Nonprofit / Public Sector Marketing | 2016 Charleston, SC - <br>Atlantic Marketing Association Conference <br>

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Double Trouble: Commingled Effects of High Fast Food and Sugar-Sweetened Drink Consumption and the Intervening Role of Physical Activity on Childhood Obesity

Christopher Berry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Scot Burton, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Elizabeth Howlett, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Looking Back: The Evolution of Political Marketing in U.S. Presidential Campaigns

Maria Khan, Middle Tennessee State University
Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University

“Thank You for Your Service:” Consumer Attitudes toward Military and Veterans

Diane R. Edmondson, Middle Tennessee State University
Tim Graeff, Middle Tennessee State University
Lucy Matthews, Middle Tennessee State University
Donald P. Roy, Middle Tennessee State University
Vincent W. Smith, Middle Tennessee State University
Raj Srivastava, Middle Tennessee State University
Cheryl Ward, Middle Tennessee State University

What Beverage Types Should Charities Partner with in CRM Campaigns? An Empirical Study of Brand-Cause Fit, Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions

Alexander Rainford, Northern Kentucky University
Bridget Satinover Nichols, Northern Kentucky University