterns of Leymus arenarius Nebkhas during Early Primary Succession on the Sub-Arctic Coastal Sand Plains of Iceland, Sigurdur Greipsson


Effects of supplementary nutrients (soil-nitrogen or foliar-iron) on switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) grown in Pb-contaminated soil, Sigurdur Greipsson, Thomas McElroy, and Marina Koether


Foliar Application of Salicylic Acid and DA-6 on Swithgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) Grown in Pb-Contaminated Soil; Implications for Phytoextraction, Sigurdur Greipsson, Thomas McElroy, and Marina Koether


The development of behavioral and endocrine coping styles in nestlings from urban and rural sites, Sarah Guindre-Parker, Denyelle A.V. Kilgour, and Courtney R. Linkous


Phytoextraction of lead (Pb) contaminated soil by switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L): Impact of BAP and NTA applications, Genna Hart, Austin Gilly, Marina Koether, Thomas McElroy, and Sigurdur Greipsson


Knifefish turning control and hydrodynamics during forward swimming, Olivia H. Hawkins, Víctor M. Ortega-Jiménez, and Christopher P. Sanford


The role of internal nitrogen loading in supporting non-N-fixing harmful cyanobacterial blooms in the water column of a large eutrophic lake, Daniel K. Hoffman, Mark J. McCarthy, Ashlynn R. Boedecker, and Justin A. Myers


Sex ratios and the city: Secondary offspring sex ratios, parental corticosterone, and parental body condition in an urban-adapted bird, Denyelle A.V. Kilgour, Courtney R. Linkous, Todd W. Pierson, and Sarah Guindre-Parker


Texas field crickets (Gryllus texensis) use visual cues to place learn but perform poorly when intra- and extra-maze cues conflict, Dovid Y. Kozlovsky, Marc Antoine Poirier, Ethan Hermer, and Susan M. Bertram


Degraded and computer-generated speech processing in a bonobo, Nicole J. Lahiff, Katie E. Slocombe, Jared Taglialatela, and Volker Dellwo


Plasticity in social behaviour varies with reproductive status in an avian cooperative breeder, Jasmine Little, Dustin R. Rubenstein, and Sarah Guindre-Parker


Evidence of psychological essentialism in a symbol-trained bonobo (Pan paniscus), Robert Lurz, Carla Krachun, William D. Hopkins, and Jared Taglialatela


Bo-NO-bouba-kiki: Picture-word mapping but no spontaneous sound symbolic speech-shape mapping in a language trained bonobo, Konstantina Margiotoudi, Manuel Bohn, Natalie Schwob, and Jared Taglialatela


Tensile and fracture behavior of silica fibers from the Venus flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum), Swapnil Morankar, Arun Sundar Sundaram Singaravelu, Sridhar Niverty, and Clint A. Penick


The Comparative approach to bio-inspired design: integrating biodiversity and biologists into the design process, Clint A. Penick, Grace Cope, Swapnil Morankar, and Yash Mistry


Molecular Identification of an Avian Predator of Mimetic Salamanders, Todd W. Pierson, Jasmyne Blake-Sinclair, and Benjamin Holt


Parametric optimization of corner radius in hexagonal honeycombs under in-plane compression, Athul Rajeev, Alex Grishin, Grace Cope, and Clint A. Penick


Evaluating how management policies affect red wolf mortality and disappearance, Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila, Suzanne Agan, Joseph W. Hinton, and Adrian Treves

Submissions from 2021


Bayesian Predictions of Bark Beetle Attack and Mortality of Three Conifer Species During Epidemic and Endemic Population Stages, Mario Bretfeld, Heather N. Speckman, Daniel P. Beverly, and Brent E. Ewers


Adaptive divergence despite low effective population size in a peripherally isolated population of the pygmy rabbit, Brachylagus idahoensis, Nathan W. Byer, Matthew L. Holding, Miranda M. Crowell, Todd W. Pierson, Thomas E. Dilts, Eveline S. Larrucea, Kevin T. Shoemaker, and Marjorie D. Matocq

