
About This Journal

ISSN 1936-0282

The African Journal of Information Systems is indexed at:
• IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
• Cabell’s Directories
• IET Inspec
• Emerging Sources Citation Index

The African Journal of Information Systems (AJIS) provides a high caliber scholarly research journal in information and communication technologies (ICT). The focus of AJIS is to acquaint a broad audience of readers in the variety of intellectual traditions included under the rubric of ICT in Africa. Therefore, the journal aims at disseminating research on ICT within the context of Africa; the innovation and development of ICT solutions for and within this context; impacts of ICT on society and of society on ICT; and other relevant normative, empirical, and theoretical concerns of ICT development, implementation, strategy, management and policy that are distinctive to Africa and associated developing economies.

This journal is managed by a team of researchers and practitioner interested in promoting ICT research and practice in Africa.