
Sammy KingFollow


Medicine and Health Sciences

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Production

Sammantha King

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, 30144

Medicine is an integral part of our daily lives. Drugs are necessary to help humans, and animals maintain health as well as prevent diseases, injury and relieve us of pain. The production of pharmaceuticals requires a substantial amount of research to create new drugs safely. However, the industry can be slow to put out data and new medicines due to slow investigation into target diseases and manufacturing difficulties. The following presentation will show how advances in science and technology improve the research and development process of pharmaceutical production.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

CSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Dr. Bharat Baruah, Dr. Ganesh Deka



Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Production

Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Production

Sammantha King

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, 30144

Medicine is an integral part of our daily lives. Drugs are necessary to help humans, and animals maintain health as well as prevent diseases, injury and relieve us of pain. The production of pharmaceuticals requires a substantial amount of research to create new drugs safely. However, the industry can be slow to put out data and new medicines due to slow investigation into target diseases and manufacturing difficulties. The following presentation will show how advances in science and technology improve the research and development process of pharmaceutical production.