Isolation by Distance Shapes Population Genetic Structure of a Rare Terrestrial Salamander, Plethodon petraeus, with an Extremely Small Range, Kate C. Donlon, Thomas McElroy, and John B. Jensen


A Comparison of the Adsorption of Cesium on Zeolite Minerals vs Vermiculite, D. R. Ferreira, G. D. Phillips, and B. Baruah


Long-term measures of climate unpredictability shape the avian endocrine stress axis, Sarah Guindre-Parker and Dustin R. Rubenstein


Impacts of bark beetle-induced tree mortality on pyrogenic carbon production and heat output in wildfires for fire modeling and global carbon accounting, Alexandra Howell, Mario Bretfeld, and Erica Belmont


Beyond the Kármán gait: knifefish swimming in periodic and irregular vortex streets, Victor M. Ortega-Jiménez and Christopher P. Sanford

Patterns of dispersion, movement and feeding of the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus, and the potential implications for grazing impact on live seagrass, Adrianna Parson, Joseph M. Dirnberger, and Troy Mutchler


Patterns of dispersion, movement and feeding of the sea urchin lytechinus variegatus, and the potential implications for grazing impact on live seagrass, Adrianna Parson, Joseph M. Dirnberger, and Troy Mutchler


Reversible plasticity in brain size, behaviour and physiology characterizes caste transitions in a socially flexible ant (Harpegnathos saltator), Clint A. Penick, Majid Ghaninia, Kevin L. Haight, Comzit Opachaloemphan, Hua Yan, Danny Reinberg, and Jürgen Liebig

Reversible plasticity in brain size, behaviour and physiology characterizes caste transitions in a socially flexible ant (), Clint A. Penick, Majid Ghaninia, Kevin L. Haight, Comzit Opachaloemphan, Hua Yan, Danny Reinberg, and Jürgen Liebig


Genetic data reveal fine-scale ecological segregation between larval plethodontid salamanders in replicate contact zones, Todd W. Pierson, Benjamin M. Fitzpatrick, and Carlos D. Camp

Genetic data reveal fine-scale ecological segregation between larval plethodontid salamanders in replicate contact zones, Todd W. Pierson, Benjamin M. Fitzpatrick, and Carlos D. Camp


Quantifying Inter- And Intrasexual Head-Shape Polymorphism in Eurycea cf. wilderae (Blue-Ridge Two-Lined Salamanders), Howard N. Rainey, Todd W. Pierson, and Jennifer Deitloff

Submissions from 2020


A Comparison of Isogenic Homozygous Clone and Wildtype Zebrafish (Danio rerio): Survival and Developmental Responses to Low pH Conditions, Lisa G. Adams, Malcolm S. Gordon, Donald G. Buth, and Erica M. Hutchings


Bioinspired honeycomb core design: An experimental study of the role of corner radius, coping and interface, Derek Goss, Yash Mistry, Sridhar Niverty, Cameron Noe, Bharath Santhanam, Cahit Ozturk, Clint A. Penick, Christine Lee, Nikhilesh Chawla, Alex Grishin, Vikram Shyam, and Dhruv Bhate


Knifefish’s suction makes water boil, Victor M. Ortega-Jimenez and Christopher P.J. Sanford


Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense Lour.) alters the timing of litterfall and nutrient quality of leaf litter inputs in invaded riparian forests, Matthew P. Weand

Submissions from 2019


Beyond the black box: promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology, Alison E. Bennett, Antonio Golubski, and Et al.


Relative Contributions of DNRA and Denitrification to Nitrate Reduction in Thalassia testudinum Seagrass Beds in Coastal Florida (USA), Daniel K. Hoffman, Mark J. McCarthy, Silvia E. Newell, and Troy R. Mutchler


Comparison of Bonobo and Chimpanzee Brain Microstructure Reveals Differences in Socio-emotional Circuits, Habon A. Issa, Nicky Staes, Sophia Diggs-Galligan, and Jared P. Taglialatela

Submissions from 2018


Effects of Hypoxia on Swimming and Sensing in a Weakly Electric Fish, Kerri Lynn Ackerly, Rüdiger Krahe, Christopher P. Sanford, and Lauren J. Chapman


