
Tyra DouyonFollow

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Comprehensive programs and tutorials that support student accessibility practices should be a required component in all collegiate courses to ensure students, regardless of ability level or exceptionality, receive an equitable education. As course participants who help create and shape online learning spaces, students can contribute to academic web accessibility in important ways. This presentation shares an in-progress research/teaching project sponsored by a Disability Strategies and Resources faculty fellowship through KSU's Office of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence. The project's goal is to create resources to help KSU students write and design accessible content in online course spaces such as D2L. Research acquired from an ongoing classroom study, a literature review on accessible writing pedagogy, and other archives outline the significance of offering these resources to KSU students and faculty.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - English

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Erin Bahl



Accessible Writing Practices for Collegiate Learning Spaces

Comprehensive programs and tutorials that support student accessibility practices should be a required component in all collegiate courses to ensure students, regardless of ability level or exceptionality, receive an equitable education. As course participants who help create and shape online learning spaces, students can contribute to academic web accessibility in important ways. This presentation shares an in-progress research/teaching project sponsored by a Disability Strategies and Resources faculty fellowship through KSU's Office of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence. The project's goal is to create resources to help KSU students write and design accessible content in online course spaces such as D2L. Research acquired from an ongoing classroom study, a literature review on accessible writing pedagogy, and other archives outline the significance of offering these resources to KSU students and faculty.