DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University - Symposium of Student Scholars: KSU Mapping Project


Bailey WaltonFollow

Abstract (300 words maximum)

Kennesaw State University was founded in 1963 and officially started having on-campus classes on January 9th, 1967. Over the past 80 years, KSU has expanded to include more than 65 buildings between the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses. However, the additions of these buildings have been poorly documented and are not easily accessible. This research project has been conducted to provide access to the information of Kennesaw State’s campus history.

Over the past 6 months I have worked excessively, attempting to track down the dates of completion for every building on campus. With the assistance of Dr. Uli Ingram and the KSU archives, I have been able to document the building dates for most of the structures on campus. I hope this data will inspire others, like it has me, and provide students an easily accessible document accompanied by a visual timeline of the buildings being added.

Academic department under which the project should be listed

RCHSS - Geography & Anthropology

Primary Investigator (PI) Name

Uli Ingram



KSU Mapping Project

Kennesaw State University was founded in 1963 and officially started having on-campus classes on January 9th, 1967. Over the past 80 years, KSU has expanded to include more than 65 buildings between the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses. However, the additions of these buildings have been poorly documented and are not easily accessible. This research project has been conducted to provide access to the information of Kennesaw State’s campus history.

Over the past 6 months I have worked excessively, attempting to track down the dates of completion for every building on campus. With the assistance of Dr. Uli Ingram and the KSU archives, I have been able to document the building dates for most of the structures on campus. I hope this data will inspire others, like it has me, and provide students an easily accessible document accompanied by a visual timeline of the buildings being added.