ACIST 2019
The 2019 (5th) proceedings of ACIST focused on how African societies are leveraging and can leverage the smart capabilities in digital technologies to address organizational and societal challenges. Technology-enabled solutions offer solutions to many of these challenges. Digital technologies are increasingly becoming integral to and interdependent with the African society.
Continuous innovations in information and communications technologies (ICTs) across the world are increasing the pace of the creation and dissemination of digital information in Africa. Alongside this is the increasing adoption of smart ICTs that are capable of adaptations to the environment and modifications of behaviours and entire societies. Smartness also includes capabilities for sensing and learning from the environment to complement human efforts.
Against this backdrop, ACIST 2019 sought to discuss the role of information systems and technology (IST) research and education in the relationship between digital technologies and a smart Africa.
As we prepare for the conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, it is hoped that IST researchers in Africa and elsewhere will think creatively, broadly, and provocatively about Digital Technologies for A Smart Africa from many different theoretical, philosophical, policy and practical perspectives.
Paper submissions will be subjected to double-blind reviews by at least two Programme Committee members. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings with ISSN 2467-8988; and will be considered for further review and publication in the African Journal of Information Systems (AJIS) with ISSN 1936-0282.