Abstract (300 words maximum)
Paulding County, located west of Atlanta, Georgia, just missed the mark for being a part of “Metro Atlanta.” For some, it may be too close to the city, and for others there may be too many cows. For many, it is the ideal area for a home. By daily observations, it seems that Paulding County has undergone a boom of population growth in the last decade. This research establishes what Paulding County has gone through that constitutes such a change, determining whether the population growth happened suddenly or if this is average growth compared to previous years. By focusing on factors like income, affordable housing, and available land, among other factors, we can assume which has the most influence on the population in Paulding County. Within this research we will also determine the connection that Atlanta and the Metro Region may be having on the migration to Paulding County. Essentially, why are people moving to Paulding? The results of this study are not solely tied to Paulding Counting either; what is happening is Paulding County is not unique. Many rural areas around the country have population expansions due to many factors that may attract or turn away individuals from living in an urban city. With this research we may be able to detect population growth in any other rural regions that back up to urban regions by studying changes in the county itself and it’s surrounding neighbors.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Dr. Paul McDaniel
Rural Population Growth: A Study of Paulding County, Georgia
Paulding County, located west of Atlanta, Georgia, just missed the mark for being a part of “Metro Atlanta.” For some, it may be too close to the city, and for others there may be too many cows. For many, it is the ideal area for a home. By daily observations, it seems that Paulding County has undergone a boom of population growth in the last decade. This research establishes what Paulding County has gone through that constitutes such a change, determining whether the population growth happened suddenly or if this is average growth compared to previous years. By focusing on factors like income, affordable housing, and available land, among other factors, we can assume which has the most influence on the population in Paulding County. Within this research we will also determine the connection that Atlanta and the Metro Region may be having on the migration to Paulding County. Essentially, why are people moving to Paulding? The results of this study are not solely tied to Paulding Counting either; what is happening is Paulding County is not unique. Many rural areas around the country have population expansions due to many factors that may attract or turn away individuals from living in an urban city. With this research we may be able to detect population growth in any other rural regions that back up to urban regions by studying changes in the county itself and it’s surrounding neighbors.