DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Combination of Waste Rubber and Glass


Civil Engineering | Construction Engineering and Management | Environmental Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering | Transportation Engineering

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Glass and Rubber waste materials are valuable materials to use rather than throw which we have more than enough to use and recycle. Recycled glass and rubber materials can reduce and help major climate issues in our times based on the statistics reducing glass can bring down air pollution by 20% and also reduce water pollution by 50% as well as can reduce the use of landfill space. A laboratory study will be launched, and tests will be conducted following the ASTM standards, ASTM C143 for a concrete slump, and ASTM C31 for making and curing concrete specimens. Samples of cement concrete cylinders will be cast with different percentages of glass and rubber (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) replacing fine aggregate in the mix along with control samples to compare with. The tests will be conducted for a series of curing periods such as 7, 14, and 28 days. Using the experimental data an optimum amount of glass and rubber will be achieved that can be used in cement concrete mix. The optimum mix will provide at least equal to or better strength and reasonable workability than that of the control experiments

Academic department under which the project should be listed

SPCEET - Civil and Environmental Engineering

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

M. A. Karim



Behavior Analysis of Cement Concrete with Combination of Waste Rubber and Glass

Glass and Rubber waste materials are valuable materials to use rather than throw which we have more than enough to use and recycle. Recycled glass and rubber materials can reduce and help major climate issues in our times based on the statistics reducing glass can bring down air pollution by 20% and also reduce water pollution by 50% as well as can reduce the use of landfill space. A laboratory study will be launched, and tests will be conducted following the ASTM standards, ASTM C143 for a concrete slump, and ASTM C31 for making and curing concrete specimens. Samples of cement concrete cylinders will be cast with different percentages of glass and rubber (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) replacing fine aggregate in the mix along with control samples to compare with. The tests will be conducted for a series of curing periods such as 7, 14, and 28 days. Using the experimental data an optimum amount of glass and rubber will be achieved that can be used in cement concrete mix. The optimum mix will provide at least equal to or better strength and reasonable workability than that of the control experiments