DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: An Analysis of Character and Theme in How To Train Your Dragon

An Analysis of Character and Theme in How To Train Your Dragon


Holden LevyFollow



Abstract (300 words maximum)

This presentation examines Academy Award-nominated animated film How to Train Your Dragon 2012, written by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. This film captures a young boy’s understanding that the world he lives in does not have to always be the way it has been and that by being oneself is the best way to make your impact on the world. In this analysis I study the arcs of each character over the course of the film and how compassion for the unknown brings an element of love and understanding to their world. In this presentation I will demonstrate how the way in which the writers arced out the characters’ growth over the course of the film conveys the theme of the film which is embracing individuality.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - English

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Anna Weinstein

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An Analysis of Character and Theme in How To Train Your Dragon

This presentation examines Academy Award-nominated animated film How to Train Your Dragon 2012, written by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. This film captures a young boy’s understanding that the world he lives in does not have to always be the way it has been and that by being oneself is the best way to make your impact on the world. In this analysis I study the arcs of each character over the course of the film and how compassion for the unknown brings an element of love and understanding to their world. In this presentation I will demonstrate how the way in which the writers arced out the characters’ growth over the course of the film conveys the theme of the film which is embracing individuality.