Fine Tuning the Electronic Properties of Conjugated Mono-Azo-Chromophores Incorporated Azaborine


Chemistry | Materials Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Physical Chemistry

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Flat-structured heteroaromatic polycyclic compounds with extended conjugated π-systems such as azaborines are in demand in the material and imaging technology markets because of their unique features such as simultaneous tunability of fluorescence color and intensity. Azobenzene (azo) compounds and its derivatives are well-known for their stability, photo-switchability and photo-isomerization. The unique ability of azo compounds to undergo structural transformation such from trans to cis and vice versa by irradiation at distinct wavelengths make them suitable candidates for optoelectronics, data storage and biomedical applications. We have designed, synthesized and will investigate a series of novel conjugated thermally stable mono-azo-azaborine chromophores by linking the two chromophores (azo and azaborine) together as easily tunable high-luminescent organic materials. We will investigate the impact of the azobenzene incorporation on the azaborine unit. We will investigate the effect of the addition of electron –donating and –withdrawing substituents on the core of azobenzene and its effect on the HOMO and LUMO energies to help in understanding their fluorescence tunability.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

CSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Carl Jacky Saint-Louis

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Fine Tuning the Electronic Properties of Conjugated Mono-Azo-Chromophores Incorporated Azaborine

Flat-structured heteroaromatic polycyclic compounds with extended conjugated π-systems such as azaborines are in demand in the material and imaging technology markets because of their unique features such as simultaneous tunability of fluorescence color and intensity. Azobenzene (azo) compounds and its derivatives are well-known for their stability, photo-switchability and photo-isomerization. The unique ability of azo compounds to undergo structural transformation such from trans to cis and vice versa by irradiation at distinct wavelengths make them suitable candidates for optoelectronics, data storage and biomedical applications. We have designed, synthesized and will investigate a series of novel conjugated thermally stable mono-azo-azaborine chromophores by linking the two chromophores (azo and azaborine) together as easily tunable high-luminescent organic materials. We will investigate the impact of the azobenzene incorporation on the azaborine unit. We will investigate the effect of the addition of electron –donating and –withdrawing substituents on the core of azobenzene and its effect on the HOMO and LUMO energies to help in understanding their fluorescence tunability.