DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Analysis of Hand and Wrist Bones from Grave A650 Chryssi Island, Crete

Analysis of Hand and Wrist Bones from Grave A650 Chryssi Island, Crete


Anthropology | Biological and Physical Anthropology

Abstract (300 words maximum)

In 2016, a cist grave (A650) dated to the Early Byzantine period (6th c. or 7th c. AD) was excavated on Chryssi Island, Crete. This grave had a minimum of 20 burials, with both adults and juveniles represented. This study focuses on the data collected from the analysis of the hand and wrist bones from the adult individuals. Preliminary analysis of these bones shows a presence of degenerative joint disease, specifically, osteoarthritis. These individuals have a higher frequency of osteoarthritis in their hands compared to data from other nearby sites on Crete of a similar time period. This indicates that the individuals from this site likely engaged in more strenuous use of their hands.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Susan Kirkpatrick Smith, PhD

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Analysis of Hand and Wrist Bones from Grave A650 Chryssi Island, Crete

In 2016, a cist grave (A650) dated to the Early Byzantine period (6th c. or 7th c. AD) was excavated on Chryssi Island, Crete. This grave had a minimum of 20 burials, with both adults and juveniles represented. This study focuses on the data collected from the analysis of the hand and wrist bones from the adult individuals. Preliminary analysis of these bones shows a presence of degenerative joint disease, specifically, osteoarthritis. These individuals have a higher frequency of osteoarthritis in their hands compared to data from other nearby sites on Crete of a similar time period. This indicates that the individuals from this site likely engaged in more strenuous use of their hands.