Databases and Information Systems | Data Science | Other Computer Sciences
Abstract (300 words maximum)
When the United States places an embassy in a new city many qualifications must go into picking the best possible location. In my project I set out to find the best locations for a new U.S. Embassy in Munich, Germany. The location of the new embassy must be near to the local city government buildings as well as in an area with a moderate population size. It is also beneficial to place the embassy near other countries embassies who are friendly towards the U.S., while, vice versa placing the new embassy away from countries embassies that are not friends of the United States.
Even though the location would prefer to be close to nicer hotels and entertainment venues for out-of-town guest, due to safety reasons the building of the embassy cannot be near to outdoor shooting ranges or venues with a maximum capacity of over 2500 patrons. This rules out large concert venues and sports arenas. For this project I have chosen to use ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro software to create a map where I can add each of the types of buildings listed above, as well as a data about area populations and a building footprint of the city, as layers to the map I have created. Then with the use of data analysis tools I can narrow down the areas with-in the set distance required from desired locations and undesired locations around the new embassy and then with the city building map locate several locations that can be submitted as potential locations for a new U.S. Embassy.
Academic department under which the project should be listed
RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology
Primary Investigator (PI) Name
Uli Ingram
Placement of a future United States Embassy Munich, Germany
When the United States places an embassy in a new city many qualifications must go into picking the best possible location. In my project I set out to find the best locations for a new U.S. Embassy in Munich, Germany. The location of the new embassy must be near to the local city government buildings as well as in an area with a moderate population size. It is also beneficial to place the embassy near other countries embassies who are friendly towards the U.S., while, vice versa placing the new embassy away from countries embassies that are not friends of the United States.
Even though the location would prefer to be close to nicer hotels and entertainment venues for out-of-town guest, due to safety reasons the building of the embassy cannot be near to outdoor shooting ranges or venues with a maximum capacity of over 2500 patrons. This rules out large concert venues and sports arenas. For this project I have chosen to use ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro software to create a map where I can add each of the types of buildings listed above, as well as a data about area populations and a building footprint of the city, as layers to the map I have created. Then with the use of data analysis tools I can narrow down the areas with-in the set distance required from desired locations and undesired locations around the new embassy and then with the city building map locate several locations that can be submitted as potential locations for a new U.S. Embassy.