The Impact of pH and Ion Exchange on 133Cs Adsorption on Vermiculite, Daniel R. Ferreira, James A. Thornhill, E. I.N. Roderick, and Yi Li


Physiological Responses of Species to Microclimate Help explain Population Dynamics along Succession in a Tropical Dry Forest of Yucatan, Mexico, Paula C. Jackson, José Luis Andrade, Casandra Reyes-García, Olivia Hernández-González, Thomas C. McElroy, Roberth Us-Santamaría, José Luis Simá, and Juan Manuel Dupuy

Submissions from 2017


Differential Toxicity and Venom Gland Gene Expression in Centruroides vittatus, Thomas C. McElroy, C. Neal McReynolds, Alyssa Gulledge, Kelci R. Knight, Whitney E. Smith, and Eric A. Albrecht


Identification of a Vacuolar Proton Channel that Triggers the Bioluminescent Flash in Dinoflagellates, Juan D. Rodriguez, Saddef Haq, Tsvetan Bachvaroff, Kristine F. Nowak, Scott J. Nowak, Deri Morgan, Vladimir V. Cherny, Maredith M. Sapp, Steven Bernstein, Andrew Bolt, Thomas E. DeCoursey, Allen R. Place, and Susan M. Smith


Patterns of Plant Functional Variation and Specialization Along Secondary Succession and Topography in a Tropical Dry Forest, Lucía Sanaphre-Villanueva, Juan Manuel Dupuy, José Luis Andrade, Cassandra Reyes-García, Paula C. Jackson, and Horacio Paz

Submissions from 2016


Science Teaching in Science Education, Brendan E. Callahan and Eduardo Dopico


Ecological Networks over the Edge: Hypergraph Trait-mediated Indirect Interaction (TMII) Structure, Antonio J. Golubski, Erik E. Westlund, John Vandermeer, and Mercedes Pascual


Timing of Rapid Diversification and Convergent Origins of Active Pollination within Agavoideae (Asparagaceae), Michael R. McKain, Joel R. McNeal, P. Roxanne Kellar, and Luis E. Eguiarte


A Phylogenomic Assessment of Ancient Polyploidy and Genome Evolution Across the Poales, Michael R. McKain, Haibao Tang, Joel R. McNeal, and Et al.


Functional Diversity of Small and Large Trees Along Secondary Succession in a Tropical Dry Forest, Lucía Sanaphre-Villanueva, Juan Manuel Dupuy, José Luis Andrade, Casandra Reyes-García, Horacio Paz, and Paula C. Jackson

Submissions from 2015


CD163 interacts with TWEAK to regulate tissue regeneration after ischaemic injury, Hirokuni Akahori, Vinit Karmali, Rohini Polavarapu, and Adrienne L. King


Suburban Forest Change and Vegetation Water Dynamics in Atlanta, USA, Mario Giraldo, Paula Jackson, and Wayne Van-Horne


Induced Phytoextraction of Lead Through Chemical Manipulation of Switchgrass and Corn; Role of Iron Supplement, Deayne M. Johnson, Daniel M. Deocampo, Hanan El-Mayas, and Sigurdur Greipsson


Delay of Gratification is Associated with White Matter Connectivity in the Dorsal Prefrontal Cortex: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Robert D. Latzman, Jared P. Taglialatela, and William D. Hopkins


Handedness for Unimanual Grasping in 564 Great Apes: The Effect on Grip Morphology and a Comparison with Hand Use for a Bimanual Coordinated Task, Adrien Meguerditchian, Kimberley A. Phillips, Amandine Chapelain, Lindsay M. Mahovetz, Scott Milne, Tara Stoinski, Amanda Bania, Elizabeth Lonsdorf, Jennifer Schaeffer, Jamie Russell, and William D. Hopkins


Differential Serotonergic Innervation of the Amygdala in Bonobos and Chimpanzees, Cheryl D. Stimpson, Nicole Barger, Jared P. Taglialatela, and Annette Gendron-Fitzpatrick


