European History | History of Gender
Abstract (300 words maximum)
Britain underwent massive changes as it went from a European power to a world power, the society that formed on the rainy island would be subject to the rapid changes of industrialization and the Financial revolution as British ships began to export and import goods all over the globe from the Americas to India. This new environment allowed a new class of wealthy Britons to be made who owned trade goods, consumed luxury goods, socialized with women, and was an urban man of business. This contrasted shapely with the idealized rough, land-owning, independent man who denied luxury goods as they were effeminizing. This project aims to observe the changing norms of masculinity in England during this change and in the aftermath of the Financial Revolution and what socio-economic and religious conditions led to the radical change in what a Man was supposed to be. Most sources have thus far come from popular publications such as the Craftsmen and Fog Weekly where Patriots posted their ideas, opinions, and slander. Using this I aim to observe the change over time in norms of masculinity in England as the world got smaller and interconnected in a way never seen before.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - History & Philosophy
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Amy Dunagin
Changing Norms of Masculinity In England
Britain underwent massive changes as it went from a European power to a world power, the society that formed on the rainy island would be subject to the rapid changes of industrialization and the Financial revolution as British ships began to export and import goods all over the globe from the Americas to India. This new environment allowed a new class of wealthy Britons to be made who owned trade goods, consumed luxury goods, socialized with women, and was an urban man of business. This contrasted shapely with the idealized rough, land-owning, independent man who denied luxury goods as they were effeminizing. This project aims to observe the changing norms of masculinity in England during this change and in the aftermath of the Financial Revolution and what socio-economic and religious conditions led to the radical change in what a Man was supposed to be. Most sources have thus far come from popular publications such as the Craftsmen and Fog Weekly where Patriots posted their ideas, opinions, and slander. Using this I aim to observe the change over time in norms of masculinity in England as the world got smaller and interconnected in a way never seen before.