Date of Award

Fall 10-24-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Teacher Leadership (Ed.D)


Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/First Advisor

Dr. Karen DiBella

Committee Chair

Dr. Kimberly Gray

Second Committee Member

Dr. Daphne Hubbard

Third Committee Member

Dr. Susan Stockdale


This study reveals educators’ journey through a change process as an innovation was being infused throughout their instructional practices. Traditional professional learning is not fashioned to address the ongoing concerns teachers have and the structure to sustain change. There is evidence to suggest that teachers are resistance to change due to the lack of attention placed on individualized change. This research investigates the topics of organizational change, individual change, evolution of professional development, teacher resistance, and individual coaching to lead to a deep understanding of the structural components of teacher support in order for change to transpire. This research is positioned to support teachers with individualized coaching through change in instructional practices, address teacher concerns identified through the Stages of Concern Questionnaire survey and individual interview responses, and provide a model for change initiatives that can be emulated by other institutions. Chapter one provides background to the study, the researcher’s personal connection with the topic and research site, the purpose and significance of the study, research questions, definitions of the key terms, as well as a description highlighting the organization of the dissertation. Chapter two of this study emphasizes the review of literature for this research including the topical research issues and the theoretical framework that support the research. Chapter three contains detailed descriptions of the methodology conducted for this study. The findings of this research are ascribed in chapter four. Chapter five pronounces discussions, implications, and conclusions for the research.
