Geographic Information Sciences | Spatial Science
Abstract (300 words maximum)
The objective of this project is to find the best location for a future U.S. embassy in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. There are several research parameters on the new location. These parameters include proximity to other foreign missions, public transportation, and government offices or environmental hazards such as flood plains, among other important factors. The analysis will be done using ArcGIS software and geocoding to find suitable locations that fit the criteria and locations that should be avoided. The results show the best locations in Buenos Aires that fit the important criteria needed for a new U.S. embassy.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Uli Ingram
Best Locations in Buenos Aires for a New U.S. Embassy
The objective of this project is to find the best location for a future U.S. embassy in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. There are several research parameters on the new location. These parameters include proximity to other foreign missions, public transportation, and government offices or environmental hazards such as flood plains, among other important factors. The analysis will be done using ArcGIS software and geocoding to find suitable locations that fit the criteria and locations that should be avoided. The results show the best locations in Buenos Aires that fit the important criteria needed for a new U.S. embassy.