Examining Burnout Levels of Collegiate Student-Athletes


Psychology | Sports Studies

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Many collegiate athletes experience feelings of burnout, possibly because of the rigorous mental and physical requirements. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which previously identified predictors of burnout replicate with a sample of current athletes at a large southeast university and to examine which factors most strongly, and uniquely relate to burnout. Student-athletes at Kennesaw State University were asked to complete an online survey where they answered questions that assessed motivation, perceived sense of belonging, perceived social support, and burnout. Additional demographic and school-related questions were asked to examine the relationship between type of sport, scholarship status, and gender. Data are currently being analyzed. We expect that intrinsic motivation, perceived sense of belonging, and perceived social support will be negatively related to burnout, whereas extrinsic motivation will be positively related to burnout. This research could help athletes who are struggling by identifying what factors seem to be more strongly contributing to their burnout. Coaches and staff at Kennesaw State University can use the findings of this study to better understand the mental health of their athletes and how to provide a better experience for them.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Psychological Science

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Jennifer Willard

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Examining Burnout Levels of Collegiate Student-Athletes

Many collegiate athletes experience feelings of burnout, possibly because of the rigorous mental and physical requirements. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which previously identified predictors of burnout replicate with a sample of current athletes at a large southeast university and to examine which factors most strongly, and uniquely relate to burnout. Student-athletes at Kennesaw State University were asked to complete an online survey where they answered questions that assessed motivation, perceived sense of belonging, perceived social support, and burnout. Additional demographic and school-related questions were asked to examine the relationship between type of sport, scholarship status, and gender. Data are currently being analyzed. We expect that intrinsic motivation, perceived sense of belonging, and perceived social support will be negatively related to burnout, whereas extrinsic motivation will be positively related to burnout. This research could help athletes who are struggling by identifying what factors seem to be more strongly contributing to their burnout. Coaches and staff at Kennesaw State University can use the findings of this study to better understand the mental health of their athletes and how to provide a better experience for them.