Voices of Resilience: Women in Law Enforcement Navigating Communication Barriers


Emma SmalleyFollow


Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication | Law and Gender | Law Enforcement and Corrections | Organizational Communication

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Women who work in law enforcement often face unique challenges in the workplace due to their gender, including a lack mentorship opportunities, difficulty with workplace assimilation, isolation, and gender-based discrimination. These challenges can have a significant impact on communication dynamics and create barriers to effective communication in a male-dominated workplace. Through literature review, qualitative interviews, and questionnaires, this study will gather data on women in law enforcement and their experiences with mentorship, assimilation, isolation, and discrimination. The objective of this research is to identify the strategies used by women in law enforcement to overcome the challenges they frequently face. By understanding the unique challenges faced by women in law enforcement and the strategies they use to overcome them, this research can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace for employees of law enforcement agencies.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Communication & Media

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Robin Mathis

This document is currently not available here.



Voices of Resilience: Women in Law Enforcement Navigating Communication Barriers

Women who work in law enforcement often face unique challenges in the workplace due to their gender, including a lack mentorship opportunities, difficulty with workplace assimilation, isolation, and gender-based discrimination. These challenges can have a significant impact on communication dynamics and create barriers to effective communication in a male-dominated workplace. Through literature review, qualitative interviews, and questionnaires, this study will gather data on women in law enforcement and their experiences with mentorship, assimilation, isolation, and discrimination. The objective of this research is to identify the strategies used by women in law enforcement to overcome the challenges they frequently face. By understanding the unique challenges faced by women in law enforcement and the strategies they use to overcome them, this research can contribute to creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace for employees of law enforcement agencies.