DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: Crystallizations of Nanoceria Extracted From a Soluble Borate Glass

Crystallizations of Nanoceria Extracted From a Soluble Borate Glass


Other Physics

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Research in bioactive glass has not yet reached its full potential because there is little data on emerging applications. We are currently investigating a glass that can be used as both a carrier and a creator of therapeutic nanoceria. We have obtained proof that cerium can exist in both trivalent Ce3+ (Ce2O3 -reduced) and tetravalent Ce4+ (CeO2-oxidized) states within the glass, with varying Ce3+/Ce4+ ratios, using X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy. This coexistence of Ce4+ and Ce3+ ions facilitate redox reactions which mimic the action of two key antioxidant enzymes, providing numerous health benefits. In this study, a soluble borate glass composition was doped with various amounts of cerium oxide and processed with various melting parameters to create cerium oxide nanoparticles with varying ratios of Ce3+/Ce4+embedded within the glass. These glass samples were then crushed down to obtain < 30µm size of glass powder, the soluble glass powders dissolved in DI water, and then centrifuged to extract the nanoparticles. Thermal characteristics of the extracted nanoceria were studied with un-doped borate glass as well as cerium doped glass powder using Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Doped and un-doped samples exhibited similar glass transitions. Doped glass samples and extracted nanoceria exhibited similar exothermic peaks that are not presented in un-doped samples, which indicate a possible crystallization of nanoceria.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

CSM - Physics

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Kisa Ranasinghe

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Crystallizations of Nanoceria Extracted From a Soluble Borate Glass

Research in bioactive glass has not yet reached its full potential because there is little data on emerging applications. We are currently investigating a glass that can be used as both a carrier and a creator of therapeutic nanoceria. We have obtained proof that cerium can exist in both trivalent Ce3+ (Ce2O3 -reduced) and tetravalent Ce4+ (CeO2-oxidized) states within the glass, with varying Ce3+/Ce4+ ratios, using X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy. This coexistence of Ce4+ and Ce3+ ions facilitate redox reactions which mimic the action of two key antioxidant enzymes, providing numerous health benefits. In this study, a soluble borate glass composition was doped with various amounts of cerium oxide and processed with various melting parameters to create cerium oxide nanoparticles with varying ratios of Ce3+/Ce4+embedded within the glass. These glass samples were then crushed down to obtain < 30µm size of glass powder, the soluble glass powders dissolved in DI water, and then centrifuged to extract the nanoparticles. Thermal characteristics of the extracted nanoceria were studied with un-doped borate glass as well as cerium doped glass powder using Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). Doped and un-doped samples exhibited similar glass transitions. Doped glass samples and extracted nanoceria exhibited similar exothermic peaks that are not presented in un-doped samples, which indicate a possible crystallization of nanoceria.