Gregorian Chant: Timeless Importance


Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture | Medieval Studies | Musicology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

This piece investigates Gregorian chant by unpacking the history of Chant, inspecting original Gregorian Chant leaflets, and connecting this ancient artform to the modern world. The author analyzes the Chant "Floribus ejus nec rosae” by providing a translation and performance and describing its musical and artistic details. The author introduces ideas on further research of Gregorian Chant, such as the preservation of leaflets, geography and dialect, and materials used. Lastly, the author discusses the relevance of Gregorian Chant in modern society and reflects on its impact on the global music scene.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

COTA - Music

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Edward Eanes

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Gregorian Chant: Timeless Importance

This piece investigates Gregorian chant by unpacking the history of Chant, inspecting original Gregorian Chant leaflets, and connecting this ancient artform to the modern world. The author analyzes the Chant "Floribus ejus nec rosae” by providing a translation and performance and describing its musical and artistic details. The author introduces ideas on further research of Gregorian Chant, such as the preservation of leaflets, geography and dialect, and materials used. Lastly, the author discusses the relevance of Gregorian Chant in modern society and reflects on its impact on the global music scene.