Differential Serotonergic Innervation of the Amygdala in Bonobos and Chimpanzees, Cheryl D. Stimpson, Nicole Barger, Jared P. Taglialatella, and Annette Gendron-Fitzpatrick


Multimodal communication in chimpanzees, Jared P. Taglialatela, Jamie L. Russell, Sarah M. Pope, and Tamara Morton

Submissions from 2014


A 'Crying Wolf' Game of Interspecific Kleptoparasitic Mutualism, Antonio J. Golubski, Nathaniel S. O'Connell, Jesse A. Schwartz, and Sean F. Ellermeyer


Why Vocal Production of Atypical Sounds in Apes and Cerebral Correlates Have a Lot to Say About the Origin of Language, Adrien Meguerditchian, Jared P. Taglialatela, David A. Leavens, and William D. Hopkins

Submissions from 2013

WikiED: Using Web 2.0 Tools to Teach Content and Critical Thinking, Jennifer Kreps Frisch, Paula C. Jackson, and Meg Murray


Initiation of Joint Attention is Associated with Morphometric Variation in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), William D. Hopkins and Jared P. Taglialatela


Phylogeny and Origins of Holoparasitism in Orobanchaceae, Joel R. McNeal, Jonathan R. Bennett, Andrea D. Wolfe, and Sarah Mathews

Submissions from 2010


The Development of the Next Generation of Nurse Leaders, Kathie F. Aduddell and Genie E. Dorman


Documenting the NICU Design Dilemma: Parent and Staff Perceptions of Open Ward Versus Single Family Room Units, Renee Domanico, Diana K. Davis, F. Coleman, and Bowman O. Davis Jr.


The Stories They’d Tell: Pre-Service Elementary Teachers Writing Stories to Demonstrate Physical Science Concepts, Jennifer Kreps Frisch


A Voxel-Based Morphometry Analysis of White Matter Asymmetries in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), William D. Hopkins, Jared P. Taglialatela, Talia Nir, Natalie M. Schenker, and Chet C. Sherwood


Cortical Representation of Lateralized Grasping in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): A Combined MRI and PET Study, William D. Hopkins, Jared P. Taglialatela, Jamie L. Russell, Talia M. Nir, and Jennifer Schaeffer


An Investigation of the Prevalence of Upper Limb Neuropathies in Different Types of College Musicians by Use of Neurometrix Device, Saunders Jones Jr. and Christi Hernandez


Teacher Thinking Associated With Science-Specific Mentor Preparation, Thomas R. Koballa Jr., Julie Kittleson, Leslie U. Bradbury, and Michael J. Dias


Phenology of Five Tree Species of a Tropical Dry Forest in Yucatán, Mexico: Effects of Environmental and Physiological Factors, Mirna Valdez-Hernández, Paula C. Jackson, Mario Rebolledo-Vieyra, and José Luis Andrade

Submissions from 2009


Enhancing Ocean Literacy Using Real-Time Data, Lisa G. Adams and George Matsumoto


Middle School Students' Conceptual Learning from the Implementation of a New NSF Supported Curriculum: Interactions in Physical Science, Charles J. Eick, Michael Dias, and Nancy R. Cook-Smith


Science Conference Presenters' Images of Inquiry, Thomas R. Koballa Jr., Michael J. Dias, and Jennifer Lance Atkinson


Working for and with Latino/Latina Immigrant Newcomers in the English Language Arts Classroom, Bernadette Musetti, Spencer Salas, and Theresa Perez

Submissions from 2008


The Effect of Road Crossing on Fish Movements in Small Etowah Basin Streams, Paul D. Benton, William E. Ensign, and Byron J. Freeman


Using Stories in an Introductory Biology Course, Jennifer Kreps Frisch and Gerald Saunders

Enzyme Inquiry, Gregory T. Rushton, Michael Dias, and Grant McDurmon

Submissions from 2007


Investigating Coastal Processes and Nitrate Levels in the Elkhorn Slough Using Real-Time Data, Lisa G. Adams and George I. Matsumoto


In Defense of the Lecture, Mark Bland, Gerald W. Saunders, and Jennifer Kreps Frisch