DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Crime in Los Angeles


Categorical Data Analysis

Abstract (300 words maximum)

This study will examine crimes committed in the city of Los Angeles dating back to the year of 2020. The reported data was pulled from the open data of Los Angeles Police Department. The purpose of this study is to show if gender is related to the three primary crimes: property crimes, violent crimes, or other crimes. Doing so will show which crimes were committed by each gender. Even though this study is on gender and crimes committed; it was a hard decision because there were many variables to choose from. However, exploring the relationship between crime and gender was more compelling and interesting considering the gender comparisons and differences in today’s society. The primary research question for this study, “Is gender related to the type of crime committed by criminal offenders in Los Angeles?” It is hypothesized that males will have more violent crimes than females while females will have more property crimes than males. Univariate pie charts and descriptive summaries for the crimes committed and the victim’s sex will be generated to show how many crimes were committed. It will also ensure that crime categories are recoded into three different categories: property crimes, violent crimes, and other crimes correctly. Then, repeat the same thing for the victim’s sex variable and split them into three different categories such as male, female, or missing as it was not listed in the codebook. The plan is to crossover the gender variable with the crimes committed variable to see how the results will turn out. The results of this study could be used by public health professionals to explore crime and create strategies to address them. There are a total of 514,108 males and females leaving 139,482 missing values. In addition, there are a total of 653,590 crimes that were committed.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

WCHHS - Health Promotion and Physical Education

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Kevin Gittner



Crime in Los Angeles

This study will examine crimes committed in the city of Los Angeles dating back to the year of 2020. The reported data was pulled from the open data of Los Angeles Police Department. The purpose of this study is to show if gender is related to the three primary crimes: property crimes, violent crimes, or other crimes. Doing so will show which crimes were committed by each gender. Even though this study is on gender and crimes committed; it was a hard decision because there were many variables to choose from. However, exploring the relationship between crime and gender was more compelling and interesting considering the gender comparisons and differences in today’s society. The primary research question for this study, “Is gender related to the type of crime committed by criminal offenders in Los Angeles?” It is hypothesized that males will have more violent crimes than females while females will have more property crimes than males. Univariate pie charts and descriptive summaries for the crimes committed and the victim’s sex will be generated to show how many crimes were committed. It will also ensure that crime categories are recoded into three different categories: property crimes, violent crimes, and other crimes correctly. Then, repeat the same thing for the victim’s sex variable and split them into three different categories such as male, female, or missing as it was not listed in the codebook. The plan is to crossover the gender variable with the crimes committed variable to see how the results will turn out. The results of this study could be used by public health professionals to explore crime and create strategies to address them. There are a total of 514,108 males and females leaving 139,482 missing values. In addition, there are a total of 653,590 crimes that were committed.