Education / Experiential Learning | 2018 New Orleans, LA - Atlantic Marketing Association Conference

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Global Educational Tours and Business Simulations: Challenges and Benefits of Experiential Learning in Executive MBA Programs

Uday S. Tate, Marshall University
Deepak Subedi, Marshall University
Suneel Maheshwari, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Revisiting Textbook Adoption Decisions: Are Students Finally Ready for E-Books?

Cheryl B. Ward, Middle Tennessee State University
Diane R. Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University

Teaching Marketing to Adult Learners

James Womick

Using Social Media to Improve Student Engagement and Learning

Tommy Hsu, Tarleton State University

Veterinarians to Veterans United, Inc.: A Marketing Case

Yvette Lynne Bonaparte, North Carolina Central University
Sharon D. White, North Carolina Central University